View Full Version : (Possible trigger.)Muscles sore like I worked out but haven’t.

06-02-20, 04:17
Yesterday at home a sort of scary thing happened with my 3 year old. I completely panicked and called emergency services. I was a mess. It was a very very scary experience. He is completely fine and it turns out it wasn’t anything to be so panicked about. Thank God. But all the same - I was a mess.

Today my body is so sore. I feel like I worked out at the gym.

I haven’t worked out in a while so I’m confused and I’m wondering if it could be a body’s reaction to the stress and panic of a moment like that? I’m trying to rationalize that it’s not something sinister health wise. I’m still having a hard time about yesterday’s event and I’m wondering if anyone has every gone thru anything that was scary or panic inducing and had a similar result?

Thank you.

06-02-20, 04:50
Thought I would add - I’m trying to just stay off of google so I thought I would ask here if it seems plausible.

06-02-20, 04:55
Yes, that sounds eminently plausible. My back and neck the d to lock up at times of stress.

06-02-20, 14:12
Absolutely, yes. The body has an extremely large physical response to anxiety. I'm sorry you had to deal with that and glad your son is ok!!

06-02-20, 14:25
Muscles tense up......same as going to the gym. Less intense, but the same result.

06-02-20, 18:27
How are you feeling today?
Your muscle soreness makes total sense to me. Gosh anxiety is a beast.

Bravo to you for not googling!