View Full Version : Worried starting Valdoxan will make me worse

09-02-20, 23:52
I have been falling into an absolute heap, which all started just before Christmas when I got a boil on my breast.

My HA peaked and I have gone round in circles with various illness thoughts and scares.

I am in therapy but can’t see her for 3 weeks as she is on leave.

I saw my gp last night because I just feel broken, sad and hopeless at the moment. I am crying daily and constantly obsessing, at the moment it’s due to some lower back pain and my stool movements - you can guess where I have been going however so proud to not have been googling.

Anyhow, he has prescribed Valdoxan however I see it can impact your liver and routine bloods are required to monitor. I am just not sure with my HA that this is the right medication for me? I am worried that it will only make me freak out and obsess about this potential side effect.

Has anyone else been on this medication and have and feedback? I have read in the medication sub but doesn’t seem to be used that widely.

10-02-20, 00:15
I'm so sorry you are going through this. It is such a scary thing to deal with.

I have not heard of Valdoxan. Apparently it is not used in the United States. I've had to take some pretty serious meds in the past. I had the same issues with them that you do. I finally took them because I decided that I'd rather deal with the side effects of the medication than continue to feel the way I was feeling. I didn't have to stay on those meds forever. They put me in a little better place in a short period of time. After that, I moved to other meds.

In reality, all meds have certain side effects. If we want to feel better, sometimes we have to swallow that stupid pill and hope for the best.

That's my take on the matter. You, however, know yourself way better than your doctor. You are the one in power. Take your doc's advice and then do what YOU feel is right. If you doc doesn't value your input, find another one.

Best to you!! A boil on my breast would really freak me out. It would definitely be enough to send me spiraling. I said a prayer for you. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

10-02-20, 00:56
Thank you!
I have made another appt with my gp to discuss tomorrow night. The thought of having to have blood tests to monitor my liver seems counter productive to help my HA. He is really lovely and I am sure he will listen and understand.

I was on pristiq many years ago and I remember that was no fun, so understand meds have their side effects (wish they didn’t lol)

I just want to feel better and be a better version of myself. This version is not fun at all.

Bloody boil triggered me bad! FYI it is all good now and healed.

10-02-20, 04:32
Valdoxen is awesome! My 22 year old son started using it last year, and he is heaps better. It's not on the pbs though, so it is a bit expensive.

10-02-20, 05:19
Valdoxen is awesome! My 22 year old son started using it last year, and he is heaps better. It's not on the pbs though, so it is a bit expensive.

That is fantastic - so happy to hear your son is doing better with it.

Can I ask, has he had the blood test monitoring / any issues with liver using it?

10-02-20, 06:06
Yes, he gets his liver bloods checked regularly. No issue with it so far :)

I'd give it a go, if you happen to have anything wrong, you can just stop taking this med, unlike other antidepressants.

10-02-20, 08:21
Yes, he gets his liver bloods checked regularly. No issue with it so far :)

I'd give it a go, if you happen to have anything wrong, you can just stop taking this med, unlike other antidepressants.

Thank you!
I was just thinking that perhaps this will just set off my HA more having to do this and if it would make me stress more.

I filled the script. Debating wether to take it or not.

I am also trying to fall pregnant and there doesn’t seem to be any info on if there are any issues taking it, doesn’t appear to be many studies.

10-02-20, 10:17
I took it - its 9:15pm.
I’ll keep this thread updated with how I go with it.

10-02-20, 23:59
Did it give you a good sleep? It regulated my son's sleeping pattern really well

11-02-20, 01:08
Did it give you a good sleep? It regulated my son's sleeping pattern really well

Not really. I slept and then was basically awake the rest of the night.
This morning I vomited and have had heart burn and feeling off with tightness through my back.

I am not sure if this is the meds or my anxiety, that’s the tough part and I struggle with that with my HA basically making me think there is something else wrong.

11-02-20, 05:05
I'm the same with starting new meds. I always got an influx of symptoms, could never tell if it was anxiety because I was scared of taking it, or the actual med.

My son hasn't had any side effects with valdoxen, the doctor said that no one really gets any from this drug, and it is the first antidepressant he'd recommend. Not sure if that helps you or not.

11-02-20, 07:23
Thank you, it is reassuring. I am seeing the gp tonight for an update.
He said the same thing, this one and another I canÂ’t remember he said have next to no side effects and are pretty gentle.

Like you said, I was super nervous to take the med to begin with.

I always get so surprised how debilitating anxiety symptoms can be and that sometimes they can be psychosomatic :(

13-02-20, 04:47
Day 3 ....
So far so good.
Last night was the first night I got a decent night sleep and boy did it make a difference.
I am feeling OK at the moment, I don't seem to have many side effects if any which is good.
My anxiety and mood seems to be lifted which is a bonus, considering for the past 2 weeks I had been feeling hopeless, broken and basically crying every. single. day!

All in all I am feeling more positive about starting this medication at the moment.

I have a session with my psychologist tomorrow, I will break the news to her that I started meds. Not sure what her reaction will be, hoping she understands. I felt manic and that I had nowhere else to turn. I needed something to cut the circuit in my brain so I can focus on getting better.

13-02-20, 04:57
So glad you feel a little bit better already. My son started to feel good quite quickly on this med. The good sleep made all the difference.

13-02-20, 08:20
My daughter was on valdoxan for a while and was told that it kicks in more quickly than other ADs. She didn't develop any liver problems either.

I hope the med makes things better for you, Lauz.

13-02-20, 08:48
Thanks both :)
I am so glad to hear other people have had a good experience with this med.

I know it’s only day 3 so I am a little like wtf surely it hasn’t kicked in that quick, either way I am going to take feeling a bit better no matter what!

Tonight is the first night in 2 months I feel like I have really been present with my 3 yo daughter and not in another world with all my attention been given to her - it feels amazing and brings so much joy. Husband is also enjoying my improved mood too haha poor thing has been such a support and punching bag lately (not literally punching lol)

06-03-20, 05:18
Hey Lauz, just wondering how you are doing on valdoxan? Hope it is still going well for you.

06-03-20, 06:38
Hey Snowy! Thanks for checking in :)

So far so good. Basically no side effects. There have been some days where I have been pretty tired but nothing major to report.

I think it has helped, I am not feeling out of control / manic anymore which is amazing! I needed something to calm the noise down.

I am still getting bouts of anxiety and it is manifesting in different ways I.e Anxiety attacks vs full blown panic attacks, muscle tension in my neck and back... the good news is I am not catastrophising (ok maybe a little haha but I am able to not think about it 24/7)

My gp isn’t too worried about me getting the blood test however, he said at 6 months. For my peace of mind I think I will go get one at the 2 or 3 month mark.

Hope everything is well with you?