View Full Version : Health anxiety and major life changes

08-02-20, 12:07
Hi everyone.

So, recently my partner and I split up. We have been together for over 8 years and have to children aged 6 and 4.
The decision to split up is mutual and we remain really good friends, so that's good. But still, I feel incredibly anxious and stressed. Of course I worry about the kids and how they will react to the news and how it will be for them having to split their time between two homes. I worry about how much I am going to miss them when they are at their dad's. I worry about how I am going to afford living alone. And then... of course... I worry about my health. I don't do well with major life changes. I have OCD, health anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder.
I have never lived alone. I have known my children's dad since we were teens and I have only ever lived at home or with him. I don't know how I am going to cope living by myself. In the months leading up to the split, I have been feeling under the weather more or less constantly. Since the split (two weeks ago), I have been feeling even worse… I have so many physical symptoms in addition to my worries. I feel sick, I can't sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and in pain. I have headaches, tingling, visual disturbances, fasciculations. I feel like I am going to die. My doctor is not worried about my physcial health, but he is concerned about my mental health. I already take an SSRI and my doctor has prescribed quetiapine to help me sleep, but I am afraid to take it.

I don't really know where I am going with this post. Maybe just some words of reassurance - perhaps from someone who has also gone through major life changes like divorce with an anxiety disorder and survived. I feel very scared and alone right now.

08-02-20, 15:17
Anyone? :(

08-02-20, 18:19
I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first baby and this week my health anxiety has been debilitating. The worst part is I can't take my meds. I think it was all triggered this week by one long overwhelming day of touring lots of infant care programs and ultimately finding out the expense and the fact that no one has openings for our baby. I absolutely believe stressful times send anxiety into overdrive. And one bad day of symptoms makes it worse, because then you start focusing on the symptoms, which makes them worse. Sending you lots of good vibes.

09-02-20, 00:36
Hi MaryJane,
I can offer a little hope to you. My husband of almost 40 years died 14 months ago. I will be 60 this year and this is the first time I've lived alone. It's been a complicated grieving experience because my husband was abusive. I didn't realize the extent to which I was affected until after he was gone. In fact, most of the past year has been spent understanding how badly I was abused.

Oddly enough, I am very much like most victims of abuse. I miss my husband terribly, and I grieve his absence. My anxiety in general has gotten worse as I've dealt with his death and my current complex-ptsd diagnosis. Right now I am having visual symptoms that are scaring the pants off me. I also have chronic fatigue, headaches, etc., etc.

All of the above sucks!! However, I do have some positive things to share. I have figured out how to manage my life, the house repairs, the car issues, etc., on my own. It took a while and some great advice from friends, but I feel pretty solid in my capacity to do what needs to be done. One is example is my Christmas Tree. I have a gorgeous Christmas tree, but it is too big for me to physically move in and out of my house. One of my single friends gave me a great solution: buy a smaller Christmas tree. Duh!! It had never occurred to me. You'll figure all these things out. Make sure and pat yourself on the back whenever you do.

I've tried really hard to capitalize on the good things about being alone. I was married at 19. So, I never really had a chance to figure out who I am. I've been trying new things and discovering what brings me joy. I've loved making my house MY home. I bought a new bed. I took down all my husband's pictures and gave all his stuff to my kids. I've created a space just for me. I love that part of being alone. I don't have negotiate everything with a spouse.

Good luck to you. You're going to do great!!

11-02-20, 08:33
Thank you so much both of you!
Cptdebbie, so sorry to you had to go through that! But it's good to hear that you're doing so great now. :)

Hbug2416, congratulations on your pregnancy! Sending good vibes to you and your baby :)