View Full Version : Red Patch in Inside Lip

06-02-20, 09:53
Hi everyone,
I hope you can help? My health anxiety has been quite good recently, but I'm experiencing a bit of a panic (have a lot of other things going on with life and it may have triggered it to be honest). I have a darkish, quite large pink patch on the inside of my bottom lip that's a bit sore - I think I remember eating something really hot a few weeks ago (I think it's been about 3) but it's still there now and feels a bit rough when I touch it with my tongue. No white patches. I can't see the Dr until Monday but trying to be rational and distract myself until then. Just wondering if anyone has taken ages to heal a mouth burn? I thought it would heal within a week or so? Just might help me try and be rational as at the moment I'm panicking it's cancer and still have 4 days before I can see the Dr. Thank you.