View Full Version : Feels Like Something Is Stuck in Throat

31-01-20, 21:53
Hello everyone,

Over the past few days, I have had a subtle but nagging feeling of something being stuck in my throat. I can breathe, eat, drink, and other stuff without any pain.

The only time my throat somewhat hurts is when I cough or make certain motions. I have been battling a minor cold the past couple days and I have been coughing quite a bit.

Also everytime I drink something I burp.

I wonder if there is trapped gas in my throat area or wherever. Could this be GERD?

The globus sensation slightly goes away whenever I burp quite a bit but doesnt completely go away.

Can GERD or refux or even anxiety cause these symptoms? Perhaps I am worrying too much

02-02-20, 08:15
From my experience, it came up as one of two things. GERD is one for sure (do you have it under control or diagnosed?) and the other thing that was giving me that feeling you got is post nasal drip. If you have allergies or nonallergic rhinitis (what I have) I have to use Flonase to keep it under control. If I don't I start going into coughing fits and waking up with snotty sore throats, and during the time it was uncontrolled I would often have these periods where it did feel like there was something in the back of my throat, where my tonsils were, and it was always on one side. I thought my tonsils were inflamed but my ENT said it's just post-nasal drip.

Don't feel too anxious about GERD - lots of people have it (including me) - it's a matter of diet to control that. I suggest talking to a gastro about that. They'll be able to do an endoscopy and check if you do have it. Takes maybe an hour out of your day, max. I too had like a day or two where I would burp nonstop, definitely a symptom of GERD, and mucus generation is also a symptom of GERD. A lot of that you can really chalk it up to either post nasal drip from an allergy or GERD.

But again, I'm not a doctor, I suggest seeing an ENT and a gastro. GERD is easier to treat if you take care of it earlier - the medication for it is much more effective if you can nip it in the bud.