View Full Version : Health anxiety and shingles

10-02-20, 19:11
I was diagnosed with shingles. I am a 32 year old relatively healthy young mother. Having HA this is something that is causing me enourmous stress. I am so scared that the doctors may have missed something... or that i might end up being an extreem case with complications. I can’t shake this panic feeling off... i would need some kind words to get me through this. Nobody around me seems to understand why I am so shaken because they don’t understand health anxiety.

10-02-20, 19:27
While stress and anxiety is not the cause of shingles and other painful viral outbreaks, it can trigger them. Stress and anxiety can and does weaken your immune system which makes you more susceptible. Best to treat the anxiety so you can effectively deal with the unpleasantness of the outbreak and prevent future outbreaks.

Positive thoughts

10-02-20, 19:33
I definitely want to work on that. I know that my anxiety is the main problem to most of my issues. I’m thinking of trying group therapy. Thank you

10-02-20, 20:00
Hey. I've had shingles twice. I guess I was lucky as it was just a small patch, and I wasn't really unwell with it. It is painful and if you're not already, it's worth having a course of antivirals as I think it can shorten the duration x

10-02-20, 20:48
Yes i started the antivirals yesterday. I’m hoping it’s like you said and will shorten the duration of the illness :)

10-02-20, 20:55
I had shingles a few years ago too. I didn’t rake the antivirals because I was breastfeeding, but I don’t remember it lasting for too long. I actually don’t remember being too anxious about it either, it was just SO itchy and sore.

10-02-20, 21:48
Yes its very painful... mine is near my eye and the doctors seemed very worried for the eye.. i already got two exams and everything came out clear. I have to be seen next week again. I think that’s really what caused so much fear. How long did the pain last?

10-02-20, 22:45
Near the eye must be very uncomfortable. I don’t think mine lasted more than a week.
Hope you’re better soon.

10-02-20, 23:02
Thank you I hope so too!!

11-02-20, 04:30
Oh Valencia, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. People who haven’t experienced this type of anxiety seldom understand.

I was about 52 when I got shingles. I initially showed my husband my rash, and because he knew I usually overreact to health things, he said that he had rashes like that all the time. So, I went about my day. I visited with my newest grandbaby, picked my granddaughter up from school, and went to a dance for Special Needs Adults that I was working with. I’m a hugger, and I hugged just about everybody at the dance and everywhere else. I essentially spread the chicken pox virus as far and wide as was possible.

The day after, I Couldn’t shake the feeling that I needed to go see my doctor. I was so grateful because I was able to get on the medication and recover relatively soon.

I hope my Typhoid Mary story made you smile and feel a little better. It’s really hard being a mom and even harder when you’re sick. Ive been watching my youngest daughter work so hard since she had her baby 14 months ago. She wants to be the best mom and almost never takes time for herself. I hope you take time for yourself. Pamper yourself a little. It will help with your anxiety.

Best wishes :hugs:

11-02-20, 12:10
Wow! Thank you so much... your words mean a lot. I wish my mother would be so encouraging and recognize how crazy its been to work and take care of a child with my husband who works crazy hours! I find myself having zero time for me. I have been feeling so tired lately... i felt like my body was shutting down...the constant stress and running around and now the shingles with pain. I think it’s definetly a sign that i am pushing myself a little too hard. I’m going to take this as a wake up call to start managing my anxiety in a better way and allow myself moments to rest and take a real break. thank you!!