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07-02-20, 02:09

I’ve suffered from health anxiety in and off for about 7 years. About 2 years ago I had my first baby. I had a crazy pregnancy and some complications but my daughter is totally fine today. Recently (she’s 21 months) I’ve been feeling my HA move towards her. I’m worried about her non stop. Any sickness I think worse case scenario. Right now she has a fever that’s bouncing between 99-100 for about 2 days with no source and my mind is full of worries about leukemia! I can’t stop! I’m checking her temp multiple times a day I can’t figure out if she looks pale to me or not. I’m a mess. My husband is begging me to leave her alone and not transfer these fears on to her. I guess I’m hoping someone has some advice on how to properly manage this without projecting it onto our kids.


07-02-20, 02:47
I am sorry you are feeling so anxious. A temperature of 99-100 hardly even a fever and a toddler is much more prone to have a slightly elevated temp during something like a minor cold. Please refrain from taking her temperature if possible, it will only make you upset. My 15 year old son was sick last month with a temp of 104 (!) for several days, so I understand why you're worried, but he is just fine now!