View Full Version : Constant anxiety

08-02-20, 21:46
Hi everyone I'm Jamie. I'm a 25 year old male I suffer with severe anxiety from the moment I wake up until about midnight then I seem to relax. I do manage to go out but I'm always on the edge sweaty hand and shaking of my legs. Im currently on 150mg sertraline and 2mg diazepam twice a day although my dr wants to stop my diazepam which I'm upset because it's the only thing that gives me relief. Its horrible living like this I've wanted to die for a few months now I'm at my lowest. Luckily I have family who care for me but I'm just miserable living like this.

08-02-20, 22:14
Dear Jamie, I'm so sorry you are dealing with this miserable illness. It's good you have your family. Lots of support and love will help you recover faster. I know the docs right now don't want to prescribe certain meds. I'm like you. Diazepam and meds like it are the only things that make me feel any relief. There's nothing wrong with trying a different doctor if you need to. I've had to do that from time to time. We need to find the person who gives us the best results.

Good luck to you!!!