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07-02-20, 18:44
Worried about leukemia and keep thinking I have symptoms.

For about 2 weeks I have been waking up in the night really hot, not sweating just really hot.

Start of the year I had a bad virus/infection for about a week and now I since yesterday I seem to have another one and also I have two mouth ulcers and have felt fatigued since Monday.

But I am trying to remain positive and think of reasonable explanations.

I had a few drinks Saturday night for the first time in ages and had a bad hangover so maybe it could be to do with that. The mouth sores only came up today and I binge ate loads of crisps and cake and ate load of salted peanuts due to anxiety, my diet has actually been bad all week because of worrying. I've also just felt very low in general, no interest in doing anything and just feel like laying down watching TV.

Also I have started a new job and getting up much more earlier.

Would anyone be worried about these symptoms about leukemia or is it more likely I am run down?

07-02-20, 21:21
OK so I've just gone and been stupid and googled it again and another symptom was chills and I have slight chills on and off since this afternoon!!!!

07-02-20, 21:24
Time to join the "No Googling" thread?

08-02-20, 05:57
Or see your Dr and get a blood test as it's easily detected this way.

08-02-20, 10:35
Or see your Dr and get a blood test as it's easily detected this way.

I could, but I haven't been to the doctors in the 2 years for a health anxiety related worry, I don't want to go back to the cycle unless I or others feel I really have to get checked out.

08-02-20, 14:21
So now my anxiety has just got worse, I can now feel a sore hard lump back of my head, there is a spot just above it but surely a lymph node would be movable?

08-02-20, 14:26
Something really isn't rightb

08-02-20, 14:28
There is a small sore spot and below a little there is a hard lump that is sore

08-02-20, 14:47
Just got my mum to have a look, she said it looks like a spot under the skin as it's red and she said it isn't rock hard and is it a little soft. Still not convinced as it feels rock hard and doesn't feel right, it's another symptom of leukemia

08-02-20, 15:29
Dude... you're really spiraling. Might be beneficial to log off and go for a walk or something.

Positive thoughts

08-02-20, 15:40
Dude... you're really spiraling. Might be beneficial to log off and go for a walk or something.

Positive thoughts

Hey, yes I'm going to do this now, shut my laptop down turn my phone off for a bit and take my dog for a long walk! Been a long time since I've felt this level of anxiety,hopefully it can help.

08-02-20, 16:34
Worried about leukemia and keep thinking I have symptoms.

For about 2 weeks I have been waking up in the night really hot, not sweating just really hot.

Start of the year I had a bad virus/infection for about a week and now I since yesterday I seem to have another one and also I have two mouth ulcers and have felt fatigued since Monday.

But I am trying to remain positive and think of reasonable explanations.

I had a few drinks Saturday night for the first time in ages and had a bad hangover so maybe it could be to do with that. The mouth sores only came up today and I binge ate loads of crisps and cake and ate load of salted peanuts due to anxiety, my diet has actually been bad all week because of worrying. I've also just felt very low in general, no interest in doing anything and just feel like laying down watching TV.

Also I have started a new job and getting up much more earlier.

Would anyone be worried about these symptoms about leukemia or is it more likely I am run down?

Hi Shaun, I think the feeling hot and run down is most likely due to a combo of having a bug and starting a new job. I always feel red hot when I’m stressed even though my temperature is normal!
And I’m sure the lump on your head is probably a zit. We all get them on our scalps and they feel bad because there’s no real padding up there!
How are you feeling now? Try and do something to distract yourself for a bit and stop touching the lump! 😊

08-02-20, 19:00
Hey thanks for the reply, went out for a long walk and calmed down, felt the lump again and can feel its not as hard as first thought and feels quite soft so most likely a spot or cyst, the hard part I'm feeling is most likely a bone, plus since I've been worrying about that all my other symptoms have gone.

Am going to try and books a doctors appointment in the week, not for my 'leukemia symptoms' but for my anxiety, it's been a good two years since I've spiralled to that extent so want to nip it in the bud before it gets worse again.

08-02-20, 23:38
Hey thanks for the reply, went out for a long walk and calmed down, felt the lump again and can feel its not as hard as first thought and feels quite soft so most likely a spot or cyst, the hard part I'm feeling is most likely a bone, plus since I've been worrying about that all my other symptoms have gone.

Am going to try and books a doctors appointment in the week, not for my 'leukemia symptoms' but for my anxiety, it's been a good two years since I've spiralled to that extent so want to nip it in the bud before it gets worse again.

Glad you’re feeling a bit better and good luck with seeing the doctor and wanting to tackle your anxiety! 😊

09-02-20, 19:33
Having a bad night and didn't want to Google to thought I'd post here.

The lump is making me really anxious and convinced it's something serious, there is a tiny spot above it, the lump is sore and when it's pressed it sort of pushes in like a fluid feeling but hard underneath, it is also quite red. Has anyone had anything like this before?

09-02-20, 20:40
Hi Shaun,
I'm sorry you're having a bad night. I really think you're okay. It's so easy to spiral down though. I do it far too frequently.

I have had lumps like you are describing too many times to count. Whether you want to call them zits or cysts or boils, they happen on our bodies. The fluid feeling is the pus and yuck inside. What my doctor has me do is apply hot compresses several times a day. I have a hard time keeping a cloth warm enough, so I usually get a wet towel and put it over the bump and then cover it with a heating pad. It really helps me. There has been a time or two over my almost sixty years, that I've ended up having to get an antibiotic to clear a cyst up. Those times have been rare though.

A few years ago I was super worried about night sweats. I was soaking the sheets and everything. I talked to my doctor about it, and he wasn't even concerned at all. I was so surprised. I asked him why the Internet seems so concerned about night sweats and he said he didn't know. So, I talked with a friend I have who is an anesthesiologist. He said he wouldn't be concerned about night sweats either. His advice was to drink more water so the sweats don't dehydrate me. Sometime between then and now, my night sweats went away.

I just can't believe how Google can scare us. I know bad things happen. My husband just died 14 months ago from non-smoker lung cancer. He was really sick. When he was first diagnosed, I told my doctor I had a lot of the same symptoms my husband had. I remember my doctor, who is such a good man, motioning for me to stand up so he could hug me. Then he said, "You're okay."

I think maybe a lot of the "symptoms" we experience are part of normal life. On rare occasions it means something bad is happening, but usually it just means we are human beings with amazing but imperfect bodies.

My son has not been feeling good for a few months. He now has blotches on his legs. I totally freaked out when he told me this. He went to his doctor and had a bunch of tests run and everything was fine. He's under a lot of stress and is worn out too. I couldn't believe that the blotches on his legs weren't indicative of some terrible disease, but they weren't. He's just tired.

May I ask what your mom thought of your bump? My kids ask me all for the time for health advice. I've found that I usually (minus the blotches on legs episode) have a good sense of what's happening with my children, even now that they're grown up.

Good Luck to you. I said a prayer for you. I hope you get feeling better soon.

Best, Debbie

10-02-20, 00:43
Hey Debbie, Thanks for the reply it has calmed be down a little.

Sorry to hear about your husband, how are you doing now? and how is your son doing?

Google is awful, but I get annoyed at myself as I know its going to tell me something bad yet I still do it anyway, so I can only blame myself!

My mum is always honest about stuff and wouldn't lie just to make me feel better. When I showed her yesterday she said it looked quite red and swollen, I've been poking and prodding constantly since yesterday so its really sore, went out for a few hours this evening and took my mind off it and hadn't touched it, got my mum to have a look when I got home and she said it had gone down and wasn't as swollen, I even felt it and didn't hurt as much but I have continued to poke and prod it and made it worse again!

The way I am feeling makes me want to run to the doctors tomorrow to get it checked but I really do not want to to go down that route again so I am going to do my best to leave it a while, try to stop touching it and see if it goes! I don't know if i'll be able to but Ill try!