View Full Version : Yet more missed beats

04-10-07, 06:36
Hi Guys

Well i'm sitting here at work and was thinking how much better I was feeling about these pesky missed/extra beats and thinking how I had not had as many as normal and wham, they started with a vengeance again :weep:

I am trying to ignore them but it gets awfully hard and it just leaves you thinking what the! :shrug: why have they started again.

Just gets so frustrating

thanks guys

04-10-07, 09:15
hi tracy

i get them every day as many many people do to

you sead you were sat thinking abut them ell i would bet that this is why they started mine do as soon as i think of them they start but i am sure you will be fine

jodie x

richard sharp
04-10-07, 14:07
yea there naff and it takes a while to get your head round them but theres usually some buildup in tension in your subconcience and they will go as you relax.
take care, richard

05-10-07, 02:50
Hi Jodie & Richard

thanks for your replies, you know it really does help to know i'm not alone. Yep i get them every day also Jodie. Sometimes I can ignore them and not let panic take hold, other days i just think i should go off to the ER room etc and that thought scares me even more. Gosh they suck BIG TIME!

Thanks for your replies guys, you're stars


10-10-07, 22:53
hi tracy

i get them every day as many many people do to

you sead you were sat thinking abut them ell i would bet that this is why they started mine do as soon as i think of them they start but i am sure you will be fine

jodie x
I also ge tthem everyday,some are little and some feel big the bigger ones make me think my hearts gonna stop .Not nice at all!!!

12-10-07, 01:51
Hi thanks guys

I had them really badly yesterday. Had a terrible bout in the morning then they came back on at teatime. Felt like my heart had just gone crazy, beating fast, missing beats, extra beats felt like it was popping all over the place. I woke up in the night and wham there they were again. I got the churning stomach etc and that just made them worse. I ended up waking my husband and laying on his chest so i could hear his heart beat instead of concentrating on mine. Managed to fall asleep then because i couldn't feel anything from my heart :(

Gosh its so bizarre and bewildering.


12-10-07, 02:03
Hello again Tracy,
............................and I bet when you woke you'd been having a nightmare!?!?...ah, but you may not remember you were having one!

Well, if we're anxious by day with troubling thoughts, our subconscious will raise them again at night through dreams.

Also, if you're on any medication, bad dreams etc are often a side-effect. I had Terrible nightmares waking screaming outloud when I was on Seroxat.

Anyway, I doubt it was the palpitations that woke you, rather the troubles in your mind that created them and woke you. :winks:

You really need a relaxation technique and to learn not to worry and focus on the palpitations. :)

12-10-07, 02:10
Hi again Bill

Yes you are so right. I know when i woke it was raining and blowing a gale (wouldn't believe i was in Australia would you lol). I know i have always been a bit funny with extreme weather so whether i was nervous about that also not sure.

I need to learn to relax or try and find a way not to let the panic rise. Its like when i don't have the missed beats etc i am constantly monitoring waiting for them, then i get one and think they won't stop. Next thing i know they're every couple of beats.

Gosh i'm off again rambling, sorry about that. I'll try and do some deep breathing

thanks again Bill

12-10-07, 03:04
Hello Tracy,
I think we've got your weather here! What an upside down world it is! :D
I know when something frightens us we tend to wait and then focus on it. You need to de-sensitise yourself from them and try to say to yourself.."oh well, they're back again...so what!" attitude.

I wondered if people realise that palpitations (rapid and irregular heart beats) are a common side effect of medications so the medication can actually increase the anxiety symptoms because the palpitations feel more pronounced. Always check the leaflet if it happens and consult the doctor about changing to another medication. After all, pronounced palpitations are hardly going to help!

I'm not saying this is the case with you Tracy. I don't know if you're even taking meds. It's just something everyone should be aware of.

Hope you have a better day today Tracy and the sun shines on you!:hugs:

12-10-07, 03:50
hi Bill

Yes my sister told me the weather over in the UK, i think we have swapped lol. To think i moved here because of the weather lol.

I do take medication. I take Inderal 40mg twice a day. Have taken them for many years.

Well you have yourself a lovely day (its probably night there though at the minute lol).

Take care and thanks once again
