View Full Version : Recurrent nostril sore

02-02-20, 17:47
Hi everyone! I wonder if anyone can help me. I have severe health anxiety and had to attend the breast clinic last week due to breast pain. Thankfully I got the all clear and was so relieved. Instead of now being happy and relieved I’ve managed to focus on a recurrent problem I’ve had in my right nostril. For the last 8 years or so I’ve had a white sore pimple appear in the same spot inside my right nostril. It goes away but will then reappear after a few months. The area remains red but not sore and then a white pimple will reappear. I have become obsessed with this now and convinced myself I have nasal cancer! Please help!

02-02-20, 18:20
and convinced myself I have nasal cancer!

How have you managed to do that?

02-02-20, 19:08
For the last 8 years or so

I have become obsessed with this now and convinced myself I have nasal cancer! Please help!

You would be quite dead by now.

Even if it were the slowest growing cancer you'd at least have no nose.

02-02-20, 19:10
I keep trying to convince myself I'm rich. What's the secret to doing so? ;)

Positive thoughts

02-02-20, 19:14
You gotta keep it clean. Swab it each night with a ear swab with peroxide on it.

02-02-20, 19:21
I keep trying to convince myself I'm rich. What's the secret to doing so? ;)

Positive thoughts

Wow, imagine if we used the energy we waste on HA to do something constructive.

02-02-20, 20:08
Well I know that sores which don’t heal and keep recurring can be a sign of cancer!

02-02-20, 20:11
Well I know that sores which don’t heal and keep recurring can be a sign of cancer!

That's a pretty weak argument after 8 years. Even the dragon is going "Nope".... ;)

Positive thoughts

02-02-20, 22:47
Well I know that sores which don’t heal and keep recurring can be a sign of cancer!

What would you tell me if I posted this?

02-02-20, 23:46
Have you not asked a doctor in 8 years?

04-02-20, 17:06
I did see a doctor about it 2 years ago and she gave me some cream for it which cleared it up but it comes back every so often - hence the anxiety!

04-02-20, 20:36
What would you tell me if I posted this?

^^^^ ???

04-02-20, 20:57
I have a friend who has squamous cell carcinoma (cancer) inside her nose and the warty growth came on over 6 months. Despite ointment from her Dr (and misdiagnosis) the legion did not heal. If you've had something going on for 8 years then it's not cancer, it's likely a blocked sebaceous pore which erupts from time to time. However maybe see your Dr for some different medication.