View Full Version : Are these night sweats? If so, should I be concerned?

03-02-20, 23:41
Hi everyone,

Since last week I have been having some mild perspiration on my legs when sleeping. It is certainly not drenching but my legs do feel moist. Yesterday night the back of my neck was also sweaty along with my legs. It got me really freaked out. I later learned that these could be night sweats and night sweats can be due to an underlying medical disorder like lymphoma or Leukemia. Of course I am quite concerned as this has happened for 4 days in a row now. I also got my period today. Hoping it’s just that.. Please help

04-02-20, 00:22
That's not night sweats. Been there done that. When you soak the sheets clear through to the mattress and you can literally wring the sheets and have sweat pour off of them, then I'd be concerned.

Positive thoughts

04-02-20, 22:33
Hiyer Katniss, whats your age ? It certainly does sound like you could be getting mild nightsweats - but - you then added that it was the 4 days before your period. So, therefore, my guess would be the most likely reason is the hormonal changes that occur (with all the female sex hormones low before the period starts). Is this something you have had before running up to your period ? I personally do for 3-4 days before mine and feel stuffy and hot all night and I do get mild ones and more exceptionally 'soaking' ones the night before the period starts. The more soaking ones have started happening for me in the last year or so as I'm close to meno. Night sweats can start in mid 30's onwards for women having them premenstrually. Keep an eye on the pattern, for a month or so - if they've stopped with your period starting then I reckon you know what the cause is - if not then go chat to your GP I reckon.

Taken from 'healthline' -

Night sweats often happen with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (https://www.healthline.com/health/premenstrual-syndrome), though they can also occur after your period starts.

Your hormones fluctuate as a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Specifically, changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can contribute to PMS symptoms, including hot flashes (https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/understanding-hot-flashes) and night sweats.
As progesterone levels increase, estrogen levels decrease. This drop can affect your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that controls internal temperature.
As a result, your brain may respond more readily to even slight temperature changes and send signals telling your body to cool you off by sweating, even if it isn’t necessary.

04-02-20, 23:19
I’m 32.

And, no, I have never had them running upto my period before. I did have them after pregnancy though. Literally the week after I gave birth.

I don’t know if they are true night sweats as I keep reading that for them to be medically significant they should be drenching. I’m just worried that could be wrong though. Last night I had a night sweat on my chest, not legs. I kept waking up with soooo much anxiety. I’m so afraid of sleeping now. I know that anxiety by itself could cause these as well :(

05-02-20, 08:29
Look, you know what, your body temperature falls and rises throughout your cycle, and maybe you are a bit warmer running up to your period this time. Lets not say 'night sweat' then, lets say you are warmer than usual and anxious, and your body is trying to keep cool by sweating. Tonight - wear something cooler and have better room ventilation and see how you get on. I still maintain that keeping a log of this is a good way forward. I don't think there is a sinister reason behind this at all !! (just to add - anxiety as a state of mind can not only cause feeling hotter, it can cause hormonal changes which can cause you to feel hotter/have sweats, so you have a double whammy there)

05-02-20, 13:37
Thank you Carys. I had it again last night unfortunately. I am so afraid of them that it takes me a little while to sleep. Yesterday night it happened once and again on my chest. I know my *real* night sweats happen on my legs because I got them after pregnancy. I also got them a week leading up to my period. But this time with my chest being wet it’s just the strangest thing. Could it really just be anxiety?

05-02-20, 13:56
This time google actually happened. Found This excerpt by a doctor: However, in my experience the most common cause is anxiety. In these cases, the sweating tends to be confined to the head, neck and upper chest rather than the whole body.