View Full Version : Overcoming Anxiety

25-01-05, 20:43
Hi my name is Lisa I have always been a nervous person even as a young child but 5 years ago i had some trouble at home and this resulted in panic attacks and depression. I have done a lot of research on anxiety and depression and would like to say this is the best site I have come across. I'm due to start CBT soon but am a bit worried that when I start to overcome my anxiety that I'll get depressed cause I know this sounds strange but when i have nothing to worry about I get down. Could anybody help give me some advice. Thank you


25-01-05, 21:13
dear loulou,

my depresion and anxiety are linked so when i tend to feel less anxious my depression lifts as well.

all the best of overcoming depression and anxiety


25-01-05, 21:21
Hi Lisa

Welcome aboard. I am pleased that the site has helped you - it took me a long time to write it all but it was designed to help fellow sufferers.

I have moved your post to here cos sometimes people don't look at the posts that are just for me and you will get a better response here.

CBT is great and will really help but it is HARD work and you have to want to work at it to get better.

Why do you think you get down when you have nothing to worry about it? Do you feel that you don't deserve to feel happy and stress free? If so this is quite common.

Do you work or get out atall? Do you have any support at home.

Sorry for all the questions, it just helps to know the background info as well.

Hope you post some more


25-01-05, 21:35
Hi Nicola,

Thanks for your reply. I do work and can go out but i get quite panicky so I tend to stay in a lot when I'm not working. I dont go clubbing as i get too nervous which gets me down cause everyone tells me thats not normal for a 22 year old single girl which really knocks my confidence cause i wish I was nomal like over people but I just cant relax when i go to a club so i just dont go I dont think that i dont deserve to be happy I just feel like when I'm not anxious there is nothing in my life to look forward to even though I have a great family who i adore. Also the uncertanty worries me like i'm scared i'll never marry and have children and will be let on my own.


25-01-05, 21:49

I was the same as you. I carried on working but never went out in the evenings or weekends. I wouldn't worry about the clubbing scene unless you are really into it. I was never really a "clubber" so was not too worried that I missed out.

I used to carry on going to pubs and playing pool - I love that - and although I panic'd I knew that I had to have a "normal" life so I carried it on. I didn't enjoy it cos I was panicking but I knew that I had to do it - it was very HARD I have to admit.

Uncertainity and worry plays a big part in our lives and we wonder how we will ever get better - it overwhelms us and confuses us.

You are still young and you can get back on track with our help and support and we will give that to you.

It takes time and it takes HARD work but we can provide the support whilst you do it and can offer advice too.

I hope we can help you cos you are still young and have a long life ahead and I was there 11 years ago wishing I was cured.

Wishing you well.


25-01-05, 23:03
hi Lisa,

Just wanted to say 'welcome to the site'!!

Sarah :D

26-01-05, 02:52
hello there and welcome to the site

26-01-05, 10:20


When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

26-01-05, 15:32
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the site

Take care

Elaine x

26-01-05, 17:19
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the site.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

26-01-05, 17:52
Hi lisa, Wekcome to the site. you are normal Lisa there are a lot of girls your age and younger on here. Take care, hope u get the help u need. Vernon

26-01-05, 18:27
hi and welcome to the site you will find it really helpful here i know i do

fan x

01-02-05, 12:27

There are those who naturally are drawn to clubs and those who are not . There is not a ' one size fits all' of what we should like fortunately.

One of the main reasons why we **when i have nothing to worry about I get down** is that the mind is so used to having something to worry about - when that it relieved it gets bored and finds something else .

As much anxiety and depression is started through years of negative thinking it is not surprsing then that the mind focusses on something that perpetuates this in a different way - so keep busy and inspired


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

19-09-07, 15:13
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to NMP. There are many here who feel exactly like you do and you will get great support.



19-09-07, 20:58
Hi Lisa

Welcome to nmp. Hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Take care.

love Mags xxxx

19-09-07, 22:37
Hackers - started u a new thread here...


This other thread was 2005 so people may miss your intro post.

07-11-07, 12:16
Hello Lisa And Welcome To The Site.....linda

nicola cowan
26-04-08, 11:03
hi my name is Nicola i'm a mum ov 3 aged 27, i had my first panic attact 3 weeks ago and have had 2 minnie ones since then, my mind ticking over all the time i don't no what to do with myself i have been to my GP and he has referred me to a conciller, i feel worhtless and very unhappy what do i do? i try and put my head up and shoulders back but i feel like i get knocked back down again, i just want to be myself again,

26-04-08, 11:39
hi there and welcome, this is a great site and you will also make friends. i too am having cbt only just started but i am finding it great for my anxiety and anger issues that are stored in my head festering away. xxxxx

26-04-08, 14:14
Hi Lisa

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

26-04-08, 18:09
Hi there! :welcome: to the site! :yesyes:

26-04-08, 18:16
Hi Guys

Please note that this is a very old Thread!!!

Best wishes,

27-12-08, 16:04
hi im nikki and as i sit here im sobbing as usual, im 40 and split from my partner of 3years. i have 2 small children and im finding life very hard, not with the kids but with myself :doh:my panic attacks and anxiety are bad but the deppression has a lot to do with it, im on so much medecation that if you shake me ill rattle. im on this site for help and maybe a little confidence, i feel that ill never meet anyone again and im lonley so althought i dont get time to talk a lot ill do my best to reply:flowers: nikki

28-12-08, 00:52
I have overcome anxiety which I have previously ran away from and then now no longer feel the same way about certain 'situations.' It's all about breaking the cycle.

I still have a couple of cycles to break, but I am getting there. :D

Purple Llama
09-07-16, 13:34
Hi Loulou

I found it really interesting when you said that when you are not anxious you feel depressed. I have spent some time studying psychology and I am sure I read somewhere that fear/anxiety produces the same chemical changes in the brain as excitement - it just depends on your psychological interpretation of the situation or circumstances you are in! When someone is used to feeling unusually high states of anxiety, when this starts to settle, things can seem to feel a bit flat. This may just be a transient period in which brain chemicals are adjusting to returning to more normal levels. People often use anxiety or anger to block feelings of sadness/depression, maybe because these emotions are not as damning to our survival and are generally more functional than depression.
You may not be used to 'letting in' normal thoughts and feelings, both from yourself but particularly from other people, as when we are anxious we tend to feel everything as threatening and want to self protect ( even when there is no need to). In effect, when the anxiety reduces - you feel nothing.. a precurser to depression. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Purple Llama.

24-04-17, 20:09
Hello I am new here. I have what I would say is SEVERE anxiety. Mine started about 6mos after I lost my mom who was only 43 yrs old to Lung Ca. She was a heavy smoker. It took me along time to get back on track. I felt FULL on panic for almost 3yrs. I was 100% miserable 24/7. I also had just had my 1st child. I couldnt eat I lost 30lbs. I felt so paralyzed. I for some reason thought that my time was soon going to be up as well. Thats all I could think about....over and over obsessing thoughts. I was 100% sure I to was going to get cancer and die like my mom. Well that was 19yrs ago now. I have been great since getting over the anxiety. Well until now!! I am 45 yrs old now I dont smoke and never have I dont drink. I am not obese. I could loose a few but i think I look pretty good. But recently I got sick. With vomiting and diarrhea. No one else in my house got it....just me!! For some reason this has triggered all the old thoughts again. I am panic stricken with the thoughts of dying young like my mom with cancer. I dont know what kind of cancer it will be but I just have this overwhelming feeling and thoughts i can not shake!! I hate this feeling. I never thought I would go through this again. I struggle to function because the anxiety/panic is so severe. I don't EVER want cancer. Thats my phobia and I know this. But having trouble getting the thoughts out of my head. I have had all the blood work and check ups I am supposed to. I lead a pretty clean life...no drugs other then prescribed. WHY am I torturing myself!!

26-11-17, 19:58
I am having worse anxiety now that my Psych put me on 10mg of Prozac. I have only been on it for 6 days, but feel like i'm gonna jump out of my skin, not to mention the dreadful exhaustion I am feeling. Is this normal?

27-11-17, 09:45
I think so. The initial side effects cause your anxiety to spike but it doesn't last. The same problem applies to many SSRI's so you are not alone.

02-02-18, 16:30
Hi Im Jill & new to the site. I suffer with panic attacks, anxiety which has cause me to be very depressed. I was on Peroxatine for many years & it work great for me but last year it stopped working & I became really unwell mentally. Well I'm 7mths into trying to recover slowly. I've had 2 sessions with a NHS psychologist & 18 more to come. I have been on Mirtazapine for the last 3mths which has made me gain alot of weight & unable to control my eating. I saw my psychiatrist this morning & he would like to change me onto Venlafaxine. I'd be very happy to hear any one's view & experiences on this medication...thank-you.

03-02-18, 01:25
Hello all :) I am from Poland