View Full Version : Energy levels before/after taking Citalopram

10-02-20, 03:05
Hi all,

I have a question for those of you currently taking Citalopram. Have you noticed any discernible differences in your energy levels, whether for better or worse, since taking the drug?

I'm just wondering as anxiety/depression/OCD are conditions I've battled with for several years now and I was prescribed Citalopram 5 years ago but never took it as I was concerned about potential side effects at the time. I've had good and bad periods of mental health since then, all completely unmedicated but I've been struggling again recently with low-mood and some anxiety due to recent stress/life events but most of all just feeling completely tired and drained all the time. I don't know if this is down to my mental health or perhaps some physical reason but I just want to know if taking Citalopram might make me feel more energised as I'm sick of feeling tired and fed up all the time.

Moreover, I've heard for some people antidepressants make them feel more fatigued but that depression and other mental health conditions themselves make people feel fatigued too so it's a bit of a minefield really knowing what to think about medication and if it will help or make me worse in regards to the fatigue. Any insight would be appreciated. :)

10-02-20, 07:47
I've been struggling again recently with low-mood and some anxiety due to recent stress/life events but most of all just feeling completely tired and drained all the time. I don't know if this is down to my mental health or perhaps some physical reason but I just want to know if taking Citalopram might make me feel more energised as I'm sick of feeling tired and fed up all the time.

Depression can be very draining to the point in some cases where people become almost catatonic. Relieving the depression would itself be energising, but many ADs are also generally energising, including all the SSRIs to varying extents.

Moreover, I've heard for some people antidepressants make them feel more fatigued but that depression and other mental health conditions themselves make people feel fatigued too so it's a bit of a minefield really knowing what to think about medication and if it will help or make me worse in regards to the fatigue.

Some people do have paradoxical reactions, but they are uncommon. Insomnia is one of the most frequent initial side-effects. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how a particular AD will affect you other than by trying by it.