View Full Version : Another cold

07-02-20, 18:42
So I have another cold ( I only had one around 5 weeks ago) however this is 10x worse and really full on. I just don't know how to cope anymore as I've not felt truly well in a couple of months now. I dont get why people around me don't get colds to the same extent or as many as I seem to :(. Everything about viruses in the news really isn't helping me either.

07-02-20, 20:00
Sounds like 2 different viruses, nothing more than bad luck. J
Hope you feel better soon

07-02-20, 23:07
I’m right there with you. Had one over New Years that lasted a couple weeks. Now had another start yesterday. This one has chills with it and I’m not really loving it at all. I think there’s so many strains of a common cold it’s not unusual to get a second one! Rest and lots of fluids!

08-02-20, 01:06
Took me 3 weeks to get over this one. It's that time of year. Still got the cough and slight sore throat lingering. My brother is 6 weeks in and his is still lingering around with the cough.

09-02-20, 22:16
Went to docs today just to have them listen to my lungs and make sure they’re clear, got a nasty cough. Turns out I have influenza B. Yay me. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t last much longer...