View Full Version : hi im new to the site

04-10-07, 15:16
Hi my name is dani i've just joined he site as i feel its all getting a bit on top of me at the moment. its been so good to read that others are experiencing the same stuff i am! at the moment my main problem is that i am worried that sometimes my blood pressure is high and im only 24. This begun during the period when i convinced myself i had a brain tumour. i have now had a brain scan but i now am worried that i caused my blood pressure to go up. i feel like im in a viscous circle and is it normal for our bllod pressure to go up...has anyone else experienced this?? be good 2 hear from u danix

04-10-07, 15:18
Hiya dani,

I'm glad youve found the site, it is so reassuring to speal to people who feel exactly how you do, the site helps me and everyone on it a great deal, and theres some great resources. Hope we can help you to get rid of this worry xxx

04-10-07, 15:41
Hello dani:welcome:to you!

You'll certainly get plenty of help and support here!

I've merged this thread with your other one and moved it to Introductions so others can welcome you ok?

Pleased to meet you!


Elly 2
04-10-07, 18:58
Hi Dani, Welcome to NMP, the answer to your question is yes we can make our blood pressure go up. The simple fact that we worry about something makes our blood pressure rise. An ideal reading for someone of your age would be 120/80 BUT don't worry if it is higher than this because the more you worry about it the higher it will go but you can rest assured that even if it is high during the day because you are worrying it WILL go down when you are asleep. I had a reading only yesterday of 168/90 so I was asked to have it done again this morning when it had gone down to 135/75. Please try not to worry too much about it.

04-10-07, 19:16
Hi Dani

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Can I ask what your blood pressure reading is?

04-10-07, 19:18
Hi Dani:)

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


04-10-07, 19:45
Hi Dani and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

04-10-07, 20:40
hi and welcome to nmp

04-10-07, 21:25
Hi and welcom to nmp.

Take care Believe

04-10-07, 22:32
Hi Dani,

Welcome to the site. Many here feel exactly like you do and you will get a lot of support.



04-10-07, 23:07
:)Thanks 4 all your messages they were really helpful and reassuring. My blood pressures varries loads but i have had at highest 140/90 or even 150/99 which really paniced me. at the moment the last few were bout 120/90 or lower 117/85 they change all the time im just worried that getting high readings like that is not normal.Yes it is probably when i'm worried and i've been having aparticuarly tough time at the moment i just hope that it isn't a long lasting thing and will have bad affects. i'm hoping the fact it fluctuates is a good thing. let me know if anyone has any comments and thanks again...danixx

05-10-07, 08:57
Hi Dani,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

06-10-07, 14:16

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xx

06-10-07, 15:09
Hello Dani And Welcome To The Site........linda