View Full Version : Any Advice?

05-02-20, 15:38
So, recently I discovered a lump like thing near my achelies tendon area, maybe a little higher up from my tendon...I went to my doctor to have it looked at. He thought before seeing it it would be a ganglion cyst, but once he seen it/felt it, he didn't know what it is. In the end, he told me he's not concerned about it, but I am and I feel like he didn't offer much information on it. It's a lump, so of course I'm terrified of it being a tumor. The spot doesn't hurt or anything, it's just there and no idea what it is. I can't stop freaking out about it. I want to bother my doctor again about it again, but I keep stopping myself because I feel like I bother him enough. Should I get it looked at again? Or is health anxiety doing it's thing and making me overthink it when he said he wasn't concerned about it? I always feel like my life is doomed. I've had so many scares recently. I'm so tired of the constant worry.

And please don't be like "Just get over it" people here should know better then anyone that this isn't something you just get over....

05-02-20, 15:49
Sorry to be unsympathetic here, but as a (mostly) recovered HA person, what you need to take from this is that somebody with experience and training isn't concerned. As such, there's no need to put yourself through painful and invasive tests.

05-02-20, 16:19
I've had so many scares recently. I'm so tired of the constant worry.

Have you HAD scares, or have you CREATED scares?

You've had the lump checked and been told not to worry about it.

At least TRY and get over it. Really hard.

05-02-20, 19:45
This forum hasn't offered anything helpful. You all act like you've never been through this same stuff and tell us other people to get over it. Farewell.

05-02-20, 20:21
I was going to suggest tendinitis, but seeing as though your gp has ruled out anything then maybe it’s not.

You don’t have to be so defensive. It won’t help here or in life.

05-02-20, 20:24
This forum hasn't offered anything helpful. You all act like you've never been through this same stuff and tell us other people to get over it. Farewell.

Wow, bad attitude. Clearly not what you wanted to be said by the previous posters- ces la vie - but then you've reacted like this before (as if you are being treated badly) on your others threads.

Here's another bit of advice, you are in and out of your doctor all the time and have stated that you have a monthly payment plan with them so can see them as often as you like, and it reassures you and makes you feel better. You recommended to someone else to get checked about some issue or other on here, but nobody else thought the issue needed checking, as it was a good idea to get things checked 'just to be sure'. Nothing you've gone to the doctor about has been serious/ a problem from what I can see on your threads, reading back. So, I would recommend that you make it harder for yourself to seek the constant doctor reassurance - somehow curtail your ability to go as 'often as you like' and start working on ways towards logical self-reassurance.

I guess you are leaving the forum though, so goodbye.

05-02-20, 20:50
This forum hasn't offered anything helpful. You all act like you've never been through this same stuff and tell us other people to get over it. Farewell.

You're not looking for help as you've already had the answer you were looking for from a qualified Doctor.

What you're looking for here is more reassurance, and that's a never ending cycle. Pointing that out to you and asking you direct and difficult questions IS help. Just because it's not what you want, doesn't mean it's not what you need. I know this because I spent years where you are now and those were wasted years I'll never get back.

And I didn't tell you to get over it. I asked that you try.

Leave, don't leave. Makes no difference to me. You're the one suffering and I am (we are) the ones that aren't. Maybe I am (we are) on to something.

05-02-20, 21:03
Just because it's not what you want, doesn't mean it's not what you need.

Your way with words is always so good. Absolutely.