View Full Version : Tips for dealing with Anxiety and Panic

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04-10-07, 08:55
Hi peeps I aint posted one of these in some time and given that we have new members I thought it would be good to do one again.

Ok Anxiety remember is just a physical reaction to the chemical Adrenalin that is being overly produced by our bodies, it can produce many nasty horrible feelings , BUT that is all it can do produce feelings, its what we do with them feelings that matters .....

So for some of those symptoms try the following

Shaking hands or limbs - clench the hands tight like a fist , hold it and take a deep breath in throught your nose , release the fist as you release the breath out through your nose, by doing this slowly and calmly Not only are we releasing the adrenalin that has built up but we are also taking control of our breathing which will calm our nervous system down.

Lump in throat or tight throat - If you suffer with this then it is usually because when we are tense we walk around with our TOUNGE permanantly place up in the roof of our mouth clenched and tight, and by doing this we IMMEDIATLY tense the throat and jaw area , causing muscle tension , so make a effort to check where your tounge is placed in the mouth and attempt to keep it lowered ,

Pain in shoulders and neck / headaches -- again when tense we walk or sit with our shoulders hunched up around our ears , this causes tension in the neck and head , drop the shoulders , keep a eye on where you hold them and if you feel pain or discomfort when you do this its Ok its Just that your body isnt used to feeling relaxed given time you will re-train yourself to carry yourself properly and in a more relaxed state.

Palpitations - - Horrible I know but is yet another symptom of anxiety , We do tend to monitor it when we feel our heart going ten to the dozen and this is where we make it seem much worse than it actually is - TRY TO REMEMBER A STRONG FAST BEATING HEART IS A GOOD HEART and no harm will come to you or your heart,, if at night time you struggle to sleep for listening to your own heart when lieing down then place to pillows on the bed and rest your head on the crack between the two pillows , this will help you to stop monitering and listening to yourself.

Dizzy or sick spells - again Not nice but very common , when we have anxiety we burn off sugar very fast or we dont eat enough , you should really be trying to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day rather than 2 or 3 large ones and if you feel sick or dizzy then try a sweet cup of tea or a buiscuit to help replenish your sugar levels , every symptom you feel has a logical explanation for it and once you discover how to help yourself beating anxiety becomes much easier.

Depersonalization - this is simply a result of a tired mind , when we have anxiety we seem to think about things 24/7 and of course this tires us out , instead of curling up in bed or on the sofa praying this stops simply do the breathing excersise for 20 minutes , doing this will give your mind time to rest and your body time to relax, doing a good excerise for 20 minutes is the same as allowing the body and mind 2 hours sleep ....... well worth doing and i suggest even if your having a good day try to do this for 20minutes at least 3 times a day this will allow you to keep your body relaxed and in the state it should be.

Intrusive thoughts ----- Horrible again belive me i been there , but remember these are JUST thoughts and again its the way we react to them that matters , dont sit there thinking and pondering about the why's if's and maybe's , get up do something , read a book , play a game crosswords or even bake some bread or cakes anything to take your mind away from your thought, its impossible to think about two things at the same time, I know it seems you can but trust me you CANT and eventually if you stick with distraction it does work .

Exercise - Essential for recovery , try to do some low impact excersises each day it may be a little walk or cycling or even swimming , Yoga is excellant for anxiety and good excerise releases the body's own nautal endorphines which makes us feel good and happy , well worth doing

Sleep - We all sruggle from time to time with our sleeping patterns , try if you can to stop nappin during the day , if you feel you must then be sensible about it , set a alarm and give yourself a hour or perhaps 2 then get up , dont lie there in a half asleep state thinking about things get up and do something constructive , if you wake during the night and struggle to get bak off to sleep again dont lie there get up , go clean or get a nice warm drink you have to start breaking the cycle and habbits that we so easily form when we suffer with anxiety or panic

Panic Attack - Ok firstly try to break the cycle of being scared something terrible is going to happen IT WONT , Runnin away simple creates more problems and makes us feel a failure , if you feel panic coming where ever you are try this

Drop your shoulders , focus on something near by - a shop window , a lamp post or even a tin of beans if your in the supermarket , take a slow deep breath in through your nose count to 4 , release it our again through the nose and repeat , tell yourself its Ok it will pass and you WILL be ok , do this for a few moments then continue with what you were doing , you may feel slightly dizzy or sick , this is Ok its as a result of your levels returning to normal , take a sweet and suck it this will help with the nausau , anyone who Knows me Knows i have a constant supply of mints in my handbag for such occasions .

Ok if anyone has other symptoms of needs advice on anything in paticular leave a post and i will reply


This post is by a former member of NMP. Michelle can no longer be contacted through this site but please feel free to continue posting on the forum for further advice and support.



NMP Administrator

04-10-07, 10:03

Just read your post. Fantastic! I should really print it off and read it when I feel bad!

Would you know how to stop constant dizziness from the moment I get up to when I go to bed?

Thanks - Lizzie xx

04-10-07, 10:22
Hiya there

reasons for dizzyness could be either you are shallow breathing ie - breathing from the chest and not from your stomach which will be reducing the oxygen levels in your blood ( and no it isnt dangrous ) just uncomfortalbe , try the breathing excersises that i said , you can do this several times a day till you get the hang of it , secondly are you eating properly , this could be another reason for feeling dizzy

and I am sorry to ask but are you truly feeling dizzy all the time or is it that your so focused on it that it feels as tho its all day ??

good luck

Michelle xxx

04-10-07, 11:05
I think youve hit the nail on the head. I start to feel dizzy and then I concentrate on it and think about it all the time! Then I start to tune into my breathing and breathe funny!

Im changing meds at the mo and feeling really anxious and have been having daily panic attacks which isnt helping either!

How are you? What sort of symptoms do you get?

I had my second baby 7 weeks ago and she has a bit of a cold and this is driving my anxiety mad too!

Thanks for your help - Liz xx

PS How do you know so much about this all??

04-10-07, 12:03
Hi Lizzie

I did suffer with Severe General Anxiety Disorder and intrusive thoughts , I am Now recovered and am a trained Helpliner with No Panic, I had all of the above symptoms and more besides , when i was recovering I found a lot of different things that helped me and some that didnt, Now I am recovered I take great Joy and comfort in helping others .
I am a Mum to 4 married 23 years and thats about it really

Good luck xxx

04-10-07, 12:40
Hey Lizzie,

That's a big bummer about the constant dizzies. I think you're on the right track with concentrating on your breathing. That was one of the first steps that helped me focus away my other symptoms. Once you find your breathing pace, you get so comfortable in it that you won't switch to breathing anxiety from dizzy spell anxiety. The concentrated breathing with be like a touchstone to pull you into a more centered place.


04-10-07, 19:50

Great post - thanks :yesyes:

It summaries a lot of the usual and common things/symptoms we get.

I will make it sticky so people can keep referring back to it.

As for

"Lump in throat or tight throat - If you suffer with this then it is usually because when we are tense we walk around with our TOUNGE permanantly place up in the roof of our mouth clenched and tight, and by doing this we IMMEDIATLY tense the throat and jaw area , causing muscle tension , so make a effort to check where your tounge is placed in the mouth and attempt to keep it lowered"

I never knew that and have the swallowing problem really bad today and just noticed that my tongue is always on the roof of my mouth. I will make a concious effort to lower it and see how that goes.


04-10-07, 20:41
Your welcome Nic and all if anyone needs anything else JUST SHOUT , take care all xxxxxxxxxx

04-10-07, 21:01
Fantastic post Michelle! i'm so glad i tought you everything i know!!! LMAO......:winks:

loads a love

04-10-07, 21:46
Well in return for your words of wisdom lisa i SHALL teach you How to spell ------ TAUGHT lmao rofl hehehehe

04-10-07, 21:55
Don't be so pedantic "old wise one". :mad:

Maybe i'm not perfect, but i'm damn close enough!!! LMAO


05-10-07, 10:46
What a fantastic post .... that is being printed and kept in my in tray at work and also my bedroom wall at home. I may even carry a copy with me!

05-10-07, 11:03

Thank you so much for posting this.Even though I am not new to anxiety or panic, this has been great.

I have been doing so well, with all that you have given me. I hope that the new people here, will take the time to read your post and yes print it, so that you can go back to it when your aren't feeling well.

And I always wondered about that tongue thing, wish I had known that before.

Also the diary does really help, and I don't even think twice about doing it now.
:hugs: s to such a great and caring person.:hugs: :hugs:
Take Care,
Believe:flowers: :flowers:

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better!!!!!!!!

03-11-07, 03:04
Hi Michelle

Thanks for the info - its good to read others information and ideas.

Have a question - you mention anxiety being a physical response to excess adrenalin....could you please explain this and if this then has a long term health impact on us... just a bit worried i am gong to develop something horrible if i don't control this. Also is this always the case? I don't feel panicky or like am having adrenalin rush - more general worrying, health anxiety and a bit of OCD sometimes.

Have i read this the wrong way round? Could the adrenalin be a response to the anxiety that is when the anxiety is high it kicks off the adrenals? This would explain why only when i am highly anxious i get palpitations , trembling etc as a result of adrenalin. Hope this makes sense - just wanted to understand it better

Thanks a heap SUE x

03-11-07, 08:35
Have i read this the wrong way round? Could the adrenalin be a response to the anxiety that is when the anxiety is high it kicks off the adrenals? This would explain why only when i am highly anxious i get palpitations , trembling etc as a result of adrenalin. Hope this makes sense - just wanted to understand it better

Yes, it is a physiological response, brought about from the days when we were cavemen and had to take flight when in danger or hang around and fight.
These days with all our modern living we do not often get a chance to physically exert ourselves to the point where all those chemicals are channelled effectively, so we are often all het up and pent up and get tense, nervous, panicky etc.....
The whole deep breathing thing is very effective, but it is making yourself calm down enough to focus on your breathing which I find to be the hardest thing!!

03-11-07, 09:45
hi michelle
so uplifting to hear that you can get through this! i have suffered severe anxiety/intrusive thoughts/panic for 10 yrs and have just had to start taking a'd's again. i am going to follow all your advice in the post but can i just ask how severe your intrusive thoughts were (this is a big problem for me), how long you felt your recovery took and did you take any med's? thanks jo x

03-11-07, 11:14
michelle, what a brilliant post,........and i will have too pick your brains more often when we chat .....xxxxxxxxxxxxx........its people like you michelle that have made me welcome and i want to thank you, i think your the best xxxxxxx have a good weekend.......dawny

03-11-07, 17:45
Good thread with plenty to mull over.

Negative destructive thoughts are bugging me at the moment, I know they're cobblers but I can't seem to shift them from my mind or stop worrying about them.

It's the usual 'what if' stuff. I seem to get stuck even though I've had this feeling many times before and I've never done anything bad or even come close. I still find it hard to dismiss the thoughts and move on. I'm not thick but I seem to struggle to accept the obvious.

Anyone got any bright ideas?



03-11-07, 23:34

ok my thoughts were of harming my children and others as well as thoughts of harming myself , I had thoughts of going mad as well as devil thoughts , they were with me 24/7 even when asleep i had the most horrible nightmares ...... ,my head was constantly filled with what if's and the worst thoughts imaginable .

how did i beat them hmmmmmmm , well i worked on the anxiety rather than the thoughts and I realised that the lower I Got my anxiety levels the less important the thoughts became .

On the days when I didnt trust myself , I told myself that my doctor and my husband trusted me so I had to trust them . and that helped me through the hard times .

Everytime my head told me not to do something I pushed to do it , I kept telling myself to ignore the BULLY and stick with it , Its hard work its tiring physically and mentally but by Doing the relaxation 3 times a day , watching my diet and making sure I dont look back I managed to get stronger and stronger .... sure there were blips and lots of tears , but I always picked the phone Up rang No Panic , let off steam the got on with it ........

Today Anxiety yep i still get it but thats Normal its how i deal with it Now that matters , the thoughts ?? , yep sometimes because of the work i do on the helpline and here its a constant reminder but they dont bother me in the slightest and i am able to dismiss them immediatly for what they are silly thought that mean ABSOLUTLY NOTHING !!

i hope this helps

good luck


04-11-07, 08:45

Thanks for the advice, you really strike a cord with me. I have found that I'm much better when something takes my full attention and imagination - for example a challenging but exciting problem at work. Then I'm confident and seem able to dismiss the thoughts without them sticking. Unfortunately, those periods are followed by the inevitable slack periods and I'm fatigued from the intense activity. Thats when the thoughts pop up and stick.

I like your explanation of reducing anxiety levels rather than fighting the thoughts. That makes sense as I understand that it's the anxiety that makes the thoughts stick and blows them all out of proportion.

I can't understand why I worry so much about doing something I find completely abhorent as this is the guy who will wait for a bumble bee to move on when I'm mowing the lawn rather than just going over it.

I have had a very stressful time over the last 2 - 3 years which resulted in a protracted period of absence from work. Death of father, serious illness to mother, extreme pressure and conflict in the work place - the usual story I guess. I suppose I just need to be patient as I can see clearly the real me during the good times. It's just that once the fear strikes again, I tend to lose sight of that.

Thanks for replying and the advice. It is comforting to know other people have the same experiences.


A (father of 1)

04-11-07, 14:45
hi michelle

many thanks for all the advice. did you take med's during your recovery and how long do you yourself feel it took? jo x

17-11-07, 22:47
really fantastic post michelle!!!!!

my main prob is the sick/dizzy spells...i get them every day, for about half to most of the day..nights being the worst...and headaches and fatigue come in a close 2nd....

im going to buy mints like you advised...

when i get the sick spells- im usually out n about,....i will try to just breathe and focus on something close by like you said....i need to beat this thing! im a newlywed, no kids yet, so much i want to do still and just started back to work- half a day a week so far and full of sick spells...ugh...

thanks so much for your advice in the post, just great research!!! im only sorry that you suffered for that research.....

and four kids!!! wow!! awsome!!! maybe there is hope for me yet!

20-11-07, 14:34
Hi Michelle, Many thanks for posting all those tips. My main problem is depersonalisation/unreality and feeling slighly off balance, plus "electric" feelings in my arms and legs. Also I have stupid thoughts about not wanting to be so far from my car when I go out anywhere and not wanting to go out with hubby and kids or any mates in case they see me upset etc. Also I dont want to drive the car far because of the unreality. Then I get the awful wishing people were dead thoughts (I know deep down I dont really mean it) and "what ifs" and I am just so glad you posted those tips on here.

Like you Michelle, I am going to have to try and ignore the bully more and do more relaxation and DONT look back. Also I must try the breathing exercises more too. I think that my problem with breathing exercises and relaxation is that I am impatient and want instant results and to see immediate improvement. I am just going to have to try and be more patient are I? What do you think about exercise Michelle?

Many thanks again

20-11-07, 14:46
Michelle, I have just been re reading your post and it seems that exercise is a good thing for anxiety so I will have to come up with something suitable. Did you suffer with unreality yourself? The problem in recent weeks is that I have made the mistake of letting it get the better of me and have been tensing myself and bracing myself against it!!! This has resulted in my balance going and further annxiety feelings. I am going to have to persist with my breathing and relaxation exercises arent I? How do you cope with feeling unreal if you are around town for example? I always carry a packet of mints with me too!

Another problem is that I am always monitoring myself and how I am feeling and thats another habit I have got to leave behind isnt it?

Thanks again

21-11-07, 16:18
Hi BasilCat,

Yep i did suffer a hell of a lot with depersonalization I HAD a huge problem with looking in mirrors as a result of this, Your right about the monitering of yourself and the best way to try to break this habbit is to take your mind away from You or if you find yourself monitering go to a window and look outside , take in what is happening in the outside world .......

Yes relaxation is essential and a must be done as often as possible I advise at least 3 times a day make it part of your daily routine, Excerise is good as long as it is low impact , I for one LOVED power walking altho i was lucky to live near a large lake and Not many people saw me stomping round that on a daily basis lol

The depersonalization will pass with relaxation too as we suffer with this as a result of a tired mind, all the thinking we do wears us down and in actual fact its our minds taking a rest that makes us feel unreal ...... so when this happens moniter your breathing and take a few minutes to relax a little .

Above all remember You are winning as Long as You're trying and the road to recovery is Not out of your reach ..... Good Luck xx

22-11-07, 14:50
Hi Michelle, Thanks so much for your reply to my message. I am feeling unreal now. I think its not helped with the fact that I did not sleep well at all last night and tiredness seems to make it worse for me. I was doing well yesterday and managed an hour in town. Then I got headache and thats why I did not sleep well last night.

Thanks for your advice Michelle. I will have to find something to get my mind off me or go and look through a window or something.

I will make relaxation a routine in my day too and find some low impact exercise that I can do. How did you find power walking whilst you felt unreal? I am so unreal at the moment that I dont feel like it would be a good idea to go anywhere. It is really distracting me.

I am glad you have told me the depersonalisation will pass with relaxation and that its the result of a tired mind. We do such a lot of thinking inwardly dont we about how we are feeling when we are in an anxiety state. So its our minds taking a rest that causes this depersonalisation. I am going to have to monitor my breathing now I think. I am tensing up so much with it that I can hardly sit still or up straight at the computer!!

Thanks. I will go and relax and monitor my breathing.


23-11-07, 13:15
Hi again Michelle, I have just been wondering if its worth mentioning that whilst relaxation/exercise will help with the unreality/anxiety symptoms, isnt it fair to say that fear of these symptoms holds them in place as well?

I have just been down to the Park and managed to walk around the pond in the park a bit, then I went and parked at the side of the pier and walked down to the sea front and around the block. The I was going to have some porridge in McDonalds to warm me up but they werent serving it! So I came home. I was ok walking around but realised that fear is a big factor in all this too.

I know that anxiety is all about adrenalin in your system etc and that the unreality is just our minds reacting to being tired. But why on earth do anxiety symptoms have to be so scary!!

I am doing my best to keep getting out and about and am trying to get past the stupid thought that I dont want to be so far away from the car whenever I go anywhere. Thats why I parked up and walked down to the beach and the pond this morning. But I still didnt feel great when I got home. Did you have any stupid thoughts like the one I mention above Michelle about not wanting to be far from the car or whatever. If so, how did you cope?

Thanks Michelle.

23-11-07, 14:23
Hi Basilcat

yep i felt fear every second of every day , I couldnt drive my car or even answe the phone there were so many things i was pettrified off , even my hubbie had to sit with me while i bathed or showered i couldnt bear to be alone in case i did something or something happened ......

I know its hard but i pushed past the fear, I didnt walk away from the situation .... its very difficult but being alone for example especially with the kiddies , I told hubbie to leave me alone in the house for a hour ,,,,,,,,, then two ,,,,,,,,,,, then three and so on until the fear didnt become such a issue .

Driving the car was hard too so i drove short distances and then further , each day I challenged the fear and the silly thoughts that I had , if I needed too I rang my cpn or no panic to let off steam and then carried on,

If the fear and the thoughts told me i had something to be scared off i didnt listen i sat it out and almost welcomed it said Ok come on then I am ready , and of course nothing ever happened . ...... its difficult but so rewarding too .

Good luck PM me if i can help any more


23-11-07, 18:11
Hi, would you have any advice for weak type feelings in arms and legs. How do you keep your mind from thinking you have a life threatening disease? Thank you.

23-11-07, 18:42

Try this - Tense your arm then take a deep breath in count to four hold the tension then release as you breath out ............ do this several times then do the same with your legs , you can do this with any part of the body and its great for realiving tension or the tingly feeling we sometimes get .

How do you stop yourself from thinking you have a life threatening disease - 1 ) Use the stop Technique and 2 ) DONT GOOGLE

michelle xxx

28-11-07, 13:12
Hi Michelle

You are really inspiring. I have been getting better and better, the panic attacks had stopped and I had started to eat again. Then this last couple of weeks things have been getting worse, I'm feeling anxious alot and have had a couple of panic attacks. I had put lots of things in place to help me get better, not taking on so much, not rushing everwhere, staying at home with the kids more, going to bed early, diet and not drinking alcohol but as you start to feel better you let things slide so I am thinking it means I need to step back and start again.
Before this all started I used to run, then I stopped because I found it physically impossible to due lack of sleep, energy, food etc. About 3 weeks ago I started running again and have been feeling very proud of myslef. I started doing a bit of swimming as well. now I feel like I am under pressure to keep it up 4 times a week like I used to!

I know I am on the road to recovery but it seems like a long haul, I had been hoping to come off the Citalopram after christmas but now think I'll stop thinking about it and take it a bit slower. The steps backwards are hard to take. I just have to remember what a mess I was 6 months ago and how far I have come.:yesyes:


28-11-07, 13:39
Hi Michelle, Thought you may like to hear that I have been down town for a couple of hours this morning. Parked up in two separare places to do it and had an hour at each. By the time I was going back to the car at the second location I felt a slight bit easier and a touch more confident. I even managed a de caff coffee and sat in the cafe 20 minutes. So that was a bit better I think.

2 hours is the longest I have managed down town in a few months but I must keep it in my head that NOTHING HAPPENED other than feeling a bit strange and dithery.

The breathing exercises are on going too. So thats good.

And I agree with Nicomi, you are really inspiring.


10-12-07, 17:33
Anyone know where Michelle is?


18-12-07, 00:25
great thread seriously the best! im having a bit of a blip at the moment and had forgotten most of those strategies...but thanks to what uv wrote im more positive i can use them:) .

the method of distraction is what i really need.

:yesyes: two thumbs up for ur post hehe.

luv lawzy x:flowers:

03-01-08, 01:46
There are obviously a lot of little tricks to use when out and about which can reduce the chance of panicking. But what would be the 1,2 or 3 top things which are the most effective? I ask this because it can be hard to remember all these techniques.

03-01-08, 13:00
Hi Leafar, I quite agree with you. The top 3 tips thats are most effective would be most useful wouldnt they.


17-01-08, 11:11

This is excellent! Thank you very much!


19-01-08, 23:55
from Blossom I enoyed reading your comments, I suffer from agoraphobia and Anxiety, many years and have all these things written about, but I would like to hear from anyone that wakes every morning crying, which turns into a panic attack, and I want to run, but where to,
This crying has been with me foR about seven years now, I dread going to bed as I think " Oh dear the morning " Do you think it could have become a habit, as its on my mind all the time, I seem to live in the pasy when my son was young, amd had family around me, but now they have aall passed away, the loneliness is unbearable. Please someone answer me if you can from Blossom

20-01-08, 13:00
Hey blossom, nice of you to join us as I've spoken to you via Yvonne.
I dread the mornings too as the panic tends to start as I wake up.

keep posting on here,its helps

Love Joy

20-01-08, 20:03
Blossom hallo sweetheart and it's lovely to see you on here xxxxxx

I really hope someone who knows their stuff adds a reply about the crying - remember I went through that badly when I came off Seroxat and it lasted ages.

Also I get the thing where I feel as if I could cry when I get panc sensations - especially the lurching stomach. I think it's a bit like despair of "here comes another panic they are still with me the demons". I dunno would like to hear others comments on that anyway.

Maybe Michelle can offer some of her great advice here. Michelle, I was amazed about the tongue thing!

Bloss to me you may need a med change but I know you are not keen on that, - however it can be done and I think you could be so much betterxxx

My new medication Moclobemide is working well and I have been on it less than a week. I have had a positive response to it already. I keep remembering that you yourself had a very good therapeutic response when you were on an MAOI many years ago.

We KNOW what it was that messed YOU ME AND JOY up it was the damned Seroxat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Us and a lot of others.

All my love to you Blossom and I hope you get some replies on herexxxxxxx

Big hugs to a lovely ladyxxxxxxx

28-01-08, 19:08
Hi all I haven't been on for awhile but I really enjoyed this post, am still reading up and doing all of the breathing exercises but am still struggling as I feel that am getting to grips with it and breathing fine, all of a sudden its like I get caught up with the breathing!! I think I've started to get stuck on this part of the getting better, and cant seem to move on!! I'm also still trying to find my way round this site and how to talk to you from here!! OH well thanx for your help Granliz

31-01-08, 10:18
thank you for that, it has helped to have sypmtoms listed like that

you're an Angel :hugs:

01-02-08, 08:15
hi michelle

just wondered if you ever had problems with your sleep and if you did how did you overcome this.

i have always been able to sleep but really struggle now i get so upset when i cant get to sleep and that starts the whole insomnia cycle off

any suggestions


01-02-08, 09:20
Hi Michelle, what a fab post, and yes as I got to the 'tongue' bit I realised mine was stuck to the top of my mouth lol

And the best inspiration is that you 'had it, survived it, and are here to tell the tale'.

I am going to print a copy later, its written so simply and to the point that it
makes total sense.

Thanks Christine :flowers:

01-02-08, 23:38
Thanks michelle for a fab post, I can relate to so much of it
Can I ask how long this has taken you?
I am recovering slowly and the set backs are becoming
less frequent but still frighten me. Day to day the tension is less
and my thoughts are often pushed away, but I havent conquered
everything yet.
Anne x

19-02-08, 20:04

Anna C
21-02-08, 22:35
Hi, Michelle,

I'm not sure if you are still answering questions, but if you are I hope you don't mind answering mine.
One of my symptoms is an urgency to use the toilet, sometimes only a few minutes after I last went its always worse at work. This mightn't seem like a very serious thing I know lots of people have worse symptoms than this but its making me more anxious.

On this website in the section about symptoms it says anti acids can help I'm not sure were to buy this and I wondered if you know if it works or if you can give me any advice. Thank you Anna.

01-03-08, 21:10
from Blossom.
I have had anxiety and agorahobia manyyears, also cant stay alone at any time, I was on SEROXAT for 3 years, and my GP took me off them due to drastic headaches, and put me on many different anti-meds, Now on Cipralex 4 years, but I have started to be very depressed, and not able to stop crying every day ofmy life, I try to get out when I can with my husband, and cousin who drives us, but even when out the tears come, and I want tocome home, but try and stick it out. Am addicted to Valium,and they say I have been on them too long to get me off them now.
Can anyone help me with the depression, I seem to live in the past when I was not too bad, but after they stopped the SEROXAT cold turkey 7 years ago, the depression set in really badly.
Any suggestions please.I am so afraid. from Blossom

30-03-08, 17:04
Hi there, this is my first time on this site, I have been trying to find something, or somehow to releive some of my symptoms of anxiety and haven't been successful with any of it. I am at a really bad spot right now, not eating, not sleeping, and I am so lost on what to do. I read all of these stories and posts and just don't know if I can ever get past this horrible feeling long enough to let myself feel good.

I am a Christian, and the amount of guilt I feel for the thoughts I get is rediculous. Can anybody relate to that? I worry constantly that I am going to mess up and wreck everything good in my life. I know that these things will never happen, but I can't help but worry all the time about it.

I have been on Paxil for about 3 years now, and I think possibly the effects of it might be wearing off, I am feeling all of the same symptoms I felt before the meds and don't know how to get past that. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow to go over possible reasons why this is happening, and I am also going to be calling a counsellor. I am thinking of trying cognitive behavioural therapy. But at this point I am willing to try anything, but at the same time don't have much hope that anything is going to work

09-04-08, 09:05
Hi everyone,

What a fantastic thread - I have learned more about panic attacks reading this than I have from anywhere.

My Story:- (Sorry to bore you)

Firstly have suffered on and off with anxiety over the past ten years or so and managed (or so I thought) to get "rid" of it.

Had a fantastic holiday in Cyprus last year with my Hubby - until the last day! We had a fantastic meal, were sharing laughs and jokes when all of a sudden I knew I was going to faint (This has happened for years BTW), so off I went into a deep faint which I have done loads of times before. Then as per-usual felt extremely tired afterwards and was violently sick. All that part wasn't totally unual for me, probably heat and dehydration being the cause.

Ever since then I have a fear that I am going to faint! (I think this is where my current state of mind stems from).

When I am in certain situations etc., restaurants, socialising, supermarkets sand even public transport! I get this awful feeling come over me, tingling hands and feet and hot feeling comes all over me and makes we want to wee urgently I feel that I just need to get out of that place (wherever it is). Sometimes it only last a short while but other times the feeling gets stronger.This is the same type of feeling when I am going to faint!

I know most people on this forum suffer an awful lot more than I do, but it still feels awful to me. I wondered if anyone can help me with coping strategies. I do not want to live my life avoiding these situation as I feel I am being unfair on the people close to me.

Had a Holiday booked for Mexico in January and we had to cancel it becasue I just couldn't cope with the thought of it! Hubby has now booked a holiday for 4 weeks time and everytime I start to think about it I panic! I also know that I have to face these places to learn to deal with them, but how to I start.

Please help, my heart goes out to all you sufferers! :hugs: and a big hug goes to each and every one of you.

Karen xx

09-04-08, 13:21
Any advice on this???.... would really really appreciate it folks...

Karen xx

P.S A Brilliant Forum!! :yesyes:

09-04-08, 15:27
Hi there folks,

I have just noticed that some people are still leaving messages here for Michelle. I appologise for not noticing sooner but Michelle is no longer with NMP.

Keep posting on main forum for advice!


09-04-08, 18:19
Hello Karen:hugs: ,

Sounds like a classic case! You had one bad experience where you fainted due to the heat and dehydration, and this event has installed a fear of fainting again so that now you're constantly "inwardly thinking" on the look out for any anxious feelings when you're out and feeling vulnerable.

The ways you can cope with the anxious feelings are by taking deep breaths as soon as you start to feel them and try to distract your mind away from how you're feeling (outwardly think).

To cure the panics is to become no longer afraid of fainting. It's the fear of fainting that creates your feelings of fainting because you're always on your guard looking out for these feelings and as soon as you feel one, you focus on it which then makes you feel even more that you're going to faint.

Once you're no longer afraid of them, you'll stop thinking about them and then they'll stop attacking you making you feel you're going to faint.........and then you'll go back to how you were before the original bad experience.:hugs:

10-04-08, 08:55
Thank you for those words of advice Bill, I will definately take them on board. It is so refreshing that someone understands.... This forum is the best!

Thanks again Karen x:)

28-04-08, 17:48
....to the thread starter...easier said than done i dont wish to be negative but when you are standing in a queue say at the supermarket and you have a panic attack and your primary symptom is nausea beleive me you run,because the sick feeling is so intense i feel i will vomit and i dont think its fair for other people to see this....no amount of sucking on a mint will cure this!

29-04-08, 02:26
i will pray for all tonight never give up if you give up you lose keep the fight up

30-04-08, 10:12

What a FAB thread. I too have printed it off for!!

I also get these Icy Cold waves of panic come over me.

Do you get these, or am I the only one??


30-04-08, 10:30
Apparently, or so ive been told the icy waves (which i get too) is adrenaline running through you. I also get very hot and my face prickles, i think thats the adrenaline too, my face goes a very attractive red colour when this happens!

30-04-08, 10:40
MICHELLE - Thank you, ive saved these to read when i really need them. Its really nice to know you are one of the people working at No Panic that has totally taken the fear away from me to call them when im scared!!!! xxxxxxxxx

10-05-08, 00:55
This person just wants to cause trouble and anxiety. PLEASE ignore it. It's not worth the time it takes to type a reply,

Cathy V
15-05-08, 10:59
Just wanted to add to this thread that since Michelle is no longer with nmp, for those that might want more advice in the same vein it might be a good idea to read the books written by Claire Weekes (DR), as when i was reading Michelle's great thread, i recognise alot of the advice written in at least one of the books, as i'm sure alot of others who have read them would have too. Ive read all of them over the years and they might seem a bit old-fashioned now, but excellent advice for ppl like us. The books can usually to be found in the local library, if you can't find a copy to buy.

Best wishes
Cathy :)

15-05-08, 21:34
thanks for the tip, im going to try and get the book tomorrow, have read a couple of books before but just general phobios/panic attack books, so will try Claire Weekes and see how it goes.

Shone x (very new member)

billy 7171
18-05-08, 14:47
hi im paul and have just joined, i suffered from gad and panic aatacks for years and recoverde but i have had a accident and tried cocaine and had amassive panic attack and it left me ill again and i feel abit lost and im disgusted with my self will i get through this again?

04-06-08, 03:36

omg ur adive is brill..

im 17 n get all dem symptoms

buh 1 ova 1 i get is that it feels lyk me herart has stopd and i cnt fel nefin inside me workin

it mkes me panik alot

iv gt it ryt nw aswel lol as im rytin dis

i even get scared to go on a bus on mi own and 4 2 long

i feel lyk im goin mad!!!!!!

plz hep!:(

04-06-08, 03:39
billy 7171

inoo xactly ow u feelin

myn startd off cos i dun speed

n i feel lyk im goin crazy

im off tha speed nw obv lol

buh im goin 2 c a counselor myb dat wil elp??

gd luck xx

08-06-08, 21:29
a great way to deal with panic attacks or states of panic/anxiety is a method called 'grounding'
It is very simple and extremely effective, its from the theory that panic is essentially an illness of the mind, and the body reacts to that.
So a very simple method that works for me is this
When your mind is getting into panic and you are thus feeling the symptoms you look at an object infront of you i.e ( a chair)
now look at the chair and describe the chair in your thoughts
The chair is blue leather, the chair has wooden feet and four legs, the chair is very comfortable and it has three cushions on it with pink and red and blue flowers embroided in as a design.....

and keep on describing this in your head until before you know it your breathing is back to normal and your body is not responding to the thoughts that drove you to panic mode previously. It really does work for me, as we all know this is simply a symptom of the mind...

Hope this helps

'stop thinking and start living!'

18-06-08, 12:21
This may seem like a bit of silly advice, but you may be surprised at how well it works:

In general, lower your expectations.

Reason: many of us who become overly "self-aware" during our trials and tribulations with anxiety and panic, are very much perfectionists. We are always aware of (and checking ourselves on) how we treat other people, how we sound when we speak (and write), how well we complete everyday tasks, etc.

Sometimes we transfer these expectations over to others -- especially to those whom we do not even know, like salespersons at retail stores, auto repair people, etc. . . . basically anyone whom we deal with on a daily basis.

While at one time (if memory serves me correctly), MOST workers were well trained, took pride in the work that they did, and were well spoken, I am finding that the this level has noticeably dropped over the years.

So, to save ourselves the stress (and associated anxiety), it may help to lower ones' expectations of a given situation -- BEFORE we find ourselves in the situation.

And, if it turns out to be even worse than we expected . . . .we'll . . . maybe its best to also expect that as well.

19-06-08, 12:28

I have been anxoius / depressed for about a year. I won't go on about the causes but I ended up on sick leave from my job Nov 07 and took redundancy March 08.

I had no income and claimed incapacity benefit. On 2nd June I started a new job. I had negative thoughts all day from day one. I hated the journey to work, didn't like the work itself, started looking back at previous roles and comparing. Then I started to panic and wanted to run away.

This continued all week and I couldn't relax or sleep. I lay awake each night tossing and turning. I finally went to sleep on Thursday night on the sofa at 8.00pm and woke at midnight. Then couldn't sleep again through worry.

Over the weekend I gave in, the anxiety beat me and I resigned Monday morning by phone.

I feel a failure for not giving it more time, guilty about claiming benefit and worry that they will stop the piitamce I am getting. I feel I am in a dark hole and your advice gave me a temporary lift.

I am not in control of these thoughts and I wondered if you have any other stratagies that may help me on an individual basis please?

I am scared that I will blow any future job opportunity whilst I have these constant negative thoughts.

Thank you for anything you can provide.


09-07-08, 22:51
hi michelle i have anxiety the thing i cant cope with is the going mad feeling and also i was a very active person before all this happened i also hate the caNT be bothered feeling. cn you give any advice thanks

21-07-08, 08:31
hi michelle just read you message for anxiety. it was very good , i suffer from anxiety and it comes and goes but the smallest thing will make me anxious, and then the whole thing starts over again. Is this because i am still frighted from the whole thing , and i dont feel strong enough. I have only had this about 7months so it is all new and i have just finished concelling. I know what to do when the fear comes but when it happenes i just fall apart,I am on 5mg of ciparlex but the doc said i dont need to go up. do you have any advice

21-07-08, 18:16
Please note that Michelle is no longer around on this forum and this thread may not be read by all members that have previously read it so please feel free to start your own new thread with any issues.


24-07-08, 02:11
i good way to try and think is that realise no matter how bad things seem..things always change..its impossible to feel good or bad for too long. next time you feel good just realise that this will pass and the same for when you feel bad..the thing is that we are massively attached to the bad feelings and want to rid ourselves from them....in the process highlighting the problem. try and live in the now and realise that true happiness comes through the flow of thoughts and feelings....easier said than done i know!!! but with practice and time we can all improve slowly...

06-08-08, 21:06
I am a 47 year old female struggling with anxiety and panic . I have had it all of my life and have recently had a major set back. I am tired and scared ,I am in counsling and taking medication,I am almost to the point of being housebound. Please help. ina

12-08-08, 23:49
Great Post!
Another tip is breathing into a paper bag for 15-20 mins when having a panic attack helps get the breathing back to normal.

19-08-08, 20:28
Or cupped hands if you dont have a paper bag, works for me. :)

01-09-08, 21:33
Hi - I get palpitations and then when this has happened - through no particular reason I go really really really shivery cold - any tips what to do or how to aviod? Also I feel like my whole bpdy is tingling - is this normal?

thank you!

11-09-08, 21:19
i have a question regarding something else related.

i might be watching tv or playing a computer game; anything, when a dog may start barking and continue to do so for long periods of time which will then get me worked up and aggitated, leading to anxiety. how do i deal with the anxiety which occurs when it gets too much?

Natural Mystic
10-10-08, 20:29
Great Post!
Another tip is breathing into a paper bag for 15-20 mins when having a panic attack helps get the breathing back to normal.
I always have paper bags handy

13-10-08, 09:12
Michelle i have symptoms of feeling nauseatic and at times do vomit also. What can you suggest for this?

DJ Trace
05-11-08, 15:29
Thanks So Much Michelle Xx

05-11-08, 16:43
Michelle is no longer a member of NMP


05-11-08, 22:10

Just read the posts - fantastic
just one question when have experienced a anxiety/ panic attack does anyone have a constant feeling of nervousness for days after? i do and thats the part i dread coz i feel restless when that happens and just want it to go away xx

26-11-08, 21:06
Fantastic post. I am experiencing nearly all of these at the moment so I am going to follow the advice and try and get back to normal again. Thumbs up!!

09-12-08, 12:53
Hi Lizzie

I did suffer with Severe General Anxiety Disorder and intrusive thoughts , I am Now recovered and am a trained Helpliner with No Panic, I had all of the above symptoms and more besides , when i was recovering I found a lot of different things that helped me and some that didnt, Now I am recovered I take great Joy and comfort in helping others .
I am a Mum to 4 married 23 years and thats about it really

Good luck xxx
michelle please exscuse my computing as i am new to it and am working with one finger.have sufferd with depresion and anxiety for about two years i am 64 years old finding it hard to cope in the mornings am on medication my be yuo could give me some ideas with the things that helped yuo terry spanish 2008:yesyes:

12-12-08, 15:21
Thanks for that. I am printing this off as can relate to most of them. Can you just type the pillow bit again for palpitations at night please, just cant seem to stop getting anxious at the point i want to try sleep so end up reaching for the sleeping tablet.

18-12-08, 01:59
its currently 1:51am and im lying awake in bed becuase i just cant get to sleep, my heart is going ten to the dozen even though im focusing on something else, i feel sick, dizzy and my hands are clammy, its been like this for the past 6 months.
but it has gradually worsened, i never used to have sleeping difficulties but now i find it next to impossible to be able to get to sleep, i dread going to bed because i know i'm going to be lying there for hours tossing and turning.
its strange, i do not directly fear anything nor do i really have anything to feel particuarly worried about, i just get these moments where my heart starts beating and i get those horrible butterflies in my stomach that come like contractions, they go down then quickly get worse again.
my mum suffers with anxiety problems and used to get really random bad panic attacks. i was wondering if this was genetic?
my weight has dropped and im feeling hungry but when i go to eat it feels disgusting in my mouth and makes me feel sick...

i really don't know what's going on, i was wondering if anyone ws experiencing these specific symptoms?
im so relieved i found this website i didn't realise that so many other people had it aswell.

confused :weep:

07-01-09, 19:56

I am new to No More Panic and i have just read that post, I have to say its the most helpful inf i have had in a long time I have printed it off ......

:bighug1: Thankyou.

miss l
14-01-09, 11:47
hello everyone
im new to this and my initial feeling was its good there are people to talk to when we are alone when we have these awful problems we go through alone.

16-01-09, 15:56
its currently 1:51am and im lying awake in bed becuase i just cant get to sleep, my heart is going ten to the dozen even though im focusing on something else, i feel sick, dizzy and my hands are clammy,
now i find it next to impossible to be able to get to sleep, i dread going to bed because i know i'm going to be lying there for hours tossing and turning.
its strange, i do not directly fear anything nor do i really have anything to feel particuarly worried about, i just get these moments where my heart starts beating and i get those horrible butterflies in my stomach that come like contractions, they go down then quickly get worse again.

confused :weep:

Can I ask, How are you feeling now? Have you gotten help and if so what are you doing to over come these issues.

Like would I dread going to bed, I do nothing but toss and turn, for the post part mine is after a few hours of sleep. I also dread morning. I get the butterflies in the tummy, dizzyness,sick feeling, and shakes... this normally last for about 2-3 hours. My mind races and just wont let me get back to sleep.

18-01-09, 19:03
Hello Michelle

I have just joined the site today. For the last month or so I have been experiencing all sorts of ailments, from headaches for days and days, clicking jaw, palpataitions, numb fingers etc. I am currently having lots of tests but these are so far all coming back fine (thankfully) and my doctor thinks I', stressed and anxious. Your advice is really helpful and nice to know I'm not alone. However one thing that is getting me down more than anything else is a constant terror or dying. Even the slightest twinge has me convinced I'm about to drop dead. It's that bad sometimes that I'll watch a programme on TV and think "well that's the last time I'll see them on telly" or I could be in a room in my house and think "I really like this room, I don't want to die yet!" Bizarra I know but it is becoming a real problem. Funny thing is I only get these feelings at home, when I'm at work I feel fine most of the time. Do you think these thoughts are all due to being stressed?

worried worrier
19-01-09, 16:03

I was directed to this site by a friend of mine, I have anxiety disorder so fingers crossed I will benefit from the information here, :-)

I think the michelle people keep looking for is on another site called anxietyangels.org.uk I have spoken to her several times regarding my disorder and she is very helpfull .

hope to meet and chat to you all soon , thanks for reading my post


26-01-09, 14:51
Hello, first started with suffering from anxiety about 8 months ago. thought i was on the road to getting better, but for the last 5 days i have this feeling of my heart batting away as it happens i have a feeling of feeling nervous and have butterflies as casuing my to feel my chest hurts not sure what to do?

Steph x

07-02-09, 22:00
:D Thank you so much for this informative post -so good. I will be using this.I am pleased that I am not the only one who realises that the tongue placement in the mouth can exacerbate tension in the neck & throat.


27-02-09, 19:24
Fantastic post, any tips for aching thighs?! yes really!

much love

04-03-09, 20:41
all i can say is wow...
i wish i had looked at this website when i was in a very deep hole suffering for depression and anxiety. it was the center of my life for nearly a year and i don't think i ever fully recovered. every now and then the head rush and panic flows through me but i have it more under control. it was a very tough time to have panic attacks and paranoia (when i was 17 turning 18) all of my friends going out drinking and me not wanting to touch it or push myself to do anything, sitting at home all day with no company but myself.
i believe this was caused but me dropping out of college and stopping doing any mentally stimulating things. That was when my prior over use of cannabis in my mid teens decided to pop up and spin my head out.

what i needed a few years ago was this website... i felt i was the only person who felt the way i did and it took for me to meet someone in the same situation as me to realize i was not alone and could get back to my life and stop feeling sorry for myself.

one think i found helpful was having access to water, although in some respects you might panic if you didnt have any.
the other which i still do today is eat some nuts like cashews. They contain a great source of energy that burns throughout the day and helps pick you up without making you crash like with sweets.

much respect to everyone here.


11-03-09, 19:10
all i can say is wow...
i wish i had looked at this website when i was in a very deep hole suffering for depression and anxiety. it was the center of my life for nearly a year and i don't think i ever fully recovered. every now and then the head rush and panic flows through me but i have it more under control. it was a very tough time to have panic attacks and paranoia (when i was 17 turning 18) all of my friends going out drinking and me not wanting to touch it or push myself to do anything, sitting at home all day with no company but myself.
i believe this was caused but me dropping out of college and stopping doing any mentally stimulating things. That was when my prior over use of cannabis in my mid teens decided to pop up and spin my head out.

what i needed a few years ago was this website... i felt i was the only person who felt the way i did and it took for me to meet someone in the same situation as me to realize i was not alone and could get back to my life and stop feeling sorry for myself.

one think i found helpful was having access to water, although in some respects you might panic if you didnt have any.
the other which i still do today is eat some nuts like cashews. They contain a great source of energy that burns throughout the day and helps pick you up without making you crash like with sweets.

much respect to everyone here.


You have just described my life lol :roflmao:
Every single little detail.

I am curently 18. Hardly go out and spend my days sat at home on my own. Used to smoke cannabis (been quit for nearly a year now). I carry a bottle of water every where with me incase I cant find any when I need a drink lol.

I will deff try the nuts thing though, Thanks.

20-03-09, 08:49
Hi Michelle

Great post as I am quite new to the site. I get all those feelings you have talked about but the owrse one I had was last night when I woke up about 2.30am and had what I think was a panic attack as my whole body was shaking inside and my head was pulsating, it was horrible. It really frightened me but I guess its part of the anxiety I have.



23-03-09, 13:56
Hello Michelle

I have just joined the site today. For the last month or so I have been experiencing all sorts of ailments, from headaches for days and days, clicking jaw, palpataitions, numb fingers etc. I am currently having lots of tests but these are so far all coming back fine (thankfully) and my doctor thinks I', stressed and anxious. Your advice is really helpful and nice to know I'm not alone. However one thing that is getting me down more than anything else is a constant terror or dying. Even the slightest twinge has me convinced I'm about to drop dead. It's that bad sometimes that I'll watch a programme on TV and think "well that's the last time I'll see them on telly" or I could be in a room in my house and think "I really like this room, I don't want to die yet!" Bizarra I know but it is becoming a real problem. Funny thing is I only get these feelings at home, when I'm at work I feel fine most of the time. Do you think these thoughts are all due to being stressed?
Hi AliS.
I do exactly the same as you. I'm forever checking my pulse to make sure my heart is still beating, and im sure with every twinge i'm about to drop down dead.
Im constanly thinking this could be my last meal, or make sure i say nice things to people because it will be the last thing i say to them.
I completely understand how you feel, but its important to remember how many times you've said that to yourself and how it never has been "the last time".

Take care

29-03-09, 20:10
Here are a few things I've learned lately:

* Do not, ever, under any circumstances, Google your symptoms. If there's one piece of advice I will pass to my grandkids one distant day, it will be this. Go to a doctor if you are concerned. If you don't think it's worth bothering a doctor with, then it can't be that bad, so try to forget about it.

* Don't weigh yourself all the time. It doesn't matter if you've gained or lost a few pounds here and there.

* Don't measure your own blood pressure. If you do, and your result is extraordinarily high, it is probably due to panic.

* Relax and take it easy when it's time to take your medication (if any); worrying about it is only going to make you feel like you're having side effects. Your medicine is on your side.

* Stay social! (I know I keep saying this) Try to spend time with different people, not just the same person.

* Try to do something different now and then. Avoid always doing the same things -- it will put you in a rut, bore you and make you not want to try anything new. You must not get into a rut, no matter how comfortable it may seem at first.

* Have something to look forward to. It doesn't have to be anything amazing, it could just be a family occasion or watching your favourite programme or going to a friend's for the evening. Try to have things to look forward to in the future as well - a day at the race track, a concert, that sort of thing.

* If you feel like you can't breathe, yet you are able to inflate your chest without obstruction and your lungs do not suffer agonising pains, you are suffering from hyperventilation or a panic attack and you will be fine.

* If you have lost the ability to do something, it will return in time. This is one of the hardest things to accept cos it seems like you'll never get back to normal. You will, it might just take a while.

* Never rely on medication alone. They are an aid, but they are not a cure. The cure will come from within you. Tackle your problems -- there is often something causing them that you can do something about.

And finally, one that applies to my dad: Don't forget to record Time Team dammit!!

Lion King
03-04-09, 16:07
quality tips, the tension with the tongue was most interesting as i wasn't aware I did it until I read through your tips, I am now conscious of the fact I need to lower my tongue. I am also suffering neck tension and shoulder pains with stress and anxiety but I am combatting this with breathing exercises and meditation, which I am finding difficult to concentrate, I think I may be trying too hard. Can you advice on what helps you relax and focus?

09-04-09, 12:29
Thanks for this, i have anxiety attacks and at the moment i am at my worse, but i'm determined it won't beat me i have stopped them before so can do it again, your post is fab and i will read it everytime i am feeling anxious x x

13-04-09, 11:26
What a great post!!

We all need reminding of these facts sometimes... well I know I do! Especially "TRY TO REMEMBER A STRONG FAST BEATING HEART IS A GOOD HEART". What great advice!

Loving NMP!!

13-04-09, 12:24
Another couple of things I've learned:

* If you are scared of the world and think it's a terrible place, try being part of it. Be on the inside looking out rather than the other way around. Almost nothing that you are afraid of will ever happen.

* No matter how much you might feel like you are going mad, you are not going mad. It is not possible to suddenly go mad. If you were insane, you would not be remotely capable of questioning your own state of mind. You are simply feeling overwhelmed by what you are going through. This is not the same as going mad; it is a completely natural response when you feel trapped and/or surrounded by problems.

* You are not having a brain tumour. You would probably know if you were because the symptoms would not resemble anxiety or panic. There are physical symptoms for most type of brain tumour which do not all match anxiety or depression. If you are worried, please see your doctor for your own peace of mind.

* If a doctor gives you the all clear, you are all clear. Doctors who are concerned will forward you on for further tests. If they do not do this, it is highly likely that your symptoms have a mundane, everyday cause and are not a cause for concern.

* Feeling tense or anxious will make all of your symptoms feel worse. Concentrating on your symptoms is the same as putting them under a magnifying glass. Lying on your bed all day thinking about how ill you are will not help you to recover; forget about it, even for a few minutes.

* If you can relax and forget your worries even for thirty seconds, hell even for two or three seconds, you have proven that you can be free of your worries. It's that simple. Yes, it really is. You don't need to have the mental control of a Buddhist monk. (Although that would help!) You might only be able to manage a few minutes of freedom now. This will increase the more you practice it. Before long you will be able to go for hours, and eventually even days.

* Bear in mind that people permanently recover from anxiety and depression every day. Anxiety and depression can be overcome. It is entirely possible to live a normal life even if you have suffered from serious depression in the past. It is possible to never suffer from bad anxiety or depression again.

* You will have down days. Tough it out. The next day could be wonderful.

13-04-09, 19:46
Another couple of things I've learned:

* If you can relax and forget your worries even for thirty seconds, hell even for two or three seconds, you have proven that you can be free of your worries. It's that simple. Yes, it really is. You don't need to have the mental control of a Buddhist monk. (Although that would help!) You might only be able to manage a few minutes of freedom now. This will increase the more you practice it. Before long you will be able to go for hours, and eventually even days.

* Bear in mind that people permanently recover from anxiety and depression every day. Anxiety and depression can be overcome. It is entirely possible to live a normal life even if you have suffered from serious depression in the past. It is possible to never suffer from bad anxiety or depression again.

* You will have down days. Tough it out. The next day could be wonderful.

Thanks for this post.... it actually gave me a flare of butterflies (good ones) with hope that I will be free for days, then months, then years. Sounds great!!:flowers: :yahoo: :flowers:

15-04-09, 07:08
Hi Lisa

What worries me more then anything is literally in the last few days, having felt "anxious" over illness etc for a few days, my hands have started to feel like I've just realised I have them, tingly, not completely pins and needles but a bit like that and slightly warm at times. Mainly in one hand.

Convinced myself I have early MS, dr says its to do with hyperventilating, but I don't feel like I am, ie not getting out of breath etc, just a bit less controlled breathing, then later in the day, after I dont feel so anxious, the tips of my fingers start to tingle a little?


15-04-09, 09:29
HI there,

just read a bit about tingling fingers on the symtoms section here. That section has really helped me feel better about the anixety, if you know what I mean.

Understanding why I feel the things I do helps me feel much less worried and realise that when my brain decides I should be fighting or fleeing make me breathe faster, increases my heart rate and the over breathing causes all those other things too.

Hope this helps you too. Check out the symptoms section from the menu on the left or try this link.


15-04-09, 12:09
Thanks Insomniac, glad I could help :D

The literature on depression that I have read tends to be quite scary. It rarely makes any mention of recovery. It just talks about "treatment". People can go into remission and they can conquer it altogether. Same with anxiety. You can be a melancholy or anxious person and still live a normal, healthy, happy life.

29-04-09, 11:39
Thanks for bit about lying on the bed all day doesn't help. This is all Iv'e been doing/wanted to do so no wonders i still feel sick all the time, Iv'e done nothing since my stomach bug and its been 3 weeks, think i need to get a grip.

29-04-09, 22:37
has anyone tryed a herb called RHODIOLA I have been taking it and can honestly say I feel soooo much better......my aunt runs a health shop and recomended it to me, apparently avoid getting it with caffine as this will give you the jitters....anyway so far so good as my G.P. put me on propanolol (betta blocker) and i wasn't keen to go there......will keep you all posted bye for now Mikey

03-05-09, 21:28
Hi Poet this is the first time that I have replied to something that you have posted. I know that you are young (well a lot younger than me) I dearly hope and pray that you are free from anxiety and depression some time in the near future. Unfortunately for me at forty seven nearly forty eight I will never be completely free of this demon. That is not to say I dont lead a fulfilling and meaningful life I do. I have severe recurrent depressive disorder. I have had periods of serious depression throughout my adult life. On occasion I have been hospitalised because of my illness. I have had a lot of psychiatric treatments and they have all helped in their way. So now I try to focus in the present. I see my brilliant consultant psychiatrist every six weeks or so and we talk and he prescribes me drugs. I also see my GP every month. I know I've deviated from the point but sometimes it is better to accept that we can't be cured and then we can get on with living our lives.

chloe cardiff
03-05-09, 23:49
I have been trudging through page after page for some kind of help like this thanku michelle!

i have had anxiety related vertigo for 2 weeks now and it has stopped me in my tracks for completing revision for degree exams.

my gp has put me on stemetil for the time being - im going to try every single thing about the small meals etc...is there any possible further advice to help me tackle this dizziness? its 24 hours a day and unbearable!!!

07-05-09, 09:46
fantstic post, im making a good recovery, the only problem i have that i cant cope with is nausea, ive lost 2 stone cos i cant eat properly and im diabetic, so reading that you burn more sugar with anx has worried me a little, any suggestions to stop nausea please.

08-05-09, 05:23
hi all , Sorry I havent replied to your messages sooner its not often I am on this site at the moment .

Ok dizziness can be controlled with breathing, when you feel dizzy no doubt your immediate thought is " oh here we go again , or I am going to faint " very very highly unlikely you will faint, If you were to take a moment or too and take some slow deep breaths to bring your breathing under control this would ease the diziness, the other thing is make sure your eating well and the dizziness is not a result of lack of food or sugar.

Same with the feeling sick , try mints or some other boiled sweet if you can , ensure that you are eating well and doing controlled breathing excersises at least 3 times a day to begin with until you feel a difference.

Hope this helps - and good Luck

Michelle xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

08-05-09, 09:35
Lisa, thanks so much for all that advice, really helpful, the shaking of the arms and clenching fists is exactly what i feel like doing (i also feel like running around the garden at 3am to get rid of what feels like electric energy that seems to surge through my body !! its only that ive got neighbours that i dont do it!! - is that excess adrenalin do you think?) - i know i must get exercise but find it so hard to get motivated to do it. Lots of good advice - im going to try really really hard to start meditating - ive found a group locally near hornchurch in essex which im thinking about joining if i can pluck up the courage xxxx

08-05-09, 10:02
ok, i was a bit sceptical, that the breathing exercise with the fists would actually work!..., but it did! so thank you for posting that tip! xxx

11-05-09, 21:21
biggest tip i can give is breathing out. I know it sounds silly but when people panic they tend to take a big breath in and hold. THis leads to messing up your oxygen/carbon dioxide levels which in turn exaserbates the panic. I had seen so many doctors and specialist and it wasnt until this year i was told about this.

When you feel a panic starting and you take and hold your breath, make sure you gave a big exhale. A lot of panic attack prevention methods I find (brown paper bag breathing for example) I dont like as i feel they draw more attention to you which you are self conscious about anyway. A big breath out/sigh is something everyone does all the time and will not come across strange. After this, count to 4 for each inhale and exhale.

Obvioulsy, this can be done with the many other methods such as disctraction but after all these years I was gobsmacked something so straightforward could make a difference

13-05-09, 21:10
I remembered reading the breathing exercise today when I started to feel the panic rising, and tried it, it really seemed to help. I have to say that normally the only time I panic are in confined spaces and high up places, but I seem to have a lot on my mind at the moment. I'll keep reading through the posts in the hope I pick up more help. Thanks

15-05-09, 16:08
You have just described my life lol :roflmao:
Every single little detail.

I am curently 18. Hardly go out and spend my days sat at home on my own. Used to smoke cannabis (been quit for nearly a year now). I carry a bottle of water every where with me incase I cant find any when I need a drink lol.

I will deff try the nuts thing though, Thanks.

ice tea is good too. try meditation and hypnotherapy too

15-05-09, 22:40
Hi Everyone

I have just looked on itunes for free podcasts in relation to anxiety and I completed a 12 minute relaxation one called 'test anxiety guru' I went througha few at first and his voice was one of the only ones which wasnt really grating on me. Anyway was feeling anxious earlier, calmed myslef down and listened to that I think it seemed good and was just the right legnth for me.

I would be interested to hear what others think of it it felt a bit corny at first but I am going to try and do it every day over the next week I will let you knowhow it goes. I am sure there are millions out there even on this site and I will further look for those but this one just seemed to give instant relef from anxiety for a short time at least. Maddymoo xx:winks:

06-06-09, 20:32
I made myself a relaxing powerpoint presentation. I took calming pictures from the net like water, rivers, lakes, birds, cats, winter, summer etc and attached sounds to every slide.(for example a slide with a sunny river would have a sound of river running or birds chirping). Then I forced myself to watch the "show" daily and in the same time do my breathing exercises (4 inhale, 2 holding, 6 exhaling). In the beginning my mind raced and i thought whats the use but after a couple of weeks I noticed a real difference. Now if Im out and start getting nervous I get the images in my head and start feeling relaxed. I also used a machine called Emwave at the same time which I borrowed from my therapist, it sort of measures your calmness and pulse by showing lights, and you are suppose to get it to green.

06-06-09, 20:43
i'm new to this website and its really reassuring to read this post,although i have read similar before in self help books i hadnt read the tongue thing which applied to me and also its nice to be in touch with people who are going through the same and dont think you are mad x

06-06-09, 21:50
Hi michelle,

I have just joined and in the last couple of hours have found so much helpful information, your has been really good. I suffer with GAD and am constantly having palpitations which feel like pressure building up and then a big thund, does this sound normal to you?

Once again thanks for your advice

09-06-09, 08:47
i get missed heart beats and that kicks in the anxiety. ive had it checked by the gp and he said its nothing to be concerned about but that doesnt make me reassured when its happening. i often wake feeling high anxiety and tension. any tips on how to deal with it all?

19-06-09, 09:54
Thanks so much - the lump in my throat had got awful - my tongue was permanently on the roof of my mouth - I am going to make a concious effort to lower it.
Brilliant post


21-06-09, 18:32
Thanks - i have printed it out and will keep it in my bag. Best thing for me is reading all my symptoms of 'all of my illnesses' and seeing how connected they are. I will, with the love of my family and the support of this website be back in control asap.
Cheers xxx

23-06-09, 23:41
Have you any tips on relaxing enough to be able to go to sleep. Sleep is a non event in my life and am on sleeping tablets. I think tonight is going to be the night I wont need a tablet but when the evening comes I start getting a stress pain on the top of my head just on the left hand side and the closer it gets to bed time the worse I feel and the pain just gets worse. When I take my sleeping tablet I can feel the pain being hacked away and then I can sleep but I feel I an in a vicious circle. I have tried breathing but the more I try to deep breath the more anxious I get. Doc put me on anatrypaline but in the first week had put on 5lbs so got anxious about that. Dont know how to cope at the moment. Have got a real big problem in my life at the moment found out last August my youngest son who is now 33 was abused by paedophile when he was 13 and got huge court case in London in a few weeks. I could cope better if I didnt have the sleep worries invading my life...

24-06-09, 12:44

Have just read your message and found it really helpful, as have been diagnosed as suffering from anxiety for 3-4 weeks now. Thankfully my physical symptoms seem to have diminished a bit and "touch wood" have not had a real panic/anxiety attack for a few days now, which were happening every day, two three times a day - so I'm hoping I'm getting much better.

Which is why I wanted to ask you a couple of things - "All" I seem to suffer with at the moment is a bit of pins and needles in my fingers and a bit lightheaded now and again througout the day whilst at work - my eyes go a bit blurry, like I have to really focus and as a generalisation have to "have a word with myself" every now and again as feel a bit trembly at times in the day. So now, because symptoms are passing I'm thinking why do I still feel like this? Is this common, so to speak that will still have the physical symptoms all think I'm "over" what the anxiety was all about?

Also have bit of chest uncomfortableness, cant say pain because its not, sort of under the breast bones where your ribs meet...

Thanks for all advice/support you can give, woudl be most appreciated.


28-06-09, 22:21

Just joined and finding this post incredibly useful.
I have to say that this site is wonderful and full of information that I hope to help me deal with my anxiety and panic attacks.
Especially the symptom descriptions. It is helping me put things in perspective, although it is not easy at some points!

28-07-09, 00:55
Hi all

My name is Aaron im 23 year's old. I first started with anxiety when i was 18, started very suddenly for me, i got very drunk one new years eve and dont remember getting home just waking the next morning which i found pretty scary. Two day's after i had my first panic attack where i felt like i was dying luckily my mum suffered with them as a teenager and was able to calm me down and explaine what i was feeling. I've always wondered if it was that night of getting drunk that started it off for me. Anyway! after the panic attack i started with constant Anxiety, worried about being seriously ill, intrustive thoughts where i was scared of going near knives in case i suddenly went crazy or lost control, i was always in control of my thoughts so i knew what it was. I think the most scariest thing for me was the Unreal/derealisation state, made me scared to look in the mirror and always seemed to happen to me when i was in the bathroom really wierd. I started taking St John's Wort and after about 6 months i managed to beat the anxiety and was completly free of it and never thought about it.

About 3 weeks i was driving home from work and in traffic and suddenly became overwhelmed and felt the need to get out of the car, i was able to tell myself it was a panic attack and control it and drive myself home, where i then had a full on panic attack, hot,cold,intense fear etc. i phoned my dad who calmed me down (he is a counseller) so makes it easy for me to talk about how i feel, my mum is really good and understanding as well.

I was trying to think what might have triggered it, my job has changed alot and im not enjoying, we had two new managers come in that i dont like and dont really get along with and thing it might be this that caused it. Also my girlfriend lives in London im from Manchester and she is studying at univeristy in Manchester, and as its end of term at the moment she has gone back to london for 2 months, at the time i didnt worry about this but now feel like i really miss her.

The anxiety has come back again and being hit really hard with the unreal stuff again which i find really scary, the biggest thing is im not sure if its just myself telling myself to feel this way because thats what happened after my last panic attack or its anxiety again, its really confusing for me. I went to see my GP who offered me counselling and meds which i declined both. I worry alot about the side effects of meds, and dont feel like i need counselling as im not worried about in paticular and i have people around me i can talk to. I have started taking St Johns Wort again for about 2 weeks now, i am confident of beating this again it can be a long road but i wanted to let people know it can be done and you can be anxiety free!

If anyone has any good tips for dealing with the unreal/depersanlisation things i would love to hear them, as i kind of just let it happen and wait for it to pass.

31-07-09, 12:34
hi i suffer from all these things and have done for ages i know what they are and why they happen but still cant shift them every time i get rid of one thing another pops up! right now the theme is tension headaches they are not like real headaches but they are annoyin! feel like i cant talk proper or see straight but i can see.... if u know what i mean..... any advice???? also hi beerguy! i suffer with unreality alot the trick is to accept it.. not easy i know but it dose pass in time once we focus on other things remember that unreality cant hurt u you CAN get through each day with it.. its just annoyin and unpleasant but the more u try to force it away the more strange u feel because its all u can think about just like when u have a panic attack... again your caught in the circle.... xxx

23-08-09, 10:57
Hi all. Something that works for me with the tight throat, lump in throat thingy etc is to wear a scarf loosely round my neck. Warm muscles are usually relaxed muscles. xxx

04-09-09, 18:18
I just found this on another forum:

The amygdala, the part of the brain that registers fear, is told that the individual is in great danger. You look around you and see no threat – no bears, spiders etc! But you are still fearful and anxious. So the amygdala must register your very environment as dangerous. You might say that it has nowhere to go, nothing to focus on; there is nothing specific to be worried about, so the fear is projected onto anything and everything. Suddenly, your kitchen or bedroom can seem terribly frightening. You know deep down that there is nothing to be afraid of here – but the fear itself won’t accept that.

So there IS an explanation for why we feel this way!!

05-09-09, 21:43
Hi AliS.
I do exactly the same as you. I'm forever checking my pulse to make sure my heart is still beating, and im sure with every twinge i'm about to drop down dead.
Im constanly thinking this could be my last meal, or make sure i say nice things to people because it will be the last thing i say to them.
I completely understand how you feel, but its important to remember how many times you've said that to yourself and how it never has been "the last time".

Take care
Hi Alis

I also get that exact same feeling and i have got into the cycle where if i dont think something will happen, then it will and i wont be prepared for it (stupid heh). it is such a horrible feeling constantly feeling like you are going to die or something with every pain twinge etc. i have even got to the point where i cant go far away from my home as when im in my own hometown i know where all the hospitals and doctors are etc if i need them it i so so awful.

Thinking of You
Just Wanted to let you know you are not alone

06-09-09, 23:53
Information that might prove useful:

Your unconscious mind is incapable of accepting negative suggestions. If it is confronted with negative suggestions, it shuts down and waits until something neutral or positive comes along.

Negative suggestions are received and acted on by your conscious mind.

This appears to be why hypnotherapy can eliminate problems altogether (given a sufficient period of treatment).

If you are receiving hypnotherapy or are using subliminal or self-hypnosis techniques, you need to persist with them for at least a month in order to program your unconscious mind.

I would recommend that everyone at least give these types of therapy a try. There is nothing to lose and it might improve your quality of life if you stick with it long enough.

10-09-09, 10:54
I just wanted to say thanks so much for your post, I slept for the first time in a week. The most sleep I had before was 40 mins and I need my energy through the day as I am a school teacher.
The breathing excersises sent me into such a nice place that took me away from the fear of death, disease, heart attack, storke, passing out etc and allowed me to sleep soundly for 6 hours with 1 attack in the night that I controled in 15 mins flat then I was out for another 2 hours. I only started getting these feelings 2 weeks ago and they have ruined my life, I feel at times like I am going mad...literally! Your post has put me in a more controlled place. I am visitihng my GP on Fri to get some additional support.

Adam Birmingham

28-09-09, 21:13
great post michell i will certainly try the breathing exercise....thats one thing i have probs with when im havin a panic attack.... cheers for the info x

08-11-09, 17:55
hi there my name is lucy, and i have been reading your post, which is really helpfull, i have all the same and have agrophobia which i really want to get over. how did you get over all of it, ive suffered from panic and anxiery for 12 years and agrophobia for 5, i know the ins and out, but just dont have the guts to go and do it.

ive traavelled in an emergancy, my eldest daughter was in hospital, and i had another 2 years ago, the whole pregnacy i was worring how on earth was i goinh to get to hospital, but i did it.

also when i do suceed in little jouneys, i worry i might not beable to get home again, and if i do im happy but have no desire to do it again, it dont feel right. but i sit here and think im not normal, this isnt normal to not travel, and other people say, just bloody do , but i cant. xxx

i did try private message you, and ya all full up,

08-11-09, 18:00
can i just say in reply to psycho comment, i had hypno for 6 months and it didnt help at all with my agrophobia, and left a big dent in my wallet, but i do have recordsing of all the sessions, but ive giving up, do you think i should listen to them again dialy, could it still work? xx

20-11-09, 16:29
Thanks for this. I am certainly going to try this next time I have a panic attack.

22-11-09, 14:33
i wake with my heart beating quickly but also have a slower, regular beat going on as well and my pulse seems normal. can this be anxiety linked as i often wake and worry about my heart although the gp says i have no problems to be concerned about.

09-12-09, 16:18
hi is burning in upper left chest and left arm from the anxiety? what do i do?

10-12-09, 11:25
Thank you for taking the time to post this thread, reading through its ideal for me so I have printed it off thanks:yesyes:

12-12-09, 11:56
Great post and what good advice, methinks I will print it off also. Phew... do I need this right now.

12-12-09, 15:18
I never thought about that one with the tongue on the roof of the mouth your right lowering it does help, thanks.

12-12-09, 23:05
Hi peeps I aint posted one of these in some time and given that we have new members I thought it would be good to do one again.

Ok Anxiety remember is just a physical reaction to the chemical Adrenalin that is being overly produced by our bodies, it can produce many nasty horrible feelings , BUT that is all it can do produce feelings, its what we do with them feelings that matters .....

So for some of those symptoms try the following

Shaking hands or limbs - clench the hands tight like a fist , hold it and take a deep breath in throught your nose , release the fist as you release the breath out through your nose, by doing this slowly and calmly Not only are we releasing the adrenalin that has built up but we are also taking control of our breathing which will calm our nervous system down.

Lump in throat or tight throat - If you suffer with this then it is usually because when we are tense we walk around with our TOUNGE permanantly place up in the roof of our mouth clenched and tight, and by doing this we IMMEDIATLY tense the throat and jaw area , causing muscle tension , so make a effort to check where your tounge is placed in the mouth and attempt to keep it lowered ,

Pain in shoulders and neck / headaches -- again when tense we walk or sit with our shoulders hunched up around our ears , this causes tension in the neck and head , drop the shoulders , keep a eye on where you hold them and if you feel pain or discomfort when you do this its Ok its Just that your body isnt used to feeling relaxed given time you will re-train yourself to carry yourself properly and in a more relaxed state.

Palpitations - - Horrible I know but is yet another symptom of anxiety , We do tend to monitor it when we feel our heart going ten to the dozen and this is where we make it seem much worse than it actually is - TRY TO REMEMBER A STRONG FAST BEATING HEART IS A GOOD HEART and no harm will come to you or your heart,, if at night time you struggle to sleep for listening to your own heart when lieing down then place to pillows on the bed and rest your head on the crack between the two pillows , this will help you to stop monitering and listening to yourself.

Dizzy or sick spells - again Not nice but very common , when we have anxiety we burn off sugar very fast or we dont eat enough , you should really be trying to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day rather than 2 or 3 large ones and if you feel sick or dizzy then try a sweet cup of tea or a buiscuit to help replenish your sugar levels , every symptom you feel has a logical explanation for it and once you discover how to help yourself beating anxiety becomes much easier.

Depersonalization - this is simply a result of a tired mind , when we have anxiety we seem to think about things 24/7 and of course this tires us out , instead of curling up in bed or on the sofa praying this stops simply do the breathing excersise for 20 minutes , doing this will give your mind time to rest and your body time to relax, doing a good excerise for 20 minutes is the same as allowing the body and mind 2 hours sleep ....... well worth doing and i suggest even if your having a good day try to do this for 20minutes at least 3 times a day this will allow you to keep your body relaxed and in the state it should be.

Intrusive thoughts ----- Horrible again belive me i been there , but remember these are JUST thoughts and again its the way we react to them that matters , dont sit there thinking and pondering about the why's if's and maybe's , get up do something , read a book , play a game crosswords or even bake some bread or cakes anything to take your mind away from your thought, its impossible to think about two things at the same time, I know it seems you can but trust me you CANT and eventually if you stick with distraction it does work .

Exercise - Essential for recovery , try to do some low impact excersises each day it may be a little walk or cycling or even swimming , Yoga is excellant for anxiety and good excerise releases the body's own nautal endorphines which makes us feel good and happy , well worth doing

Sleep - We all sruggle from time to time with our sleeping patterns , try if you can to stop nappin during the day , if you feel you must then be sensible about it , set a alarm and give yourself a hour or perhaps 2 then get up , dont lie there in a half asleep state thinking about things get up and do something constructive , if you wake during the night and struggle to get bak off to sleep again dont lie there get up , go clean or get a nice warm drink you have to start breaking the cycle and habbits that we so easily form when we suffer with anxiety or panic

Panic Attack - Ok firstly try to break the cycle of being scared something terrible is going to happen IT WONT , Runnin away simple creates more problems and makes us feel a failure , if you feel panic coming where ever you are try this

Drop your shoulders , focus on something near by - a shop window , a lamp post or even a tin of beans if your in the supermarket , take a slow deep breath in through your nose count to 4 , release it our again through the nose and repeat , tell yourself its Ok it will pass and you WILL be ok , do this for a few moments then continue with what you were doing , you may feel slightly dizzy or sick , this is Ok its as a result of your levels returning to normal , take a sweet and suck it this will help with the nausau , anyone who Knows me Knows i have a constant supply of mints in my handbag for such occasions .

Ok if anyone has other symptoms of needs advice on anything in paticular leave a post and i will reply


This post is by a former member of NMP. Michelle can no longer be contacted through this site but please feel free to continue posting on the forum for further advice and support.



NMP Administrator

This is a great help, thank you very much!

28-12-09, 23:33
hi great post butb just wanted advice ...i feel so tired allthe time even after only being awake 2 hours i feel like im gonna drop and need to go to sleep again.....my anxiety as been bad latley due to sudden loss of my mum in july and i am constantley thinking of anxiety and illnesses i may have ...thanks

29-12-09, 00:08
Exercise - Essential for recovery , try to do some low impact excersises each day it may be a little walk or cycling or even swimming , Yoga is excellant for anxiety and good excerise releases the body's own nautal endorphines which makes us feel good and happy , well worth doing

Hey great advice there, i exercise most day, well walking, but just started doing more other stuff, it def helps my anxiety and makes me feel more positive, motivated and more energy to do more. hugs xxx

14-01-10, 18:08
I have been having anxiety for over a year and it still hasnt gone, iv managed to work through certain things but still find it difficult to get on a bus.
I got kicked out of college because i dint attend because of the fear of having a panic attack and have been unemployed since then and im fed up.
i went to cognetive behavior therapy but it did not help at all, i have also been on citelopram 20 mg then 40 mg but it did not help so am trying to come off but having withdrawlproblems.
I usually find that if i can do something once it gets easier the second time do u know any way to get through the first time.


18-02-10, 10:44
Here's an exercise that is great to restore the blood's values of oxygen and so on. Its called breathing in a square.

1) Lie down and visualize a square in your mind, or look at some object like a paintings's frame.

2) Breath in on 3 counts, while going up the square.

3) Hold your breaths for 3 counts, while going right on the upper frame.

4) Breath out on 3 counts, while going down the square.

5) Hold your breaths for 3 counts, while going left on the lower frame.

Continue as long as you wish. Use your stomach and dont try to breath too deeply or too shallowly, or too slow or too fast. Just try to eventually find your normal rythm. I really get calm when I do this, and my tensions starts to let go.

It really helps if you do it right! It's an excellent technique for any kind of anxiety.

21-02-10, 16:35
Hi all
I have been having this general anxiety disorder, I think about discussing this with my gp but feel uncomfortable about it . Will anyone tell me what sort of help I might get because of this please.

22-02-10, 15:52
Hi all
I have been having this general anxiety disorder, I think about discussing this with my gp but feel uncomfortable about it . Will anyone tell me what sort of help I might get because of this please.

The healthcare can offer u two things: therapy or medication. For general anxiety disorder u probably get lyrica/benzo and/or an ssri. Therapy is mindfulness and/or cbt for example. I 'have' gad, but i dont think its a sickness. Its just a bad state that has gotten chronic in the body. It's fully possible to get 100 % cured.

07-03-10, 13:41
Thanks Yogidude :) I think I am going to try awareness first then see how it goes .

16-03-10, 14:52
I am 14 and am at secondary school,
In my summer holiday I got glandular fever, and for pretty much the whole 7 weeks, didn’t even have the energy to leave my house
I’m usually an outgoing person who loves being out with my friends, but after 7 weeks of doing nothing I became very anxious.
I now miss quite a lot of time from school because of still feeling rubbish and post viral, however because of the stress of not being at school, and my anxiety of being sick when I’m at school, it is now a big struggle for me to get into lessons, and when I am in them, I can hardly concentrate.
I have been doing the tips you have posted, and they have helped, some days, but on other days my anxiety feels uncontrollable.
I’ve been going to the doctors to help, and it was helping a bit, but I recently caught another virus, and I am back to square 1 with my anxiety. Do you have any ideas of how I could calm myself in lessons or exams?
Thank you

28-03-10, 23:23
Hello All,Im new to this so please forgive me if i get things wrong,Ive been put on 300mg a day of lyrica for GAD ,ive been on this dose now for a couple of weeks now and i have a very sore TONGUE ,has anybody else experienced this and if so is there anything i can do to relieve it.

01-04-10, 18:36
what breathing exercise are you referring to in the depersonalization part of your very useful post Michelle.

01-04-10, 18:45
Michelle you say that you are now recovered from your anxiety condition,I would be very interested to know how you become well again,many thanks for your caring approach.

13-06-10, 18:43
" anyone who Knows me Knows i have a constant supply of mints in my handbag for such occasions"
Haha, I already started doing this one, found that if I had mints they somewhat helped.

fretty freda
23-06-10, 00:20
well done michelle mum of four never knew anyone could recover please tellme how? i remember seeing you on the site about 3 years ago when i first joined , michelle what medication did you take ?

19-07-10, 17:59
This is very helpful. I think I might print it off because I get quite a lot of these symptoms, especially the horrible thoughts one.

Thanks a lot

Hannah x

12-09-10, 23:05
Michelle, i was reading your post saying that you are recovered from severe generalsied anxiety. I got diagnosed about a year ago and have been on course for the same in my local mental day hospital in Dec last year. I am very interested in your journey to recovery as i am currently feeling that I will struggle with this for the rest of my life. I am encouraged to hear of your story.


18-09-10, 09:54
Thank you all for this wonderful thread. xxx

24-09-10, 22:45
Thank you Michelle!! Such informative posts!!!!! :0) x

24-09-10, 22:56
Michelle, thanks so much for this great post.



30-09-10, 21:41
You have just described my life lol :roflmao:
Every single little detail.

I am curently 18. Hardly go out and spend my days sat at home on my own. Used to smoke cannabis (been quit for nearly a year now). I carry a bottle of water every where with me incase I cant find any when I need a drink lol.

I will deff try the nuts thing though, Thanks.

Hey it was a long time since you responded to my post and longer since i wrote it. I was just reminiscing and wondering if it worked or you are better????

28-10-10, 11:52
i allways suck a mint like halls i buy packets of them and it does help my breathing or i try and think of other things to take my mind off the panic .

12-11-10, 18:09
How do you deal with panic attacks whilst driving? This has ruined my life, I have had three major panic attacks whilst actually driving and my sudden urge is to stop, which has not always been possible and through total fear I have had to continue to a safe place to stop, where then i have been in total pieces and petrified of continuing, twice i had someone with me and they took over, but the last time i was alone and i have never been so frightened, I did get home But how i just dont know, i was hysterical, But now i wont take a car out, I used to only fear big roads but since this last attack, i dont like any roads, and traffic lights send me loopy, why is this hppening, to stop driving traps me and my anxiety levels are sky high because of constantly worrying about this,

17-11-10, 22:07
How do you deal with panic attacks whilst driving? This has ruined my life, I have had three major panic attacks whilst actually driving and my sudden urge is to stop, which has not always been possible and through total fear I have had to continue to a safe place to stop, where then i have been in total pieces and petrified of continuing, twice i had someone with me and they took over, but the last time i was alone and i have never been so frightened, I did get home But how i just dont know, i was hysterical, But now i wont take a car out, I used to only fear big roads but since this last attack, i dont like any roads, and traffic lights send me loopy, why is this hppening, to stop driving traps me and my anxiety levels are sky high because of constantly worrying about this,

I've found books on CD really help with this. For whatever reason, listening to the book distracts me exactly enough that I am not having tons of anxious/panicking thoughts. In fact, I actually look forward to getting into the car every once in a while now to hear the next part of my book! This is a huge improvement over this summer when I couldn't even drive 4 miles to work.

18-11-10, 07:27
hi. i would like to thank everyone first and foremost for shareing these well tucked away feelings, im a young guy that has just found out that i have anxiety, at first i thought that i had something wrong with my heart went to A and E twice before it got put down to this.

ive allways been mentally strong and never shown my feelings, my father passed nearly 4 years ago due to a heart attack and it really didnt effect me until now, but thats what i thought. it changed my whole life him passing from that day, me and my girlfriend have been together 8 years and these last 4 have been the worst. i thought that i was ok but havent been for sometime.

i cant be out in public im constantly watching my back and when i drink i constantly fight trying to let of steam which is a viscious circle so when im bk to my state of reality im paranoid again.

i have just started haveing panic attacks as from before i would just have a bad day after a hangover and feel my muscles tenseing and heart beating i think that im gunna die just like dad did. now i get everything described, i havent spoken to anyone and it seems to be getting worse with the more alcahol i drink, and alcahol is becomeing a escape route for me which is terrible, this is effecting my whole family and friends now coz im keeping them awake at night and nearly making them believe that there ill aswell.

i just want to be back to my old vibrant self, ive quit playing football and all sports and never really do nothing from day to day now, im having the worst thoughts aswell which i actually really think are true why i dont no.

i have good days and which i think this has passed and then ill have the worst day of my life after.

i deal with this by writing all my stresses down and then attacking them in anyway i no how to solve them.

im so much more unsociable i dont go certain areas becuase i dont want to bump into certain people its ruling my life.

my girlfriends just came bk from uni in leeds, this has had a major effect on me becuase when i used to spend the weekend away i could really open myself up turn my phone off and have no worries this lowered my anxiety levels.

i sweat so much its unbelieveable im so worried about what people think of me too, my girlfriend doesnt really understand what im going through she just thinks that when im angry or need to go for a walk or see my friends its me trying to get away from her, but it isnt i tell myself so much that i need to do something and my mind isnt content untill i do it, like i cant stay in at all i have to be out and about the clubs in my town just to see my mind tells me that i will overcome this if im out but the reality is its smashing my relationship to pieces, me and my mum dont get along and its really hard for me to show love to anyone im constantly angry and want to hurt others to make me feel better knowing other people are hurting.

i was once a real nice lad who wouldnt hurt a fly now im so stressd i tend to take it out on everyone around me.

i really just wanna go bk to the old loveing me who would do anything to help other who wasnt all about money and materialistic.

i feel like im the biggest let down in the world and i really wanna change.

im sorry if i have said to much but this is the first time ive been able to exspress this and its so nice to know im not the only one in the world feeling like this.

peace love and happyness


18-11-10, 08:51

You are most certainly not alone as you can see from just reading these boards. It is good that you are able to open up somewhere.

I can relate to the issues you have with your girlfriend-I have anxiety issues and issues with fear of panic attacks which my boyfriend just isn't able to understand. He tries to support me of course but he will never know how it truely feels unless he goes through it himself

18-11-10, 09:08
What wonderful info...thankyou

18-11-10, 12:06
thanks for the reply i feel better already i have started to express myself to my mum and girlfriend like never before i rememberd that i had a panic attack around 6 months ago but put it down to a bad hangover and it went same day, its only really since the doctors told me about anxiety im worried of having a attack im really starting to make progress with the breatheing and i got to sleep just after my last post on here...

im gunna start taking st johns wart and relaxing but trying to go gym alot more.

thanks for replying its made my day :)


19-11-10, 11:32
I've found books on CD really help with this. For whatever reason, listening to the book distracts me exactly enough that I am not having tons of anxious/panicking thoughts. In fact, I actually look forward to getting into the car every once in a while now to hear the next part of my book! This is a huge improvement over this summer when I couldn't even drive 4 miles to work.

Thank-you so much for that advice and Im sure going to try it out, a brilliant idea,,I will do anything to make life easier with driving, thanks again. karen

23-11-10, 11:07
Quality =] feel better already cheers

18-12-10, 15:10
Hi... i have been suffering from panic attack from last 2 months. i am having spitting problem... i am having this problem all most all day long... i m really upset about this... and now a days i am afraid to talk with people because i feel spit is in my mouth... so i feel if i talk my spit will increase and i will have to spit in front of the person which is shameful... is there any medicine that can reduce my spitting problem... i m really having depression... i m a student... my parents have great hope on me... but this problem is disturbing my life... i feel i have to spit even in important situation such as when i am in the exam hall... is there anybody suffering from the same problem or had this problem before... if yes then plz plz tell me how to get rid of this...

26-12-10, 12:10
Just read your advice its gr8 so thank you for posting it! I have all the usual symptons of panic/anxiety but one is worrying me the most, its the numbness in my left arm and an ache from time to time would you know why this happens at is causes me to have more and more attacks.


26-12-10, 23:06
Hi There Michelle,
Yes brilliant advice,it does work. It does for me anyway, i have learned to relax more- even though I have lots to worry about, I have a bit of me time. Although I have said this I don't know if I could cope without my meds.
All the best

28-12-10, 09:40
Hi all ,

Sorry its not often I come on this site any more, but I am pleased the information I put on here is still proving usefull to so many. I am indeed recovered and have been for a long time now. I still have bouts of anxiety which are totally normal and understandable when your a mother of 4 and now a grandmother to 1 and another due in April.

Anxiety is normal , try to remember that its just that unfortunatly right now many of you have too much of it in your lives and the levels are too high.

I hope that you all make a good speedy recovery and have a wonderfull xmas and new year .

love to all

Michelle xx

11-03-11, 10:22
Hi , just joined today , i would be greatful if someone could offer me advice , i am having problems with anxiety , when i try to sleep my nose blocks up on one side and i start feeling hot , sort of a hot head , which then tells me my whole body is over hot and i pull the bed clothes off , then pull them back over because i get cold and a cycle start where panic / anxiety sets in , after a short while of trying to sleep i get up and go down stairs & watch a dvd, i then try going back to bed and struggle with the same problem all over again .

Last night i went to bed at 10.30 , spent 2 hours trying to sleep , finally slept at 12.30 only to wake up at 1.30 then try to sleep for another hour , give up and watch a dvd then back to bed at 3.20 , slept till 7.00 .

I do use breath right and have recently changed to a really heathly eating . I am 47 .

many thanks Wizard9

09-05-11, 05:07
Thanks Michelle - this post has helped me so much, especially with tonights anxieties - just by following your breathing tip I've managed to stop my hands from shaking and my hot sweat and am now drinking a cup of tea. Thankyou so much for the assistance - your help has been invaluable!! Maybe now I can get two hours sleep before work! Thanks again x

18-07-11, 08:41
I also feel lightheaded all the time ... I can easily skip dinner and not even think about it. But I started feelin better once I went emergency and was given strong headache tablets and was told she thinks I've got depression. I also have weird vision. Flahing light when I close my eyes and like I'm seein static ... I tole her about the flashin ans she said it to do with my headaches but eben when I don't have one I still have the weird vision and lights. I'm seein my gp today to be refered for depression and to get am eye test. I just don't totall buy there's symptoms with anxiety. I admit I worry and I have a very crzy crazy beby who is hard work and I'm only 17. She has gave me some frightful times and I have to make sure she is breathin before I go sleep etc. I will stand with her for a few minutes t nake sure. And there has been times where I havnt been able to hear her so I will get up and go over to her. My head just feel tense and foggy all the time :( and when I lie down to sleep I seem to feel the room spinnin and my heard poundin through my body. This has made me worry from the moment I get up about the night and gettin back in bed to sleep. Also I've woke up one mornin with the room spinnin which made me sick. So I feel anxious about mornings too and wakin up for oit to hhappen again!! I'm guna make sure I speak to my gp again today :)

19-07-11, 16:48
dose anyone symptoms keep changeing mine dose all the time just when i think i got it under control

05-08-11, 21:58
Thankyou so kindly for sharing your personal anxiety troubles.

Sooo kind and all your knowledge of it is amazing, so so helpful and so kind.

Thankyou Collette X

10-08-11, 00:31
Thank you for this, I get anxiety attacks everyday and find it hard to deal with them.

04-09-11, 21:57
hi there i suffer from anixety for close to 7 years now. i do take meds every day for it. i feel anxious all the time, when i wake up my head feels stuffy and light headed. i constanly in class will becoming sweaty and my throat will feel closed. i cant drive more than twenty mins from my house anymore. i know i put myself down about what i can and cant do. do you have any suggestions to help

17-09-11, 21:25
My partner and I have developed an iPhone app to help with anxiety. I have suffered from them for years and now my daughter does so this was developed to help her. Please try it: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/beat-panic/id452656397?mt=8
This is the link or you can search for 'Beat Panic' on the iPhone store

07-10-11, 10:14
Hi there - I am new to the forum and have found this thread really helpful - this whole site is a godsend really when you are in this particular 'place'. I have been on cipralex for a few weeks now, gradually upping the dose - just wanted to ask if you know why we might feel better at some times than others? I generally feel pretty much myself by the evening but not so good in the morning - dizzy, hard to concentrate, like everything is too fast. Any tips on how I can help myself would be appreciated - thanks!

24-11-11, 13:19
Very helpful , Thanks very much , Ive tried some as reading it and feel more relaxed already

12-12-11, 08:21
This is a fantastic site. I suffer from acute anxiety -health anxiety and depression. I read threads on the site on a regular basi - the comments and remarks really reassure me. Thank you nomorepanic!

12-12-11, 23:56
hi , i get palpetations whan swimming after getting kicked in my lane , ,help valb

10-01-12, 15:43
Hello I have just read this and that using of the best posts I have seen yet, I am currently concentrating on my breathing 247 and it gets frustrating and I have silly thoughts in my head like if I go to the gym I am oing to stop breathung and pass out or die, which is stopping me going at the minute does anyone have any tips for this? X

30-04-12, 02:12
i found that concentrating on something your good at helps..i.e. in my case it is cooking..so i often end up making a months worth of freezer meals at 3am.
it just helps to keep your mind focused on non harmful thoughts and the routine of it is comforting,plus there is the sense of achievement at the end of it that is amazing for lifting the mood.

writing lists of my problems helps give me some perspective especially if i can write a few of the solutions down with them...issues always feel bigger when they are spinning out of control in my head.

turning the music up and singing along (preferably not at 3.am) helps control the breathing concentrating on the words pulls the mind away from its usual chaos.

scrubbing the oven(or any other heavy cleaning job) burns up heaps of pent up energy..being an insomniac i suffer a lot from feeling really restless and being rid of this really helps calm my anxiety.

if all else fails a good work out,round with a punch bag,or run with the dogs really helps.

Lily Kingston
24-05-12, 12:53
Michelle thank you so so much for this thread. It sounds silly but I actually welled up when I read the part on dizziness and that other people have it all day too, because it's one of the symptoms crippling me at the moment. I have it all darn day and through the night and it's making me want to scream.

I knew that I should do breathing exercises when I suffered from them but I went dizzy doing them - so I figured nothing was gonna help me! I had no idea this was normal and would disappear if I continued to do it.

I find distracting myself -like chatting on the phone to someone - alleviates it, but it returns as soon as I stop doing something.

It's so frustrating and scary.

21-06-12, 19:19
I have just seen this post and it is very helpful.

When i am having a panic attack i always feel like i cannot breathe, i try the breathing techniques but sometimes they do not work,

Also when i start to panic my legs shake really badly and i try everything to stop it but it just does not stop, I am starting an apprenticeship on Tuesday for hairdressing and you have to stand for a long period of time, and if i feel panicky my legs will start shaking and people will start to notice, so i am just wondering if you could give me any advice on how i can control this please? as i am very nervous and frightened and this is bringing my anxiety on more at the moment because i cannot stop worrying. Please help me :(


24-06-12, 17:26
Any tips for nausea !!!! ????

25-06-12, 09:57
You didn't write anything about derealization but this is good advice on this symptom:http://www.anxietyspot.net/symptoms/derealization/

05-08-12, 21:27
New to here but Michelle thank you so much wonderfully positive post....I will try those ideas....

06-08-12, 00:48
I've just been prescribed Citalopram 20mg by my GP and after just 2 days I feel the huge benefit of it already. I dont feel happy as such or manic or wierd just "normal" at ease, relaxed. I ve suffered from depression and anxiety/paranoia for around 15 years and i wish i had the guts and sense to do something about it sooner. My head is clear and rid of negative thoughts. I can focus and walk down the street with my head held high i feel so good. It is apparent to me my GP who is elderly knew instantaneously without ever meeting me that this works! I hope it continues and must stress it dosnt work for everyone but I am my old self again and it feels bloody fantastic!! :)

03-10-12, 09:43
awesome! Too bad Michelle had to leave. BTW i am loving this

"Sometimes when you cry No one see's your tears
When your worried no one see's your pain
When your happy No one see's your smile
But you try farting and see how much attention you get"

03-10-12, 10:06
Superb post! It puts us back in control. Thank you so much xxxxxx

05-10-12, 16:14
This is such a great post and I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! Definitely worth printing out and keeping nearby for those late night panic-athons! I think it's great just reading that other people go through this stuff too and being able to write down a worry and have someone that understands give you advice. It makes me feel less alone :-) xx

10-10-12, 16:04
i have just read that and im glad coz iwake up every nite then i cant get back off to sleep the my anxiety and panis comes on so i will try that

17-10-12, 12:59
Thanks for this informative tips. These tips will definitely help. Keep it up...

18-10-12, 13:00
Ditto panicky girl, your'e not alone. I thought it was just me but reading on this site is so helpful xx

07-11-12, 20:43
hi michele i have those thoughts all the time and bad depression and anxiety everytime i try drifting pff to sleep i keep jumping like im n a rollacoaster im on 50mg setreline for the past 4 weeks but im still feeling panicky

09-11-12, 10:53
Hi Michelle
I really enjoyed reading your post and it really helped, its nice to read something from someone who has once suffered the same and come out of it.
I also suffer from GAD disorder and feel I am right in the deep of it at the moment and cant get out, I keep having negative thoughts about myhusband, thinking he is going off with other girls everytime he goes out for drinks, panicking when he's not home by midnight and/or stays out all night, I hate it and cant always control it. I actually believe its real at the time though and think he's in the wrong!

Did the GAD cause problems for you and your husband and how did you manage to get him to support you through it? my husband ends up making me feel worse!

10-11-12, 10:23
hi my names.mike and im 20 ive never had anxiety or panic attacks ive always been a bit of a adreniline junkie so to speak but now its all gone.its differnt my doctor has.told me its anxeity attacks i get a mad rush go through my body or head and i feel like im.going to collapse and die sometimes i feel like i havnt got long left or im dyin also.feelings of un reality things dobt look the same when.im out its like its a dream or i no.this sounds daft dead !! how why ? when.i was into gettin a buzz.out of anythin the adreniline did not feel like this ive been told its because a differnt type of.adreniline also i cant sleep im either up at two in the afternoon or two in the morning and then.cant sleep i consistantly feel ill when.i.have a episode heeellllpp anyone

19-11-12, 17:49
My doctor also told me alot of those tips, which do often help. Shall be putting them into more and more practise in the run up to Christmas.

23-12-12, 20:22
Hi Michelle thanks for the post, it's very encouraging, I feel I'm at my lowest point ever at the moment my anxiety Is killing me everyday, so dizzy, struggle breathing, sick, headache jolts of falling the list goes on! I just want to feel better, been on citalopram 10mg for a month now an they ain't even starting to help so going to push it up to 20mg tomorrow! The dizzyness is what's telly getting me down I don't no if it's simply bad breathing or what but it's hell as I am sure many people know! Let's hope 2013 picks up

29-12-12, 21:46
Thanks for this it really has helped have read a few times when having some symptoms

Gary m
27-01-13, 17:32
hi there , please can can you tell me what helps with feeling unusal and crying because of this.

06-03-13, 16:46
Thanks for that post it was very interesting and will definately try the things you have suggested. My problem is i go red very easily and then blotchy. This has caused me to really fear it happening therefore obviously making it worse and isolating myself. any ideas would be appreciated :blush:

13-03-13, 13:26
I just wanted to say thank you so much for this post...it's given me hope (and however slight, hope is all we need!)

I've suffered from a tight/sore throat with a tight loss of voice for the past three months and, being a performer, my singing voice is very important to me -- this has caused me to panic uncontrollably about my life (if I can't sing, I can't work, I can't live). Thankfully the ENT specialist said there was nothing wrong (not even red down there) so it's all in my mind...not that that particularly helps.

As I was scrolling through I saw your post about tight throats being caused by a clenched jaw and the tongue risen against the roof of the mouth... needless to say I suddenly realized that I have been sitting here with my teeth clenched together so tightly with my tongue placed against the roof of my mouth! The weird thing is...this is so comfortable to me, so clearly I have gotten myself into a bad habit of tensing without realizing.

Obviously this may not solve my problems, but I'm going to consciously try to relax the tongue a bit more :) Thank you.

19-03-13, 13:11
Hi there, basically i have been ill for a long time and have only just recently began goin back to school. So heres the problem everytime i have to go to school in the morning i feel an urge to go to the toilet which is never satisfied no matter how many times i go. When im in lessons all i can think about is going to the toilet!!

And as soon as im done with the lesson i feel fine which is why its so frustrating!!!

Any help or advice would be MASSIVLEY helpfull

03-04-13, 22:33
This is fantastic and shall be using the suggestions to control my anxiety, Thanks for leaving this thread where it so easily can be found. xxx

21-04-13, 20:47
I'm really bad atm, I keep feeling panicky all the time.ive had 3 baths today to relax and they helped.ive now got a food phobia cuz everytime I eat I throw it back up and now I'm scared of eating,even the smell of food makes me feel sick. I hate being this poorly been off work for nearly 6 weeks now. It got so bad I took an overdose on thurs and was in hospital overnight. I'm back home now. Been on cymbalta for a month but had to go cold turkey cuz the paramedics took my meds when I overdosed so have to wait till tues till I see the doc again. I'm on trazapam however u spell it to help me sleep cuz I wake up in the night panicking. I try the breathing exercises but they make me feel more anxious as I'm conscious of my breathing then. Currently having cbt but only been to see my therapist twice so far. I'm also on the list to see a physiotherapist. Just would love some support and kind words to help me get through this as I am so down atm finding it to much to cope.even watching tv makes me feel panicky I can't concentrate at all :( cheers for any replays xxx

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

Thanks for that post it was very interesting and will definately try the things you have suggested. My problem is i go red very easily and then blotchy. This has caused me to really fear it happening therefore obviously making it worse and isolating myself. any ideas would be appreciated :blush:

Try redness relief by dermalogica it's a green coloured moisturiser that helps tAke the redness out the skin. I'm a train beauty therapist and recommended this to people prone to redness all the time when I used to work.xxx

22-04-13, 10:16

At this time you are in the height of anxiety. There is very little that you can do about it when it is like this, you will feel terrible and scared of what is happening to you. My advice having been just like this in the past is to tell yourself that this will end, you will feel normal again even if it takes 6 months or a year or more. Recovering from anxiety is a slow process. My recovery was helped by taking walks regularly 3 or more times a day, short distances at first around the garden, or around the block. Then as I started to calm down longer walks in the park / countryside. Do this however terrible you feel, try to accept the terrible feelings and look at the world around you the furniture in your room the plants in the garden/park. Listen to the sounds around you in detail and try to identify what they all are. Getting outside in the light as much as possible during the day well help with sleep. Eating very small amounts of plain food every couple of hours rather than at meal times will help with eating. Above all try to accept the awful feelings of anxiety and know that given time they will slowly fade away. As you recover yoga, tia chi, meditation and mindfulness are very helpful.

22-04-13, 10:19
Some great tips and advice here, I will definitely be trying this :D

12-07-13, 21:26
I've tried all sort of techniques over the years and this one has proven to be the most efficient one so far:
it looks simple and silly but trust me on that. EFT is also very good.
Heal the mind from the body, not the opposite :)

22-08-13, 02:15
I used to drink alot of coffee, and since I stopped drinking it, my Anxienty has decreased significantly. I feel at least 70% calmer now.

05-09-13, 16:58
can i ask that why do i sometimes it seems i get anxious and nauseated feelings randomly or when i think i SHOULD feel like that, mostly thinking about the simplest of tasks, (going to a next lesson at school, not being able to escape, etc....) please somebody reply

09-09-13, 08:24
You sometimes seem to get random anxiety for no reason or in anticipation of an event because it is an automatic response that is triggered from your sub-conscious brain.

09-09-13, 11:46
You sometimes seem to get random anxiety for no reason or in anticipation of an event because it is an automatic response that is triggered from your sub-conscious brain.

so how do i shut off my sub-conscious mind?

09-09-13, 21:17
1st time on here and can not believe how much everything relates to how I think and feel!! Honestly beginning to think I was the only one who feels like I do ( nice to know I'm not alone and not strange!!)

My main problem I have is travelling, as soon as my day to day routine is changed anxiety sets in, everytime now matter how small a journey or change in routine bits gradually getting worse!
My main symptom I want to overcome is the nausea! I now take tablets for the anxiety when travelling/flying which takes the edge off the anxiety but the sickness doesn't go away with it! I feel so ill that i convince myself everytime that its not the anxiety that I must be genuinely ill? Is this normal?? I get all the symptoms you all describe , palpitations, breathlessness, aching arms and legs, tightening throat, tiredness and mostly the sickness and upset tummy?!!

(Nice to get it off my cheat)!


16-09-13, 12:03
so how do i shut off my sub-conscious mind?

Unfortunately you can't shut off your sub-conscious mind because it is automatic. Cognitive behavioural therapy attempts to re-train your sub-conscious mind. This is a very slow process, it can take months or even years of applying the lessons from cognitive behavioural therapy before your sub-conscious mind changes its behaviour.

I found that CBT helps achieves a 60-70% reduction in anxiety after about 6 months, but you need to keep working at it, it is easy to relapse. Some people can find a complete cure from CBT, but I still have anxiety, it is not debilitating any more but it's still there nearly 5 years since I first had symptoms, I take 15mg Mirtazapine and this helps.

22-09-13, 16:50
Some very useful info thanks :)

24-09-13, 21:31
Omg thank you the lump in the throat advice seriously works :)
Karen x

08-11-13, 12:53
out standing post.full of information.its busy tense life out there.so its very important to know about panic thing.thanks .

14-11-13, 19:01
I've learned to think myself out of a lot of my anxiety by realising I almost always greatly exaggerate my problems and any potential consequences. You just have to keep reminding yourself of it. No matter how bad things seem, chances are it's probably less than 1% as bad as you think it will be.

10-02-14, 21:00
Hi to everybody,

I am new to this forum and new to anxiety. I am 40 years of age and I live in Ireland. 3 months ago I had a health scare and was called for a ct scan of my brain. I got no explanation from the dr. and as a result I started thinking all sorts. I done the worst thing possible and looked online and convinced myself if it was not a brain tumour then it was multiple sclerosis. by the way the reason for the scan was a blind spot in my peripheral vision. this can also be a symptom of MS. anyhow by the time I had my scan I was in a state. the day after I got the all clear I found myself locked in my chair with pure fear. the very next day I felt totally detached and not knowing what was wrong. my dr. who is excellent could not convince me I did not have MS. after a week or two I did finally accept what I was told. at this point I was in a bit of a mess but I refused to give in to whatever it was I was feeling. my dr then told me I was suffering with acute anxiety brought on by the health scare plus other stressful events which had occurred, the loss of my mother five years earlier and the loss of my mother in law who died from cancer at 60. this was a devastating blow. I have always been a worrier but never to a major extent and I was always a calm well ordered person. anyway for the next 6 weeks which took me from October through to December 17 I was showing signs of improving although during this period I was having sleeping problems and had anxiety nearly every day and also irrational thoughts. my thoughts were horrible as I thought I could do harm to my wife and these moved on to suspicious thoughts of my wife. I went to a counsellor and also talk a lot to my cousin who is a psychologist and he reassured me these thoughts are normal in the circumstances. this however has taken a long time to sink in. I have also talked to my wife about these strange thoughts and she has been very supportive and a huge help. I feel awfully guilty about having these thoughts about my wife especially as I know my wife has always been faithful and supportive. before xmas my doctor offered me meds which i refused and the next day I went to the gym and started to run. I was a heavy man weighing almost 18 stone but during the worst 6-8 weeks I lost nearly 1.5 stone in weight, this made the exercise a little easier. the exercise has been the biggest help and as I think back to mid December I was much worse. as I write this I am just over three months in to this and the anxiety and feeling of being on the outside looking in has largely disappeared. I still get background anxiety but it is minor enough and my sleeping has pretty much returned. I do still have the silly thoughts which are mainly about my wife. switching from the do harm to the suspicion. basically I would like to know if anyone else has had the same thoughts and how to deal with them. I feel these thoughts are standing in the way of contentment. I have started to see my counsellor again to work through some issues I have or might have. my doctor has assured me I will make a full recovery but I would like to hear other peoples experiences with what I have been told is circumstantial anxiety. I really look forward to reading some replies and I hope my story will be of some help to others.

14-02-14, 19:16
hi sorry to be a pain but im trying to post a thread and im new never dont it before....and ive just tried and it said i only have 2 something or other and need 10....im getting rather impatient :(

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

maybe i will just post here....as im need of what to do next....
so im 31, married 3children and have had anxiety sincw 2010....gone from not being able to go out to having a relatively normal life...until just recently....trapped nerve in back with severe pain...resulting in gp prescribing amitriptiline....(whilst still on 10mg every other day citalopram 10mg every other day) plus just recently got prescription for betahisitine as doc think i got mineres...anyway tried to wean off citalopram having just 5mg every other day and then start 10mg amitriptiline to try and control this nerve pain.....ouuffftttttttt BIG FAT MISTAKE!!!! started to feel all the old symptoms of anxiety coming back with vengence....papped my pants...didnt take anymore amitrip staright back on 10mg day citalopram and dont know what to do bout mineres thingy....bad pain...chessed off....meant to be going to tunisia in aug for brother in law wedding which im absolutely shatting pant bout....airport...big crowds...plane...then wedding for 3 days....omg dont think im gonna be able to do it just the thought making me feel sick with worry.....currently only feel normal if i stay in bed :(

03-03-14, 22:53
Hi All

I am new to the forum and wanted to share my blog with you all.

Its called i am scared co uk

On here I have detailed my own experience of anxiety, the symptoms and my road to recovery.

I hope you find it useful and supportive.

Follow me on Twitter @iamscaredinfo

06-05-14, 20:20
It's all very well all of us lot advising each other:)) but we all get more or less the same things.... I think the worst part of panic and anxiety is that when it is happening to you, no matter what someone else says, or no matter how we try to calm ourselves, it doesn't work, so that's why we are all on these forums still trying to help each other eh:)) I am sure we all have badly wired brains or that our brains have been ruined in some way, and that's why we are like we are:shrug:

07-05-14, 13:40
My name is Joseph and i am really impress from your blog "Iamscared" and i find it really useful and meaningful. I was suffering from the disease of panic attack from a long time and one thing which I hate about this disease was that my family was effected badly due to my this disease because panic attacks have no time and they can occur at any time and at any situation. The day when i decided to cure my panic day was when i was on date and suddenly i begin to feel symptoms of panic attack in front of my girlfriend and after watching my situation and condition in panic attack she broke with me. That day s=was the worst day for me because I really love her but i loose her due to my panic attack. After that incident i decided to treat my disease on line and i found a very good source of treating and as soon as i started to follow their instructions i begin to feel better and today i am completely alight.Another important thing which i need to suggest is that until and unless you don't wanted to eliminate panic attack from yourself you want be able to eliminate this disease.

07-05-14, 16:33
I have been battling Anxiety Disorder and Hypochondria since 2004. It has been a long road. I was on Lexapro for more than 6 years. I attempted 3 times to come off the Lexapro and have only recently been successful. Here is what has helped me with my anxiety:

- Kava Tea
- Magnesium supplement

- Seeing a therapist
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (training myself to think in more positive ways)
- Understanding the symptoms of an attack and if I can't breathe through it, then I let it come and move through it.
- My Faith, I have to trust God.
- Lastly, learning to accept that we all die at some point, and to be thankful for everything I have had up to this point. Because that's what we're mostly afraid of right? When we think of the worst that could happen it is us becoming a victim of some kind of disease or situation that may ultimately end in demise.

I still get panic attacks. I had a biopsy last week and panicked the whole time. I even questioned the (benign - good news) results. I googled the accuracy of FNAB's and researched. But then I stopped. I know that these things only add to my anxiety. Recognize and cut out those behaviors.

Best of luck and blessings.

08-05-14, 07:22
Hi Jolly12
I really wanted to know that how much quantity of Kava tea is required? I have heard somewhere that 4-5 cups of Kava are sufficient but I am confuse and I wanted to confirm from you that how many cups of kava are sufficient?Whereas as far magnesium supplements are concern they prove to be really beneficial for me as well.But Jolly12 do tell me about the quantity of kava per day

13-06-14, 21:20
I had a break down 4 years ago and revered for 2 years. Now going down hill again. My cat died and set me of. Panic attacks and can't sleep,got no enthusiasm
Charlene x

17-06-14, 12:07
I had a break down 4 years ago and revered for 2 years. Now going down hill again. My cat died and set me of. Panic attacks and can't sleep,got no enthusiasm
Charlene x

Sorry to hear that. I had a pet who died recently as well and I still feel horrific. I think I have had a breakdown as I cannot cope with anything anymore.

16-08-14, 18:36
I think the thing that i fear the most of panic is that overwhelming fear that you cannot control, i guess until you have experienced it its hard to explain

22-12-14, 14:55
I'm newish. I have been suffering with panic and anxiety for years although not diagnosed until 2010 when I collapsed at work, lost control of my breathing, then the tingling and numbness crept up my legs and arms, I was convinced I was having a stroke, I was spiralling out of control and that I was going to die. An ambulance was called and I was admitted to hospital with a kidney infection. My Dad had had a stroke some years previous. I have tried loads of different prescriptions, beta blockers, citalopram - which made me feel awful. Today I woke (after only two hours sleep) feeling shaky, sick, convinced something dreadful is going to happen. My heart is aching through the tenseness and palps. I have been building up to this for the last week, not sleeping, worrying thoughts, dread, fear, what if, etc. and found today I have hit the height. At work, after a very nervous drive in, I was in and out of the loo all morning, I tend to get diarrhoea at these times. My voice was shaky, couldn't concentrate, eyes blurry, heart beating, feeling of I am losing control, I am going to faint, or something dreadful will happen. A colleague of mind who also suffers with ANP came over to me and took me off for a talk. She was brilliant, she told me it will pass, you have dealt with it before, and it will go. She said she could see I was looking unwell and I had confided in her some months ago. Even though I feel bad still, I feel that at least I can now cope with the rest of today thanks to her. Talking and sharing really does help me.

01-01-15, 02:23
Hi this is my first post. Glad to have joined the group. I can recommend all of the suggestions. Having suffered from GAD for years it's of an annoyance these days if it flares up. When I suffered badly I through the it would never end. All I can say to to anyone that suffers from it is that it's mind over body. Once you learn that it won't hurt you, and it never does or never will, you can then learn to overcome it. One thing I learnt was a trick of listening to your symptom. Not in the sense of wondering what is or why but just listing to it very deeply. I suffered badly from the pulsating body feeling. One I lerant to listen to it the effect started to weeken. If I get it now I hope it's a good bout so I can laugh it off. I know it sounds silly but it's the kind of mentality I found helpful. It took me a long time to realise how strong I really was. My top tips to managing and beating GAD are.

1) don't be scared, I know this can be difficult when it feels so bad.
2) eat well and regularly. Stay away from refined foods.
3) don't overdoo the coffee or stimulants.
4) excersise. Just a small walk or gental excersise.
5) don't lock yourself away. Be with people.
6) find a hobby that you need to concentrate on, I chose photography.
7) when your mind says NO you say YES. Don't let your mind stop you from doing what you want.
8) stop seeking reassurance. If you have seen the Dr or specialist and had the tests then stop trying to prove them wrong. They have seen more anxiety disorders than you have had hot dinners.
9) try and relax more. I work 12 hour shift, days and night, on my lunch I go and find a quiet place and shut my eyes, I don't always fall asleep but the relaxation period is like a washing machine for the brain, give it time to defrag,
10) good sleep. Try and get sleep you need. We don't all need 8 hours but give you body time to recover.

I know that some people may comment on my tips, I'm no Dr but have suffered from GAD for years. The most important thing to remember is that it can't hurt you. It a flight or fight response to life. I needed to change my habits and I got much better. I was taking the obligatory SSRI for years and found I didn't need them after a short period of time.

It nice to understand what is going on in your body but it's unimportant. The important thing is how you view this behavioural condition, it's not a illness. Find out what helps you and practice makes perfect.

Wishing you all a happy new year.

17-01-15, 21:38
How do you make the constant thoughts stop?

12-03-15, 10:39
Dear Administrator,

I have 2 major symptoms that was NOT mentioed in the tips:
1. How to deal with severe sweating when in front of people
2. How to deal with blushing, red face, red ears in front of people

Many thanks

26-07-15, 04:27
Very interesting point about unconsciously pressing tongue to roof of mouth when tense . I get tingling in the tongue and lower jaw area and I've noticed that its because of this habit you mention above .

Best of health to all .

22-08-15, 03:42
Hello I'm new to this site

Very anxious bipolar opposite tbh

I seem to lose clarity and passion to my vision I see round me
I dont no how to explain it so here's my poem
Please I maybe impatient but that's how my head goes I may lose focuse but just tack time and find me I may come of as scary but that's only because im different don't feel threatened come on and see me as I see you I love a heart that loves respect but why will they never give me a chance so i run run run away in my own world waiting on that someone to pass my time so these are reasons that i need you to understand about bipolar and the way it can be resolved.. Thank you regards LAJ...

I'm sacred lost my mind paranoid and young still...

27-08-15, 21:36

31-08-15, 17:04
Stumbled across this thread again, and was able to relate to the dizziness part. Had a couple of days last week where I felt sick/dizzy/nauseous. Same again today. Basically, I haven't been eating enough food. Time to address this.

06-11-15, 22:13
Help! tingling in lips and tongue and feeling of numb lips and a swelling tonue?? suggestions for relief please oh and also tension headache/

With thanks

25-11-15, 23:00
Hi there, I get really bad headaches and chest pains, I then feel like I cant breath...But then nothing happens. Its a horrible feeling and I hate it. Any advice. Its actually taking over my life.
Amelia x

26-11-15, 08:14
Wow! This post is amazing! Thank you so much X
(I also laughed at the fart joke)! :-)

20-01-16, 00:34
Anxiety has the ability to produce various range of symptoms that can make one think that terrible things are happening or that they are mentally losing when their not. A lot of these symptoms are produced by adrenaline and nervous system that is overloaded with stress. This is why when people decide to stop worrying and give their body a break, they notice that they start to feel better. When people are in the constant worry cycle of anxiety, for some it can be hard to let go and take a break. Their anxiety is no longer triggered by some regular situation but rather they have anxiety for the fear of having anxiety such as panic attacks. While a good solution is to stop the worrying and not pay attention to the symptoms caused by a nervous system that is tired, they still continue to worry and check on themselves. It is very important to break this cycle is of anxiety by simply stopping with the worrying.

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The way to overcome Anxiety/ Panic Attacks:

1. Accept the Fear

2. Face the Fear

3. Get Comfortable being Uncomfortable

4. Prove to yourself that the Fear is Harmless