View Full Version : C Diff Worries

07-02-20, 17:21
So my friend has C Diff. She’s had it since like last April. We hang out like once a month and whenever we hang out I get super nervous that I’m going to catch it from her. I’ve googled and I know that you can only get it through feces and she’s never pooped at my house. She specifically doesn’t go if she can help it because she is so concerned about getting others sick. She’s super clean. She carries wipes and hand sanitizer with her at all times. But I’m still finding myself worried about it.

07-02-20, 18:17
If you can't catch it you are worrying over nothing and causing undo stress on yourself.

You need to start working on rationalising things here.

08-02-20, 09:15
I live with my elderly parents, my dad had cdiff and no one in the family caught it from him.