View Full Version : Health anxiety and large cyst

05-02-20, 15:15
I’ve had a lump on my shoulder for about 4 years slowly getting bigger, I finally showed it to a dr who said it was a cyst and they would remove it however whilst waiting it became infected and it is now large ( an inch and a half across) and squidgy when it was previously firm and its red and tender. I’ve had antibiotics that didn’t seem to do much and the doctor said it would probably stay inflamed now until it is removed. Quite a few doctors have seen it now as I’ve been back and forwards and they all say it isn’t concerning but I don’t seem to be able to get the idea out of my head that when it is removed it will come back as something nasty. I seem to be completely consumed with the idea and I’m not able to focus on much else and it is going to be a long wait until it is removed.

Has anyone had experience with large cysts of infected cysts?

I keep googling and panicking and I’m not helping myself :( I have referred myself for therapy and started anxiety medication again after breaking down at the doctors about my anxiety.

05-02-20, 17:04
Well done for seeking support with your anxiety. It's really good that you recognise it for what it is. If you've seen several doctors and none are concerned, that is reassuring. I've got a large cyst on my knee that's been there over 20 years. It was x-rayed when it first appeared, but it's never really caused me any problems so I've just left it. I'd imagine your docs want it out because it's inflamed and sore rather than because they're worried about anything sinister. If they were, you wouldn't have a long wait for removal. Please don't torture yourself with Google. While you're waiting for therapy, you could try some of the free CBT modules - the link is in one of the stickies in the HA forum.

05-02-20, 18:52
Thank you so much for your reply, I will definitely do the free modules whilst I wait that is a really good idea :) It’s annoying because i recognise the problem but it doesn’t stop it taking over.

05-02-20, 19:46
Totally understand that feeling, and it's so hard when you know what's rational and what isn't, but you can't help feeling it anyway. You'll get there :)

05-02-20, 20:02
I keep googling and panicking and I’m not helping myself :(

I'm tempted to say.. DUH. But that may be insulting.

Have you never heard or read what a terrible idea or is to google?

05-02-20, 20:26
Very true, I am aware it is something I need to work harder at not doing

06-02-20, 23:33
I've suffered with cysts for years now so I know what you're going through. Vile things!

What antibiotics were you on? I know flucloxacillin is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for cysts but they never really did anything for mine; especially the large ones. I had one recently on my chest which grew really large and infected and I was prescribed something called clarithromycin which actually worked! I was absolutely gobsmacked. I went back to my GP and she looked and she was just as shocked as I was. She actually said she was ready to refer me to get it surgically removed and she was genuinely surprised it had gone.

07-02-20, 07:25
Thank you for sharing, it’s good to hear from someone who’s has them! That’s interesting, I had two weeks of flucloxacillin but it didn’t do anything. I stopped them a few weeks ago now and I’m just waiting to hear when they will remove it. They didn’t seem to want to try another antibiotic but now I wish they had! It’s so big and gross.

08-02-20, 00:13
Thank you for sharing, it’s good to hear from someone who’s has them! That’s interesting, I had two weeks of flucloxacillin but it didn’t do anything. I stopped them a few weeks ago now and I’m just waiting to hear when they will remove it. They didn’t seem to want to try another antibiotic but now I wish they had! It’s so big and gross.

It's a shame they didn't wanna try another antibiotic. My GP is one who says that any kind of surgery is always an absolute last option when it comes to cysts because the aftercare can be a bit of a pain in the ass.

How are you getting it removed? Are they just incising and lancing it or are they actually surgically removing it?