View Full Version : will I have this forever?

04-10-07, 01:57
Hi, I'm Kyra. I have health anxiety with obsessive-compulsive tendencies (bit of a mouth full!) and I have been suffering from this for about five months. I have six or seven panic attacks a day, and they seem to be endless and absolutely terrifying. I have anxiety attacks in between which doesn't help and I'm desperate for all this to stop. I get even more terrified when I have a panic attack because I'll zero in on my raised heart rate and convince myself I'm having a heart attack. Right now, because it's almost two in the morning and I'm really tired I wont sleep because I think I'll have an aneurism during the night and I wont wake tommorow. I can rationalise as much as I can because I know it's not real, there's a very slim chance of it happening and even if it did, I couldn't do anything, but it just wont quit. I'm waiting on my doctor's okay to get Seredyn but honestly, I can't wait much longer. I wont have this for the rest of my life will I?

04-10-07, 02:13
First of all welcome to n.m.p., you have come to the right place.I too am a sufferer of anxiety, but over the years have been trying to control mine with self help books, my g.p. is helpful too, but sometimes all of anxiety can be controlled without meds, i practise deep breathing, relaxation c.d,s yoga, all these things do help. Just to let you know you are not alone ,and everyone here know what your going through, do,nt give up. as for will i have this forever, that is up to you.:hugs::hugs:

04-10-07, 02:38
Hello Kyra,
I'm quite new here myself!

It's most important to remember that ALL our worries are created by our minds and that our bodies are reacting to our anxious thoughts making us feel ill which then reinforces our original worrying thought.

This vicious cycle will continue round and round. However, once we learn to train our minds not to focus on a worry then the cycle is broken and the symptoms that make us feel ill stop.

The main tip I can give you is as soon as you get a worrying thought, DON'T focus on it or try to rationalise it because you'll go round in circles keeping your anxiety alive.
Distract your mind away from it by doing something you enjoy. I know it will feel hard to do but once you do, then the thought will gradually go and your body won't react.

So in answer to your question, No One need suffer from anxiety to the extent that they feel ill for the rest of their lives because there ARE ways to control it by altering our thinking patterns and by learning coping techniques.

Honestly, I know because I used to feel as you are now but I've learnt how to control it. I realise it seems impossible but ANYONE CAN conquer it with the right methods. I Really DO Know this and not just because of my own experiences but because others I know have also been there but are now coping ok without medication.

Believe in yourself and you WILL get there :hugs:

Elly 2
04-10-07, 10:06
Hi Kyria
You won't have this forever. I too am suffering badly at the moment. I am undergoing various tests to rule out serious problems but so far they have all come back negative. I get really bad chest pain and am so frightened when it comes on badly because I think something awful is going to happen to me. But guess what?.............. NOTHING HAS. Even though nothing has, it doesn't stop me totally freaking out when it is bad and I do try to deep breathe and relax but when it is happening it's so difficult to be rational, hang in there, nothing awful will happen I promise you. My thoughts are with you

06-10-07, 14:52
Hi Kyra

i was diagnosed with exactly same as you Health anxiety and a bit of PTSD and OCD. The OCD only comes in when anxiety is high. I was scared out of my mind with fear of having some sort of serious illnes. First cause have IBS though had stomach cancer , then lymphoma, the breast cancer, then ovarian cancer, then lymphoma again ...driving me insane with constant checking for lumps...(would love to hear if any one else does this ..am i the only one)

Over the last 3 weeks have gotton a relief from it. Lots of cognitive work and the best thing i found was an email buddy - and we email each other a few times a day and all of a sudden we are both getting better when we neve though we cwouyld You can too.

its just your negative thoughts leading to creating a feeling leading to anxiety. To test this think of the happiness day of your life, eyes closed and fuly imagine it for 5 mins...how do you feel? See thought and memeories create feelings. It is your thughts creating the feeling of anxiety. The hard thing is stopping the mind chatter .....keep a journal and write it down, get a psychologist and do some Cognitive behavious therapy and an email buudy.

i am here if you need someone

You can do this