View Full Version : Oral cancer this time...

05-02-20, 10:50
A worry is put to sleep and another takes its place.
Three weeks ago I went to my dentist and found out my inferior wisdom teeth are popping out (yay, I'm an adult now)
She said she will need an rx of my mouth to look at how they're positioned in my mouth, but that from what she can see, they need to go (at least the ones on the inferior arch)
I was good, not particularly scared.
This was on a Thursday 16th. Days later I accidentally bumped my face on a door🙄 exactly where the superior labial frenulum of the mouth is. No blood, just hurt but thought nothing of it.
Then, last thurstady I was brushing my teeth and saw something strange.
There is a strange skin tag protruding from the upper frenulum.. It doesn't hurt, it is mobile when I move it, it is like a tag attached directly to the frenulum and made of the same "substance" of the gum. It has the same color too.

I had my x rays the day after and nothing showed up, just the wisdom teeth that are in fact showing up and the subsequent inflammation of the inferior gum. Nothing more.
Now I have to wait my appointment next Thursday, but I'm scared of what this thing could be.
Of course the first thing I thought was cancer....
So, I'm in this rabbit hole again...

05-02-20, 11:41
You have been seen by a dentist and they would have spotted cancer so it can't be that. Please don't go down the rabbit hole again.

05-02-20, 13:48
You have been seen by a dentist and they would have spotted cancer so it can't be that. Please don't go down the rabbit hole again.

Thanks for your reply. I don't think there was this bump when I went to the dentist. It appeared after I bumped on the door with my face. I don't know what it is

05-02-20, 14:45
It appeared after I bumped on the door with my face. I don't know what it is

Kiko just for a moment pretend you read the above sentences.... and you did not write them.

How would you respond??

05-02-20, 16:48
Kiko just for a moment pretend you read the above sentences.... and you did not write them.

How would you respond??

I know but I keep thinking "what if?"...

05-02-20, 17:02
Turn the what if into so what.

05-02-20, 17:03
I know but I keep thinking "what if?"...

I'm sorry but you didn't answer me.

How would you respond?

05-02-20, 17:50
I'm sorry but you didn't answer me.

How would you respond?

Sorry... I would say that this bubble is due to the trauma, maybe, but I'm not a dentist 😅

05-02-20, 17:52
Thanks for your reply. I don't think there was this bump when I went to the dentist. It appeared after I bumped on the door with my face. I don't know what it is

Sorry... I would say that this bubble is due to the trauma, maybe, but I'm not a dentist 😅

I see you think it's funny.

Me too

05-02-20, 19:09
I'm not particularly scared, I think I'm just tired... Tired of every new symptom that keeps popping out every week, month or so 😅 I'm tired

05-02-20, 19:21
I'm not particularly scared, I think I'm just tired... Tired of every new symptom that keeps popping out every week, month or so 😅 I'm tired

Then what does "I'm in this rabbit whole again" mean ?

06-02-20, 04:19
Then what does "I'm in this rabbit whole again" mean ?

Because, even if I'm not particularly scared, I keep checking it, I keep googling in my free time or before I go to sleep. So I'm not terrified but it is always there, in the back of my mind. And I'm just tired of this.

06-02-20, 04:30
I keep googling in my free time or before I go to sleep.

That's just plain stupid.

06-02-20, 04:56
You need to take responsibility, Kiko, and stop indulging in these self-destructive behaviours.

06-02-20, 06:22
You need to take responsibility, Kiko, and stop indulging in these self-destructive behaviours.

I think I'm doing better, actually. I'm waiting patiently for my appointment and not rushing to the ER in tears (things I would have done years ago)...years ago I wold call sick and stay at home from work and I'm not doing it.
I'm an anxious person. There is not escaping it, or "curing" it. I learned that it is not possible. It is just how I am. I worry. I'm a nervous person, I can make it better, but not cure it completely. I don't have panic attacks in almost a year now, I consider it an accomplishment.
I don't even Google so much anymore, because I'm too busy with work. As I said I'm not even so scared this time, but of course a little preoccupation is in the back of my mind, because I'll always be an anxious person. I'm just saying it is tiring sometimes.

13-02-20, 09:08
Going right now... Hope everything is allright!

13-02-20, 20:57
How did it go?

15-02-20, 01:57
Isn't it awesome when they don't come back and update?

Kind of rude actually

19-02-20, 07:03
Sorry if I didn't come back straight away. I always do but I had a couple of busy days.
I apparently broke my frenulum.
That's it. No need for surgery, no need for further treatment.
I wanted to clarify something...
I didn't expect oral cancer. Onestly, I didn't. I knew it was merely an injure.
What was I trying to say was that I'm tired of symptoms popping out and that some part of my brain keeps saying "what if it is cancer this time?"
No matter how good I feel, no matter how rational I am, it keeps trying to take me back in a very dark place.
And I'm tired of it.
Don't know if it is just how I'm, or if something is really messed up upstairs.
I don't know.
I know why I have health anxiety, tho.
It gives me control.
It is a "simple" anxiety. It is a simple problem to solve. I go to the doctor and the anxiety disappears.
I don't have much control over my life.
I have a really big family, "my big, fat greek wedding" kind of family.
They're literally everywhere, I'm never alone, I have no control, no freedom.
Health anxiety gives me control over my body, at least.
But if I learned something from my experience it is that nobody can help you. At the end of the day, it is only you and your messed up brain.
Don't expect so much help from the outside, try to accept yourself for what you are and keep going on.
People don't really know what's going on. Even you don't really know what's going on inside your head!
Things do get better. Maybe not all of them, but you will find balance.
PS: sorry, I had to vent a little bit :)