View Full Version : Back after many years

04-02-20, 15:06
Hello all I’ve read on this forum many times over the last several years but can’t remember if I ever posted a message or not but hello to you all .Its great to read so many similar stories from people which again confirms that it is indeed anxiety and not something else !
But I know just saying that doesn’t make it any easier lol
Why have I decided to start posting here well I’ve had problems with my mental health for years now probably started around the last 15 years and very severe for the last four or five years which I just can’t seem to shift .
I suffer from panic attacks out of the blue sometimes just from talking to people I get mini panic attacks ,neck stiffens up head tingles and I get really bad headaches ,
At the moment I’m absoluted murdered with heartburn as you all know increases with stress ,had two endoscopys all normal !

Took ppis for years stopped after hearing from consulant one year ago that I didn’t probably need them ,heartburn so bad still ,problems swallowing water etc
I’m sitting now and my head is buzzing ,like static sensation hard to describe ,this has plagued me for the last few years just won’t go away for good !Pain seems to run all up my spine and effect my head ,brain feels like it’s being zapped with electric ,skin burns jaw tension neck pain etc
Like many of you I would have been at the doctor a couple of times per week at my worst ,on the phone paranoid thinking I’d all sorts of illnesses and conditions !Dr google is still a problem for me !
I just can’t seem to shake this anxiety I thought I’d cracked it last year being able to go on holiday and didn’t take as much as a paracetamol !
Fast forward afew months and I’m on all sorts of medication again !
Been diagnosed in the past with generalised anxiety disorder hypochondriacal disorder harmful misuse of alcohol and post traumatic stress disorder.
A lot of these conditions seem to overlap and I’m wondering is anyone in a similar position ?
I’m confused as I am currently according to what I’ve read being treated for one condition in particular as the main driver according to the Psychiatrist.
In one of the reports some of the other disorders I have mentioned where missing from the reports that were in other psychiatric reports and I’m abit confused as to why this is ,
I am sick to the back teeth and just looking to see what has helped others take the bloody edge off of things for dear sake lol
Sorry this was long im looking forward to hearing from others here

04-02-20, 15:15
Hiya Guzzler and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

04-02-20, 18:58
Thanks for the reply ,is there anywhere this could be reposted maybe in the symptoms section by an admin ?

04-02-20, 22:24
HI GUzzler - just copy and paste it across I would suggest into the section you think most appropriate. It will certainly be seen by more people that way. :yesyes:

05-02-20, 21:49
feel free to repost in the symptoms forum :)