View Full Version : Afraid of the dark?

Eva May
04-10-07, 15:29
Does anyone else start to get panicky as soon as daylight starts to fade?

04-10-07, 15:41
I do a bit, it kind of feels more depressing and scary when it is dark. Also it means i end up driving in the dark more, which i find alot scarier than driving in daylight.
Im not keen on being in the dark in general since I've had the panic, i tend to leave the tv or a dim light on when im going to bed at night x

Eva May
04-10-07, 15:49
I just find everything is much harder to deal with and 100 times more frightening once it's night time and I don't understand why

04-10-07, 15:58
Its probably just connotations people have with the dark, it is associated with being scary and is also associated with depression (being in a dark place etc) I think its totally to do with that, everyone has a situation or time of day or time of year or anything that will trigger anxiety and make it worse, all you can do is think logically about the situation, so for you...think logically and remember that the fact it is dark doesnt make it more likely that something will happen to you, you are still safe xxx

04-10-07, 16:18
I am not afraid of the dark as such but I tend to feel more alone at that time. AHHH in fact this weekend I am going to be alone and I am already in panic mode....So mine is more being alone at night than the dark

Eva May
04-10-07, 17:22
I prefer to be alone when it's dark but I want to know that my special people are near by. I won't be alone tonight and that has made me feel bad all day

05-10-07, 09:06
What is it about the dark then that scares you? x

Eva May
05-10-07, 10:07
I honestly don't know. I can't put my finger on it so I can't even work on it.

05-10-07, 12:57
i agree with purplehaze on this one.

There is a lonliness that can take over at nighttime.

That is the hardest part for me. Especially when you can't sleep because of anxiety. The later at night it gets, the more lonely you feel. I deal with it by reading and emersing myself in a fictional world in whatever book i like.


05-10-07, 13:54
Yes i am the Same i hate going to bed at night... i dread the t.v going off and the silance, it all goes so dead at night, it gives my mind chance to start working its self up.... mind you at night i dont have many attacks i think this is beacause i stay up as late as i can so i get as tierd as poss then just drop off. if i go to bed just because im bord i tend to wake up panicey??? iv got to be shatterd before i sleep. i know just how you feel, i think its also because i cant talk to no one at night to take my mind off it. x

05-10-07, 14:17
Hello Eva May,

I have to agree with the rest here. What have you tried to help with this?

Take Care
Believe:hugs: :flowers:

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better!

Eva May
05-10-07, 15:05
Tried going through it in therapy but have never come up with any concrete answers. And I try concentrate on the tv or my breathing but as soon as I settle down and sort of "decide" it's bed time- I'm off! A deluge of adrenaline that knocks me down.