View Full Version : Woke up... blue light centre of vision!? Help

31-01-20, 21:39
Hey guys, feeling really really anxious today health wise. I woke up and noticed it was quite hot so instinctively I got out of bed and closed the blinds (using an electric button on other side of the room of the blinds). Then I went to brush my teeth in the bathroom without turning the light on since it was slightly lit from the next room, and as I was brushing my teeth I noticed a smudge on the handle and tried to brush it off, but there was nothing there. As I looked around I noticed that colour was in the centre of my vision - I could see through it, so it would just add a tinge of blue to everything right in the centre. Anyway, I then panicked and put my glasses on, and after about a minute it slowly faded and then I could only see it when I blinked fast, and now I can’t see it at all pretty sure? I’m only 23 btw :/

Could this be a brain tumour? I didn’t see anything when I closed my eyes so that makes me think it’s not my brain but my retina, but I’m still very anxious? Retinal detachment? I have short sightedness, so when I woke up and walked around without my glasses maybe I looked into a bright light outside, but usually if that happens I’ll see some bright flashy things or have a blind spot for a few minutes, not a weird faded blue tinge over the centre of my vision. Please help I’m really freaking out! I’m worrying that I woke up with it and just didn’t notice because I didn’t have my glasses on, but then again I doubt I could have missed it for those first 30 sec my eyes were open... help :(

It was like a light blue circle/rectangle shape in centre of vision (see through as I said)

01-02-20, 05:11
Anyone?? Freaking out :(

01-02-20, 09:22
Hey guys, feeling really really anxious today health wise. I woke up and straight away went to brush my teeth in the bathroom without turning the light on since it was slightly lit from the next room, and as I was brushing my teeth I noticed a smudge on the handle and tried to brush it off, but there was nothing there. As I looked around I noticed that colour was in the centre of my vision - I could see through it, so it would just add a tinge of blue to everything right in the centre. Anyway, I then panicked and put my glasses on, and after about a minute it slowly faded and then I could only see it when I blinked fast, and now I can’t see it at all pretty sure? I’m only 23 btw :/ It literally looked like a blue patch over the centre of my vision, so I could see through it, just a blue tinge, and it stayed in the same spot as I looked around.

Could this be a brain tumour? I didn’t see anything when I closed my eyes so that makes me think it’s not my brain but my retina, but I’m still very anxious? Retinal detachment? I have short sightedness, so when I woke up and walked around without my glasses maybe I looked into a bright light outside, but usually if that happens I’ll see some bright flashy things or have a blind spot for a few minutes, not a weird faded blue tinge over the centre of my vision. Please help I’m really freaking out! I’m worrying that I woke up with it and just didn’t notice because I didn’t have my glasses on, but then again I doubt I could have missed it for those first 30 sec my eyes were open... help :(

It was like a light blue circle/rectangle shape in centre of vision (see through as I said). Never had an afterimage that colour and also didn't really have a major trigger (except potentially the open blinds, but as I have bad vision and I was walking without glasses, I don't recall looking into any triggers).

Seriously freaking out something is wrong :(

01-02-20, 11:58

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


01-02-20, 21:49
Even now I swear if I look at a plain white surface like a wall, I can vaguely notice a blue patch in the centre. Of course yesterday morning it was much more obvious for about a minute or 2 where it was 'colouring' objects as I looked around. Now I'm worried that there's some permanent damage or something, but also then it just makes me think if this was always there and then triggered by something to be more prominent and then dissipated, or was it really just a normal after image? Because when I see the vague blue, if I focus on it, it becomes more pronounced (not at all like yesterday but I can definitely see something there) - is this MS!? (I've read it can cause blind/blurred spots in centre of vision, but not these blue 'patches'...) brain tumour!? so freaked out

01-02-20, 21:59
Why is nobody replying aaah :( Nobody ever experienced this? I only found one other thread where it was listed among other symptoms but not elaboration on the experience to confirm its the same or not!

01-02-20, 22:09
Why is nobody replying aaah

Perhaps because its a normal visual anomaly and your post history? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

02-02-20, 00:36
Perhaps because its a normal visual anomaly and your post history? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

I feel like my post history has improved a lot. The last 6 months were probably my best in terms of health anxiety. Some things popped up here and there, but nothing really worried me until now, so I just wish if anyone had experienced something similar or explain what it is then I would feel a lot better.

02-02-20, 05:20
I have had this happen many times. The other day I was in my garage and I had a purple light in my vision. I went to touch it lol, then noticed it moved with my eyes. I just shrugged it off, forgot about it and it must have faded, because it is no longer there. I have had this happen so many times though, I wouldn't get your big undies in a twist about it.