View Full Version : Hand Twitches and Shakes when I type

10-02-20, 21:40
This morning I woke up with the conviction that I wasn't going to let my health anxiety get the best of me. Well, it did!! I've been having twitching in my left middle finger for a little over a month now. I'm really used to twitches, so, although I noticed it, it didn't bother me. Then today I sat down at my computer to type and my finger and my whole left hand started to switch and feel uncoordinated.

I think I'm still reeling from the death of my husband. His lung cancer had already spread to his brain when he was diagnosed. He stopped being able to use certain parts of his body a little bit at a time.

Again, I don't know if this is something I need to go see my doc about immediately. Or, should I wait? I just don't know anymore. Maybe I have carpal tunnel or something like that?

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Is it a red flag symptom?

Thanks so much!!

10-02-20, 22:12
Lord I hate when that happens. Drives me CRAZY. I type all day long, primarily 10-key. So when one of my fingers is twitchy/tremor-y it throws me completely off kilter. I don’t worry about it and know it will pass eventually, but it’s definitely an annoyance and I sympathize!!!

10-02-20, 22:26
I've had that issue too. But it's always been because of strain on my forearm muscles, wrist joints, hand, etc. I usually grab my fingers and stretch my hand back towards my forearm (not to hard now) and towards me. Then I might grab my hand with my other hand and twist a little, again not too hard, and sometimes my wrists pop. And sometimes all that helps, sometimes it doesn't.

10-02-20, 23:09
Thank you so much for your responses. I really appreciate knowing that other people have the same issue in the absence of brain tumors, etc. I do a lot of crocheting and things like that. I also spend a good bit of time on my iPad and phone. I type a little almost every day, but not much.

My finger has been twitchy for a while. So, this is likely to happen to me again. I'm so grateful for this forum and the people who are willing to respond to me. I really need the help putting things in perspective.


11-02-20, 11:23
Debbie - I think the handwork plays a part in it too. I’m a quilter, and I’ve started an English Paper Piecing project. I do notice that holding that tiny needle too tightly can bring on twitchy fingers on occasion. Maybe just down to some minor wrist/finger strain? I genuinely wouldn’t worry though. This literally has happened to me pretty regularly for years and I’m still going strong

11-02-20, 15:02
Something similar has been happening to me for about a month, in my right thumb. It visibly shakes when I hold it in a certain position (like when it's extended over my phone, even when I'm not holding my phone). I'm trying so hard to be rational about it but it's SO HARD!

11-02-20, 19:48
My hands shake like crazy when my anxiety is high. But not in every position, no. Mostly when I put them on the table to type, when part of the hand is on the table and part kinda hangs in the air. First noticed it years ago during first health scare, while eating, hands were in similar position to typing position. Don’t know hiw to explain it, but it never worried me

12-02-20, 02:57
Thank you everyone. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. It’s so nice to be able to connect with people who understand.

Bless you all. :bighug1:

Karen C
01-01-21, 04:40
Did anyone ever get answers from their doctor as to the finger twitching? I experience the same thing when a finger is hovering over a keyboard.