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07-02-20, 11:06
Any news on how your all doing, I see Sunny is doing well, what about DS and Jo ?.

07-02-20, 13:42
Hey Maca. I'm alright thanks. Things are pretty difficult but trying to push on. I finally came off Ven completely a couple of weeks ago, after getting down to a quarter of a tablet! Still getting a few withdrawal head shocks but not too bad. I'm on plenty of other meds though. How are you doing Maca?

07-02-20, 20:08
Its good to hear from you but was hopeing things would be better for you. Im doing good on 225mg of Ven, im not jumping for joy but able to function and on special days, joke and smile 😀.

08-02-20, 01:36
Thanks Maca, that's really kind of you to check in. I'm so pleased you're doing well, and I think being able to function and feel "normal" is the aim of the game. Roll on spring and lighter evenings, and keep on smiling :)

08-02-20, 20:17
Hi, I’m good thanks, nearly 3 weeks on the highest dose of 375mg and still taking quetiapine and mirtazapine. I’m pretty much feeling like my old self but still get the odd few days when the OCD thoughts creep back in and start to get me down but I think I’m coping with them much better.

I’m only seeing the NHS psychiatrist now and she seems keen to get me off the other two meds now i’m at the highest dose of ven. She can’t see the benefit of being on 3 drugs, two of which cause massive weight gain but I’m not feeling ready for another med change yet so will probably push back if she suggests changing anything else when I see her in a few weeks. I just want to keep on feeling stable and if that means taking the mirtazapine and quetiapine for a few more months (and piling on the pounds :blush:) then so be it. I can sort out the love handles and thunder thighs later :).

08-02-20, 20:41
Make sure you get your BP checked regularly on this dose of ven, Jo.

08-02-20, 20:52
That's so good to hear Jo. So pleased you're feeling so much better. I completely understand not wanting to rock the boat with the meds. I've also gained weight, annoyingly, though since I stopped mirtazapine it has at least stabilised. You're right though, that can be dealt with later, and I would hope that your psych will at least stop them one at a time. Onwards and upwards :)

09-02-20, 12:43
Great news Jo, yes the last thing on my mind was weight gain but once i stopped Mirt my evening mad munchies went after a month or so off the drug. I am so pleased the Ven is doing its thing.

13-02-20, 14:14
Well ain’t it typical, as soon as I post that I think I’m on the up, I crash back down again :doh:. When I increased to 300 it was the anxiety that calmed down but the depression wouldn’t lift. Now just over three weeks on 375mg, the depression has eased but now the anxiety has come bouncing back....I can’t win, just want them both to bugger off :curse:.


14-02-20, 09:53
I'm sure they will bugger off its never going to be good all the time just try to dwell on how good it has been. Bloody frustrating isn't it.

17-02-20, 11:33
4 weeks into 375mg and I still feel terrible. I’m worried it’s not working or the dose is just too high for me. OCD thoughts are through the roof thinking I should leave my partner and son, I can’t bear the thought of it.
When I increased to 300 those thoughts went away overnight, but that could have been the increase of quetiapine I did the week before. I’m thinking of calling CMHT but something is telling me to just keep going and I don’t think I’m giving myself enough time to settle between all the changes. Should I just keep going? I’m so confused 🙁

17-02-20, 12:58
I give any med increase 12 weeks but no harm asking for more help/advise.

17-02-20, 13:05
Thanks Maca, I called CMHT and waiting for a call back but still feeling that I should keep going. Looking back at my journal I’ve never gone longer than 5/6 weeks between changes over the last year. I’m starting to wonder if this is why it’s all been going on for so long.

17-02-20, 13:07
Sorry to hear this Jo. How long have you been on the 375? About 4 weeks? Am I right in thinking you're on a fairly low dose of quetiapine? Personally I probably would call the CMHT and see what they suggest, unless you're due to see your psych soon. Also, are you having any therapy now? That might help with the intrusive thoughts more than meds (just my opinion).

17-02-20, 13:26
Thanks DS, I’m also on 200mg quetiapine and 30mg mirtazapine. Not due to see psychiatrist until 2nd March. I’m also doing MBCT but only on my second week so not sure if it will help yet.

19-02-20, 09:50
That's great that you're doing some therapy. What did the CMHT say about your meds? What are your feelings? I wonder whether increasing the quetiapine would be an option since it seemed to help before. I hear what you're saying about constant med changes though. It's quite exhausting having to change things all the time.