View Full Version : I am really struggling with vision issues - please help!

08-02-20, 22:09
Two and a half weeks ago I had a weird prism-like afterimage of a light. I mentioned to my gp and he said not to worry unless it happens again. I had another weird visual thing happen last night, but I know I'm not in the right mind to evaluate it. I had to have a breast MRI this week (I'm at high risk for breast cancer) and next week is my dermatology check (I'm at high risk for melanoma). Plus, I'm struggling with my own sense of self worth. That issue took some hits from my children last Sunday at our family Super Bowl watch party. The result is that I'm an anxious mess at the moment and my usual coping mechanisms aren't working.

This is what happened last night: I was driving home in the dark. (I don't usually drive in the dark.) It was kind of wet outside and my car windows were spotted. When I pulled into my neighborhood I became aware of all the lights and they started bothering me a bit. When I pulled into my garage, I noticed a little round multi-colored orb on my car windshield. My first thought was, "Hey, that's a candy bomb thing from Candy Crush." Then I realized it couldn't possibly be that because it was on my car window. This all happened in a second or less - very fast.

I went into my home thinking that my brain must have interpreted some sort of water/light/prism thing on my windshield as the candy bomb. I was okay for about a half hour. Then, my anxiety kicked in big time. I thought of brain tumors, hallucinations, parkinson's, ms, and the whole gambit. Now my stomach is in knots and I can't pull it together. I don't want to call any of my kids to ground me. They already think I'm nuts. Actually, I think I'm nuts.

I tried to be reasonable and came up with a plan. I decided to assume these visual quirks were either normal aberrations or products of my anxiety until I see my gp again in 2 1/2 months. During that time I will be more consistent at all the things I do to help my anxiety - meditate, do yoga, etc. Waiting will also allow me to, hopefully, get past these scary health checks and the added strain they cause. At the end of the 2 1/2 months, I can then decide if I want to bring this up again to my gp and or my ophthalmologist (whom I saw about 4 months ago).

Does this seem reasonable? My other thought is to run screaming to the ER.

I have visual floaters and little sparkles, which I know are normal. I'm going to be 60 this year. My eyes are aging. I also have dry eyes. Could age be a contributing factor to visual quirks?

Have any of you experienced something like this before?

I would very much appreciate your help. I have complex-PTSD and am really struggling at the moment.

~ Debbie

09-02-20, 00:56
Hi Debbie. I'm not a doctor but I don't feel you need to run screaming to the ER. My first thought was that a water droplet caught the light and caused a prism effect. Given your recent vision issue, maybe you're hyper-alert for this sort of thing at the moment? Age can definitely be a factor for visual quirks. I have a relative currently having some visual issues due to age. Since you have a possible explanation for this episode, perhaps wait and see whether it happens again and if it does, see your GP. If you remain really worried though, it's fine to get it checked out sooner. You have a lot going on right now and your anxiety is bound to be higher. I also just want to say that you come across to me as a lovely person who is very much worthwhile. I know from your previous post that it will take a lot more than me saying that for you to believe it, but it's true. You write kind and helpful replies to others who are struggling, even when you're battling your own worries. Please be kind to yourself too? xx

09-02-20, 01:23
Thank you so for your kind words Swan. They actually meant a lot to me. My therapist thinks these visual events are my body telling me to be kind to myself. :)

What upset me so much about this incident was that I thought it was a Candy Bomb until I realized it couldn't be. I read Dutchkitty's post today. It gave more credibility to the idea that my eyes interpreted a small aberration to be something more familiar. Apparently our eyes do that from time to time. At least I hope they do. Otherwise, I hallucinated or something.

I am definitely hyper-alert about everything at the moment. :doh: I am totally confident about that, which is why I am trying to calm myself and give it a few weeks. I don't want to put my body through unnecessary testing. I've done that too often in the past.

I really appreciate your reply. It is really helpful for me to talk things over with somebody.

09-02-20, 02:08
You're very welcome. Have you been playing Candy Crush lately? Sometimes when I've been playing online games a lot I feel like I'm seeing things from them, especially if I'm tired. I think it's probably true that our eyes and brains interpret things into something familiar, even just momentarily. I think your therapist is right about being kind to yourself too :) You're doing so well with trying to manage your anxiety. See how you go, and try not to read too much into it (hard, I know) xx

09-02-20, 02:19
Yes. I have been playing Candy Crush lately. I find it very therapeutic :yesyes:

Thank you again Swan. You are a very kind person ❤️