View Full Version : Visual Migraine

31-01-20, 18:02
Any one else had one of these? I havent had one for three years and it has come on tonight.....really trying not to panic got a great big rainbow zigzag in my vision, it says they pass within an hour i have set a timer feels like an alien is blocking my view of everything xx

31-01-20, 18:29
They're harmless, at one point I had two in three hours. Absolutely no chance of it being anything else.

31-01-20, 18:33
Yep, Blue and I have replied about these loadsa times before - as we both get them. Sit in very dim light, lie down, wear sunglasses and the chances are it'll go within 20 minutes. Take it easy after that, as its possible you can get a run of them, which yet again we both have had.

31-01-20, 18:53
Yep. I usually get the rainbow zig-zag thing sometime after visual trailing.

How about visual trailing? Any of you get that too?

31-01-20, 19:08
I just had one a few weeks ago. They are the weirdest things.
Grateful I don't get the headache after

31-01-20, 19:46
Thanks guys I’m all good now but of a scare! Hope your all ok x

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31-01-20, 19:57
Oh it still freaks me too, I'll be perfectly honest, partly because I had a good few years gap before it started up again. I kind of forgot what it is and what happens, then another year gap - then a few in a row - then another gap.

01-02-20, 10:26
Oh it still freaks me too, I'll be perfectly honest, partly because I had a good few years gap before it started up again. I kind of forgot what it is and what happens, then another year gap - then a few in a row - then another gap.

That's exactly how it was for me, I had a few over the years, maybe one or two every second year or so. Then a couple of years ago I had a spate of them all close together, really freaked me out. I always get the headache after. I think it's linked to menopause and stress for me.

01-02-20, 10:30
Def, in my case linked to meno hormone changes! My pattern was/has been the same as you.

01-02-20, 11:50
So interesting!! I’m in a menopause state medically induced thanks for this xx

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01-02-20, 13:33
Def, in my case linked to meno hormone changes! My pattern was/has been the same as you.

Me too! I never in my life had one until menopause.

01-02-20, 13:52
AHhh seee there, we go, interesting. I had horrendous full on migraines in puberty and as a teenager, then they stopped. Now in late peri....the visual ones have restarted.

01-02-20, 14:28
AHhh seee there, we go, interesting. I had horrendous full on migraines in puberty and as a teenager, then they stopped. Now in late peri....the visual ones have restarted.

I had exactly the same during puberty it sucks not had these colourful zig zags until I was 29 now 31

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01-02-20, 19:01
I had them in my early 20’s for 3 winters and always attributed to glare. You just have to stop what you’re doing through them as if you try and power through you can get another one, and those are the worse.

01-02-20, 19:57
The first one scared thevhell out of me, although never comfortable I didnt get rattled after awhile.

I got one while at a funeral, told my cousin what was happening, looked over at her husband and said.. Bob, you have a halo over your head. My cousin burst out laughing.

Seriously when I looked at him the aura looked like a shimmery halo lol

02-02-20, 08:43
Yes the first one terrified me too - a work colleague marched me to A&E. I had private medical insurance then and got seen by a specialist quite quickly, I got the dye in my eyes and a thorough investigation and was diagnosed with visual migraines. I was given strong painkillers, but I never really got a headache with them - just a feeling of heaviness and maybe a dull ache the next day if I ignored the first one.