View Full Version : Neck pain when swallowing?

06-02-20, 05:08
Hey, everyone. Over the past two weeks, I've had this weird feeling in the left side of my neck, a bit underneath my chin, when I swallow. It seems to only happen when I have my head in certain positions (like tilting my head down), but it's been bothering the heck out of me. At first, I thought it could be some sort of lymph node thing, but nothing really feels swollen. I'm thinking it could be some sort of muscle thing? But it's been two weeks and hasn't gotten much better. I'm trying not to worry over something so silly, but I have so much going on and this is just another thing to add to the list. Anyone else ever have anything like this, or any sort of pain similar to this? Anything would help.

Pea Tear Griffin
09-02-20, 21:58
I have been having the same thing recently and it seems to be down to tight muscles.