View Full Version : Pregnant and heart anxiety is raging

02-02-20, 02:39
I've battled with heart fears for years. A combination of Lexapro and a beta blocker, with exercise and some significant weight loss last year (30lbs), had everything under control. Now I'm 12 weeks pregnant and can't take my meds. My blood pressure is borderline high at the doctor so I'm checking daily at home and it's okay here, but my resting heart rate has gone through the roof. Now, the past few days, I'm feeling lots of tension across my chest and upper back when I'm exercising, really tight muscles. That with my racing heart is freaking me out. I can even hear my heartbeat in my ears. Could something be wrong? My OB wants me to see my cardiologist since I haven't had a checkup since getting pregnant but my cardiologist can't see me for almost two full months. I'm panicking and don't know how to handle this for 6 more months.

02-02-20, 02:47
Did you OB tell you that you had to stop your meds? I just googled and it looks like beta blockers are safe during pregnancy. I also know many people who continued with their antidepressants. I don't know about Lexapro, but I do know my friend took Zoloft throughout her entire pregnancy. I would speak to your doctor about this because cutting off meds like that suddenly while also facing hormonal changes and the overall stress of pregnancy seems really intense! There are definitely things you can do and medications you can take to maintain your mental health throughout pregnancy.

05-02-20, 02:04
I just posted about my heart fears coming back with a vengeance now that I'm pregnant and off my anxiety meds. Today at work, out of nowhere, I started feeling a weird tight pressure between my left armpit and breast. Kind of felt like it was going acrosd my chest. My left hand felt numb, too. I ate a snack and drank some water and hoped it would go away. I went to the gym for a quick 20 minute HIIT circuit thinking that could help work it out if it was muscular. Now I'm home in the bathtub and swear it's coming back. I don't even know how to describe it. A tight, dull pressure just sitting there, like I need to move and work it out but that doesn't do anything. Checked my blood pressure and it's a little high. I've had heart anxiety for over 10 years now but I swear this feeling is new. Anyone else experience this before? What else could even cause a pain like that in that area?

05-02-20, 22:53
I hardly slept last night. Every time I dosed off, I'd wake almost instantly with a racing heart and feeling missed beats. This morning I was touring a daycare and got dizzy, clammy, and had tunnel vision. Had to sit down for a couple minutes. Later in the day I've had a couple incidents of shooting pains in between my shoulder blades. Trying to take a nap now and feel my heart fluttering like crazy. Just when I dose off I awake with a pounding heart. My heart rate is 110+ just sitting here. My blood pressure was 140/80ish this morning. I took a first dose of my new pregnancy-safe beta blocker this morning and haven't felt any different.

06-02-20, 03:28
Strangely enougt I have had this EXACT symptom since Saturday. I've had a cough and I think it may be related, but I also think it is mostly anxiety. Mine has spread now over the past few days from that location through my shoulder and down my arm and now it is also moving to the other side. I'm actually going to the doctor tomorrow for my cough and a med refill and planned to mention it. I'll tell you what she says about the pain. But, I do think it's most likely from tension/anxiety.

06-02-20, 05:06
I hope all is well with you. If I didn't have the other symptoms I wouldn't be so concerned. But the racing heart, elevated blood pressure, etc is worrying me. And the clammy, dizzy spell I had earlier today.

06-02-20, 14:02
I hope all is well with you. If I didn't have the other symptoms I wouldn't be so concerned. But the racing heart, elevated blood pressure, etc is worrying me. And the clammy, dizzy spell I had earlier today.

I have had all of those other symptoms, too, (other than blood pressure because I have no way to take mine) which I attributed to panic.

06-02-20, 17:39
Have you seen your doctor yet? I was able to see my GP this morning. She did an EKG which showed "borderline rhythm" but she said that's normal for me. My blood pressure was 136 over 60 something by the time I left. She got my cardiologist appointment moved up to Monday, too (when I called to schedule they said they couldn't see me til the end of March). Trying to relax since she obviously felt comfortable enough to send me home but I'm still tense across my chest and back.

06-02-20, 18:25
Have you seen your doctor yet? I was able to see my GP this morning. She did an EKG which showed "borderline rhythm" but she said that's normal for me. My blood pressure was 136 over 60 something by the time I left. She got my cardiologist appointment moved up to Monday, too (when I called to schedule they said they couldn't see me til the end of March). Trying to relax since she obviously felt comfortable enough to send me home but I'm still tense across my chest and back.

I did see my doctor this morning. She said it seems like muscle or nerve pain from coughing. My heart and lungs sounded fine. I don't get high blood pressure at the doctor, so mine was 110/70. I can really feel mine tighten up when I start to (a) think about it or (b) feel anxious. I'm sure yours is a product of your anxiety, especially since the doctor did not seem overly worried. I'm glad she got your appointment moved up so you can have some piece of mind!

Also, being pregnant changes your body so much! Your hormones are out of whack, you're literally doubling your blood supply to accommodate the baby and, you know, growing a human being inside you.

Oh - and one thing that happens when you're pregnant is that your body produces a hormone called relaxin that is produced specifically to make your bones and ligaments relax so you can get the baby out of you. It's a very common cause of pregnancy-related aches and pains.

06-02-20, 20:17

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