View Full Version : Strange red pinprick spots on lower legs

07-02-20, 01:47
For close to a year now I've noticed sporadic clusters of tiny red pinprick dots here and there on my inner ankles and shins, maybe 1/4 inch or less in size (the whole cluster, not the dots). There aren't many of them - maybe 2 to 3 per leg at a time - and you have to look closely to see them, but they don't blanch when pressed and I'm freaking out that these are petechiae and I have a terrible blood disease. They feel very, very faintly raised (I think...or maybe I'm just convincing myself).

I wondered if it could be razor burn but can't think why that would happen only in tiny patches. Or maybe I am scraping my legs in my sleep with my feet, which are very rough and callused? Has anyone ever had anything like this?

24-02-20, 04:02
Hey nell, I currently have something like this on both feet on the lower outsides and some on the top of the left by the toes. Mine are smooth like my skin, but could have been raised before I noticed them. By the time I went to the doc they said they had been there a little while. I too went straight freak mode over blood disease, I had CBC W diff blood test and another one for my organs about a week ago. I called to talk to my Doctor and he took a look at them and told me through the receptionist that looking looks really abnormal, he wants me to schedule an appointment whenever its convenient for me to discuss it. I expect he will tell me I have high cholesterol and I will be pre diabetic again soon because I am pretty overweight. I suspect it is capillaritis as your Doc telling you to "make an appointment whenever you are ready" is hardly urgent matters to discuss regarding your blood lol. They dont seem to be spreading and I whacked myself pretty good with a flashlight on my feet and legs a few times and I cant seem to get more to appear or get a bruise so. I think we will be alright :)