View Full Version : Influenza B

09-02-20, 16:50
Welp - it’s happened. I caught it. Ugh. I haven’t done a flu shot for 10 years. The last shot I had I got the worst flu ever. And haven’t had it since. I know they say you can’t get the flu from the shot, but my anxiety brain says different.

they did prescribe me Tamiflu and Tesson Pearls for cough. Trying to avoid the google, and the urgent care doc I saw didn’t really want to hang around and answer questions. Anyone know how long to expect this to last one I start the tamiflu?

09-02-20, 17:24
I’ve never taken Tamiflu so I can’t answer your question. I wanted you to know, however, that I read your post. I’m so sorry you’ve got the flu. It’s been a nasty one this year. I know several people who are really sick with it.

Avoid the google at all costs and take care of yourself. I hope you get over it quickly. :bighug1:

09-02-20, 17:47
Thank you, Cptdebbie, I appreciate it!

10-02-20, 13:49
Stay hydrated and sleep as much as possible! Get well soon (I'm sure you will!)

10-02-20, 14:15
I’ve drank so much water and juice and tea with honey, I feel like I’m floating LOL. Honestly I don’t feel terrible. I was expecting a lot worse - I really thought at worst I had bronchitis which is why I went to doc to get looked at. So the flu diagnosis kind of took me by surprise. The cough sucks and is causing a sore throat. But I’m not super exhausted or achy so I’m grateful for that!!