View Full Version : My lifeline

03-10-07, 18:55
As some of you know, I dont go into my own town, for various reasons, but I am now OK going lots of places as long as I have my car for safety, so i can go home whenever I want.
Today I saw my car being hooked up on the back of a tow truck, being taken away, no idea what is wrong, its only 3 years old but seems completely dead.
I went into a panic straight away and feel awful, have cried ever since,I have to contact the garage tommorow, but when i rang tonight, he could not shed much light onto it,

03-10-07, 19:02
Hi Alexis

Sorry to hear this :weep:

I am sure they will soon find out what is wrong with it and get it back to you good as new.:yesyes:

What sort of car and age is it?

03-10-07, 19:07
Hi Nic, its a Ka and plate is 04, so not an old carxx

03-10-07, 19:13
Aww well I hope they can sort it out for you hun - expensive things cars arn't they. :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

03-10-07, 19:24
I guess it is out of warranty now then as well?

03-10-07, 21:43
I'm so sorry this has happened Alexis as I know how much you rely on your car. Is it possible for you to rent one via your car insurance while they fix yours? We do that over here because it is virtually impossible to go anywhere without a car. I do hope they get it fixed soon.

Love and many hugs,


04-10-07, 10:24
Sorry to hear this Alexis :hugs:

I rely on my car too due to my illnesses and now have a blue disabled badge too and wouldn't be able to get out without it.

Any new yet on what's wrong and when you'll get it back?

Karen xx

04-10-07, 16:55
Hi Alexis

Hugs to you, hopefully you will have a better explanation when you call tomorrow. I am the exact same about my car as it too is my lifeline, it went in for its MOT on Monday and failed and had to be kept in the garage until the Tuesday, I was quite distraught. It did cost quite a bit but it worth it in the end to get it back. Are you able to get help to get around in the meantime?

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

04-10-07, 22:46
Hi Piglet, yes expensive although mine has been cost free until now, except for the usual things etc.
Hi nic, yes out of warranty now,
Hi Laura lovely to hear form you, thanks for support.
Hi Karen, hope you doing oK, think and read about you often, thanks for concern.
Hi darkangel, sorry it failed but glad things ok now.
Well I now have my car back, not sure what is happening, I was not asked to pay, as the guy was not convinced the problem was solved, it was started via jump off, eventually, but no one knows what noise was at time.
He has given me his number to ring 24/7. everything was fine until I had a cd fitted, then got flat battery a couple times since, but it was the noise this week, battery was not flat initially,I just sat in it for 30 mins once i got it bac k,, not convinced things are ok but at least he said that too, doesnt fob off with false hopes, thanks to you all,xx

05-10-07, 02:26

I'm glad you are now mobile again and am glad the wait wasn't toooo long.

It is so annoying that these other things go wrong and then we have to pay for what is really a fault!

Take Care :)

07-10-07, 23:04
Well once again im immobile, its just died exactly the same as before. Will try to jump start tomorrow, work late monday and tuesday so could really do with it, hate walking home in dark!
Perhaps if I could get to Wed, I could take it to garage then, I only left it 30 hours this time, I hate this!!
Havent got money for expensive bills, so was hoping it was minor, booked a holiday for a week away, knew it was a mistake, tempting fate, should try to save up!

07-10-07, 23:09
Ohh not good mate

I put something away each month for repairs like this - just needed a new back end of exhaust on mine - £80!!!

It all adds up doesn't it?

07-10-07, 23:25
Sadly I dont get any spare money now, due to paying single handedly high mortgage etc, and also had to re open the divorce files to sort something extra out too, I have scraped every penny for holiday, working lots of hours etc,havent had hair done since dont know when, all basic foods etc, but at least i get on holiday which I appreciate is more than a lot, I feel the need when cant go out here,
Yes things do add up, so far Im fortunate as cost nothing, just wish knew what problem was , then could get sorted, instead of going to car everytime wondering if it will be flat or not, (just had it started by a friend jumping it)in one way Im hoping it is flat tomorrow, as Ive never jump started it, but have been shown how, so would like to get first try over with to prove to me i CAN do it!!

07-10-07, 23:26
Hi Alexis

Sorry to hear of the probems you are having with your car:hugs: :hugs:

I asked my hubby what he thought maybe the probelm, hes quite good with car problems, his first instinct was the battery, but told him you had been told it wasnt that, he says it could possibly be the new CD player which you had fitted, if its been fitted incorrectly it will be "shorting to earth" which would make the battery flat. Could you ask someone to check to see if it is wired in properly??

Hope my post as been of help, and hope you get it sorted soon.:hugs: :hugs:

07-10-07, 23:49
Hi Thanks Andrea, I was wondering that myself, but the guy who fit it has done many, and I take front cover off, may mean nothing i dont know,,, when i turn it over it doesnt go, and there is a noise and then goes dead except for a ticking noise, then dead completely, been told prob starter motor what does hubby think of that, my battery does go flat, but not until after the problem of not starting.
My garage man is wonderful, but obviously cant diagnose as not heard noise, thanksxxxx

08-10-07, 00:01
Alexis:hugs: :hugs:

He says if it just makes a clicking noise when you turn the key to start engine it is more likely to be the starter motor, but still thinks its weired how its started since you had the CD fitted:shrug: its unusal for starter motor problems with KA though at such a young age, my mum and niece have a Ka and havent had any probs with starter motor and they are alot older than yours!


08-10-07, 00:17
Hi Andrea, yes I was surprised to be suffering problems so early too, the guy who is dealing with it, is the guy who sold it to me, as he said, he bought car in part exchange, I never even got a manual, he is super though,and I will mention cd player again, may ask him to dismantle for a while, just to eliminate it,,the guy who fitted cd player has done loads, but once he got in to work out why my radio cassette wasnt working,he found it was all cut wires, we think the previous one was stollen, he went on to fit the little plastic bits,
I love my ka, and know once this is sorted it will be good as new, I really appreciate your help and give my many thanks to hubby.xxx

08-10-07, 00:23

Well i hope you get it sorted quickly and to dismantle the wires shouldnt cost much to eliminate that problem, i no what its like myself when you dont have a car:weep: .

love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

08-10-07, 00:25
Thanks Andrea, got a late night tommorow, and an early start,must go bed now, for a few hours,will post if anything different tommorow night, deffo got a problem that will peak, so many thanks for your help, and hubbys too, xx

08-10-07, 11:25

I had a CD player fitted and it kept draining my battery. What I do now is take the relevant fuse out of the box when the car is going to be stationary for a while. This stops the battery going flat. Try that and see how it works.


08-10-07, 11:50
So Sorry to hear your having so many probs with the car hun. I just want to let you know that I'm Thinking Of You. Hope it gets sorted soon hun.:hugs:


Take Care,

Love & Wishes,
Pip's X X X X

08-10-07, 22:21
Hi Sheena thanks, will try that, Pips thanks too for thoughts, lovely to hear from you, well Ive had to jump start it each time ive gone to it today,I have rung the garage and although he offered to do it straight away I asked if it would be ok to keep starting and use until Wed.I dont want to walk home in dark streets at night, he said that be fine,just hoping cost is a minimum,thanks again all,xxx

08-10-07, 22:24
Alexis:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

hope its sorted for you soon hun:hugs:


09-10-07, 01:43
I hope it is sorted soon Alexis and it doesn't cost you too much :hugs:

Karen xx

09-10-07, 23:26
Thanks all, goes in tommorow night, only got to get me to work in morn and home in eve and to garage, so three more jump starts, feeling scared, think it going to be big problem, big price, but try to stay positive. Will update once I know, xxx

10-10-07, 23:58
Keep looking out my window for my ""little lifeline""

11-10-07, 04:33
Is it sorted Alexis? :hugs:

Karen xx

11-10-07, 20:23
Hi Karen, thanks, i cannot believe it, its not started since saturday, on its own, so I was convinced it would be easier to sort the problem, now it was completely gone, so I dropped it off last night,but when my mecanic rung at lunchtime, he said it had started first time!!
Bit like going to Dr with a pain, but after waiting three weeks for appointment the pain has gone,
Anyway, I have a new battery and have to run it and see yet again, if anyhting else appears and it was not that, he will refund the money, he really is a genuine man, first bill Ive paid in a year.
I am a bit panicky as I have a busy week, then am on holiday and go away, but at least I know how to start it now, and have to believe it IS just the battery, thanks again,

11-10-07, 21:14
Hi Alexis

Will keep my crossed for you hun that the problem is now fixed.:hugs: Glad to hear you have got the car back.


12-10-07, 22:54
I'm also glad you got your car back and hope the problem was the battery. Have a great holiday Alexis. I have missed talking to you.


Laura xxx

13-10-07, 13:20
Hi Alexsis

It's good news if it was just the battery. Is it still running ok? I hope so. I know you rely on it.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Karen xx

13-10-07, 13:29

Piglet :flowers: