View Full Version : Visible blood in urine

10-02-20, 21:42
Hey there,

I'm a first time poster here, have been reading the forum for years though. Three years ago I had visible blood in my urine when I peed in the midst of a basketball game. I was scared to death, but after a kidney scan and a cystoscopy nothing was found, even though there was still a tiny trace of blood in my urine. I was told blood in urine is a diagnosis of exclusion, and since they ruled out everything I was let go.
Fast forward three years and the day after a basketball game (not during) I peed visible blood again. It was a physical game and I fell hard on my lower back after being pushed through the ground, but to me that doesn't explain why there is blood in my urine the day after instead of after the game? I have been to the doctor already, and after more than a week there is still microscopic blood in my urine (the visible blood disappeared the same day). I'm devastated, because I now have to go the same route as 3 years ago, which, to be honest, was close to traumatic for me. I'm making an appointment this week with the urologist, doc said she's not worried because of my age (38) but wants to be sure so better safe than sorry.

The reason why I'm posting this is to look for a bit of reassurance of course, but mostly advise how to sit out the waiting? I can't think of anything else, I'm catastrophising all the time and it's hell. Thanks for any help.

10-02-20, 23:38
I can somewhat relate. Ive been having microscopic hematuria for about a month now.

Your hematuria may very well be due to vigorous physical activity.

11-02-20, 00:18
I am so sorry Arie. I have had blood, both visible and not visible, in my urine several times. I just went through an episode last year. I got super sick and ended up at the ER. The ER doc diagnosed me with a bladder infection because of some blood in my urine. I figured out later that my problem was a medication I was taking. I do not think I had a bladder infection at all. So, I worried about the blood in my urine sample until I went to my urologist.

My urologist did not think I needed a new ct-scan or anything since the tests I had during my last bleeding episode (3 years ago too) were all negative. I'm almost 60. I'm in the higher risk group. And, my doc was still pretty sure I was okay. Some studies suggest that a through exam is good for at least 5 years. Ergo, you may not have to go through the whole testing routine either, especially since you are so young

As for not worrying, I totally suck at that, especially right now. I said a prayer for you. I hope you will feel better soon. :hugs:

11-02-20, 08:32
Thanks for replying. It's always comforting knowing you're not the only one dealing with this.

@UnimaginativeName, I even wonder if my blood left my urine all these years. I believe I read on this forum that some people have microscopie blood in their urine no matter what. Could be leaky kidnes. And yeah there is probably a connection with activity and the blood in my urine. It's just that there seems to so little known about this condition. Hang in there.

@Cptdebbie. It's comforting to know that it's possible to experiene macroscopic haematuria and it turning out to be nothing. I hope this is the case for me and you too. Rationally I know the chance is small, but as long as there is a chance I can't convince myself to think positive. Ever since having children and losing my job my anxiety has been through the roof, and this to me is the worst timing. I will keep you updated if all works out

12-02-20, 15:10
Well, I have all the tests in march. Ultrasound, colorway dye and cystoscopy. Doctor told me she wasn't worried and that's why the test is far away. I hope she is right and hope I can cope in the mean time.

12-02-20, 15:59
You really need to tell yourself that you already have the evidence that there is nothing wrong. You have a direct cause for the blood, have experienced exactly the same thing before, under the same circumstances.

When you say 'I can't stop thinking about it', that will become true. You need to develop a new inner mantra, and then make it an outer verbal one if necessary -

'I am fine, I know what this is, I have experienced this before'....etc. Repeat it over and over again if necessary. There's no secret to this, it's just doing the opposite of what you're doing now.

12-02-20, 17:02
Thanks for the reply, you're right, initially I was ok with it, but now I notice doubt is creeping in. I still have no clue why I pissed blood the day after the game and not the same day. I'm also worried an operation I had when I was young on my testicles is coming back to bite me in the ass now (even though I can't find this as a risk factor for bladder cancer). I assume there will always be unanswered questions in the medical world. I'm assuming the worst to protect myself. Again thanks for the reply, I hope it will work out

12-02-20, 22:38
Pee doesn't come from your testicles. They make the other stuff.......

Also, assuming the worst does the opposite of protecting yourself. It creates stress which in turn lowers you immune system. Fact!

14-02-20, 15:48
I have to wait three more weeks before my first test, and today was a bad day. I went full Google today in hope of finding people who had blood in urine the day after a sports game, but there is so little info on this subject. I only found info I didn't need of course. My wife and family are already tired of my constant worrying and I fully understand. Statistically there is a small chance, but I can not convince myself of a positive outcome. I don't know why I'm posting this, maybe for the illusion of some control

15-02-20, 15:13
Blood in the urine is a symptom of kidney stones.

15-02-20, 22:07
I have to wait three more weeks before my first test, and today was a bad day. I went full Google today in hope of finding people who had blood in urine the day after a sports game, but there is so little info on this subject. I only found info I didn't need of course. My wife and family are already tired of my constant worrying and I fully understand. Statistically there is a small chance, but I can not convince myself of a positive outcome. I don't know why I'm posting this, maybe for the illusion of some control

Keep in mind that 90% of people diagnosed with bladder cancer are 55 and older, 75% are aged 65+

16-02-20, 08:07
Thanks for the support. If I'm strictly rational I know the odds are in my favor (I'm a very light smoker though). I'm just not good with uncertainty and medical tests. The rest of this and last year have been filled with other fears and anxieties, it's like it never stops.
Have you decided yet if you will do the full workup?

16-02-20, 22:42
Thanks for the support. If I'm strictly rational I know the odds are in my favor (I'm a very light smoker though). I'm just not good with uncertainty and medical tests. The rest of this and last year have been filled with other fears and anxieties, it's like it never stops.
Have you decided yet if you will do the full workup?

I am still uncertain if Im going to do the workup. I have at least postponed it, mainly due to $$$ issues. The doctor really wants me to have it done, but seems to agree that it isn't urgent.

17-02-20, 08:39
I can understand why you are doubting. I'm probably going to do the tests, but everything inside me wants to flee and just continue living. I know though that if I do this doubt will probably be back later on, so I just have to face my fears. I hope you will get some peace of mind.

17-02-20, 08:44
That being said the feeling of dread is the worst. I feel very low at the moment. I hope we can look back a few months later and just laugh at it

21-02-20, 09:17
I'm struggling big time. Unfortunately I have read of a few people who have received a bladder cancer diagnosis at a young age. It's disheartening. The closer the tests are getting the more I'm convinced it's not good. I have peed blood twice in the last 3 years, the last episode was a day after exercise and not after. I'm left looking for answers which I don't have. I know bladder cancer is rare at my age, but it does happen. To me that nullifies all statistics. I'm just really scared

21-02-20, 14:48
I'm struggling big time. Unfortunately I have read of a few people who have received a bladder cancer diagnosis at a young age. It's disheartening. The closer the tests are getting the more I'm convinced it's not good. I have peed blood twice in the last 3 years, the last episode was a day after exercise and not after. I'm left looking for answers which I don't have. I know bladder cancer is rare at my age, but it does happen. To me that nullifies all statistics. I'm just really scared

I did the math. 1 in 25000 men aged 35-44 will be diagnosed with bladder cancer in the US this year. Im sure the numbers are pretty similar in your country. So yes, it is possible, but the odds are pretty astronomical.

your bleeding incidents were 3 years apart. I am assuming if it were cancer the bleeding would be much more frequent.

21-02-20, 16:07
Thanks for the reply. I'm a light smoker, that increases the chance a little bit. I do realize the chance is still small then. I guess you can't outrationalize fear. If you told me those odds for winning the lottery I would be 100% sure I would not win, but when it's the other way around...I'm guilty of googling, I know it's incredibly stupid but I still desperately need reassurance. Still more than a week of waiting...thanks again for the reply!

21-02-20, 21:11
I did the same thing you did. I found the stories of the really young people who have bladder cancer. It scared me. But I try to keep the numbers in mind

22-02-20, 16:43
I'm holding on to the numbers as well. I think you might have a case of leaky kidneys. I have read a ton of posts where microscropic blood was really nothing. I'm still torturing myself over what if questions. I'm also torturing myself with worst case scenario's. I guess I have to let go looking for the answers and let the medical professionals do their work. I wish you good news and a lot of peace of mind

24-02-20, 14:24
CT scan is this week, cystoscopy is next week. I'm so hoping I can continue life a bit normal after that. It's been a constant fight between rationality and complete catastrophy. I have peed completely normal the past 3 weeks, don't know if that's good. I still think I have had a very minor kidney or bladder bruise, but with absolutely zero pain after a hard fall. On the other hand I'm catastrophizing badly and thinking it's the big C, they missen something three years ago and now it's back. I've contemplated cancelling all tests, but I know it must be done. I feel really bad and terrified. Just an update, I hope it will have a good ending.

Edit: the more I'm reasoning rationally, the more I'm convinced it's bladder cancer. The visible blood was out of the blue, not immediately after my basketball game, but a good 10-12 hrs later. Does this rule out a bruise? If it's a bruise it should've been in my urine immediately after, not 10-12 hrs later. I'm trying to come to terms with it, but it's the only option I can think of. I don't have any pain so no stones. At least we'll know in a few days. In all honesty I fear the worst...

24-02-20, 21:19
Good luck with the tests. Please report back to us with the results. And remember the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor.

Please dont cancel the tests. I know that eventually I am going to have to go through the tests if I want to get any peace of mind. Interestingly enough, I read that in the Netherlands they dont send patients with microhematuria through the workup if they are younger than 50. So I guess I wouldnt need the workup if I were over there. ALl of this seems very arbitrary.

24-02-20, 21:41
Thanks again friend, I will do, though I hope it will be good news. I didn't know those were the guidelines. I have heard microscopic haematuria more and more as a normal phenomenon. But the tests will give you clarity.
I'm still left with questions. My cystoscopy, the golden standard when it comes to BC, was completely clean 3 years ago. How much weight does that hold? How common is haematuria after a fall or bruise? I've been sick with the flu the day after my haematuria, maybe a UTI. So much questions....
Google does not help. So many horror stories and negativity. I still hope the odds are in my favor. Thanks again

24-02-20, 22:04
I was hoping though to hear from more people who have been through the same ordeal?

24-02-20, 22:51
I have had this and I had kidney stones.

24-02-20, 23:03
I believe I read that thread. Am I correct the stones were painless?

24-02-20, 23:10
Thanks again friend, I will do, though I hope it will be good news. I didn't know those were the guidelines. I have heard microscopic haematuria more and more as a normal phenomenon. But the tests will give you clarity.
I'm still left with questions. My cystoscopy, the golden standard when it comes to BC, was completely clean 3 years ago. How much weight does that hold? How common is haematuria after a fall or bruise? I've been sick with the flu the day after my haematuria, maybe a UTI. So much questions....
Google does not help. So many horror stories and negativity. I still hope the odds are in my favor. Thanks again

I do think an injury to the kidneys can cause hematuria. I think that is most likely the cause in your case. But it can be from other benign causes, like kidney stone. You mentioned you had no pain, but Ive read many kidney stones can cause mild pain or no pain at all.

Having a clear cystoscopy 3 years ago is a good sign. I can understand why they want to repeat the test after another bleeding episode.

24-02-20, 23:42
Yes painless - I didn't know I had them.

25-02-20, 00:27
I was hoping though to hear from more people who have been through the same ordeal?

I had it due to kidney stone as well.

27-02-20, 13:58
Well, CT scan is done, I have also give blood. No more news, and trying to control my thoughts. The radialogist said it was interesting that I've had visible blood twice in three years, but as usual I did not have time to ask any detailed questions. Somewhere I'm still afraid they missed something three years ago. I hope to have good news next week, but the waiting is horror. I hope to report back soon.

27-02-20, 22:28
Do you get nervous when you go to the bathroom now? Worried that the blood will be back.

It is always in the back of my mind when i urinate...even though ive never had visible blood.

28-02-20, 07:12
Right now it's not that bad, but that is because I'm getting it checked out. The past 3 years I have been very afraid of blood in my urine. Whenever my urine was darker I panicked. Get it checked man, even though I'm certain it's nothing.
I'm still between hope and fear. Some days I'm convinced it's bad and other days I'm more rational. Sleep is bad with lots of waking up. I hope for the best

29-02-20, 14:54
Well, the CT scan showed 2 small stones, so that's a bit of relief. Of course I looked up if a CT scan is reliable when it comes to finding tumors, and they seem to do just that. I'm still not fully convinced though. My bladder was fine on the CT scan, does that make the cystoscopy necessary? I will phone the urologist next week, I want to get out of this nightmare

01-03-20, 00:42
Great news that there was nothing serious!

I think the urologist will still want to do a cystoscopy to check out the bladder. But the stones were most likely the cause of your bleeding.

01-03-20, 07:03
And that still scares me. Why would they still do a cystoscopy if a CT scan has ruled it out? I'm still terrified they will find something with the cystoscopy. I hope it will all be ok

01-03-20, 16:02
Oh so I was right about kidney stones then.

It is standard practice to do a cystoscopy as well - I have had 2 in the last few years.

02-03-20, 15:17
Well, I don't know what to make of today. I had the appointment with my urologist, fully expecting a cystoscopy. My urologist said a cystoscopy wasn't necessary, since the kidney stones were an obvious reason for blood in my urine. The CT scan showed stones and nothing else, and that was basically it. I have been given medicine to release the stones, and a CT scan in 4 weeks to look if the stone has passed. He did not sound concerned. There is still blood in my urine, but that could be because of the stones.
I'm not fully convinced, but I guess that comes with being a hypochondriac. A negative cystoscopy would have taken all the worry away, but he did not see it as necessary

02-03-20, 15:20
They won't do procedures unless they are sure you need them as they carry risks in themselves.

The stones will cause the blood as they irritate the lining.

I was never given anything for mine - they must have just passed naturally as they tell me they have gone now.

02-03-20, 15:32
They won't do procedures unless they are sure you need them as they carry risks in themselves.

The stones will cause the blood as they irritate the lining.

I was never given anything for mine - they must have just passed naturally as they tell me they have gone now.

Did you feel reassurance after you consulted the urologist? I guess I'm still a bit afraid it's something else, but I guess the stones should be more than enough explanation. I guess I got to let it all sink in a bit, this was a terrible month. Thanks for the reply!

02-03-20, 15:35
Well the blood stopped in the urine, the stones were going apparently so yeah I just moved on from it - not that it worried me anyway as I don't suffer with HA - but I understand how hard it is when you do.

02-03-20, 22:10
i think it is great news he didn't think a cystoscopy was necessary.

How much micro blood is currently in your urine?

03-03-20, 07:51
i think it is great news he didn't think a cystoscopy was necessary.

How much micro blood is currently in your urine?

I don't have a clue really. Call me ignorant but I don't think I want to know right now. I'm still catastrophizing, what if there is still blood if the stone is gone, what if they missed something. I think the CT scan with contrast ruled scary stuff out I guess. I got to have faith in the urologist and let it go, but it's hard.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have something like stones too. You'd be surprised how many causes there are for blood in urine. I hope you'll get some rest with this

23-03-20, 20:02
Well, I have the CT scan to check out if the stones are still there this week. After the CT scan I had everyone is telling me to move on, but I can't. Rationally I know it's probably a stone that moved, but I'm still terrified they missed something. I read a CT scan can miss small cancers in the bladder, and it's freaking me out. The last two months have been a bad nightmare. I'm not able to enjoy my days anymore, the fear is there every day. I have to pee very frequent, probably because of anxiety. Hope to bring good news soon

26-03-20, 18:53
Well I pissed some blood again. Don't know if this is a signal that the stone is moving? Other than peeing a lot and some pressure I do not have any symptoms. Still really scared

26-03-20, 19:02
Yes it could be moving

29-03-20, 03:52
The tests will never take your worry away. You will continuously question the accuracy of the test, even if it says you don’t have the disease you fear. It’s just how it goes when you’re a hypochondriac, and so, leave it alone. Put your mind on other things and enjoy your life. Life’s too short too worry about things that don’t matter, best of luck during these difficult times.