View Full Version : More Tonsil issues - Struggling again

11-02-20, 10:10
Hi All,

So it's been a good few months, and I'm feeling kind of disappointed because I've done so well fighting the Anxiety but today I just can't seem to cope.

I was given a massive opportunity on a project at work, and I really came out of my shell and did the best I could. It all went really well, and I completed it in record time.
However, I'm now back to my old job and am struggling to get back into that (probably contributing to the Anxiety). Also, I've recently (3/4 weeks ago) broken up with my Fiance of 7 years because we were going through some big issues that we couldn't seem to get through, so I'm under a lot of stress at the moment
I'm also freaking out about a root canal I have to have done next Friday..

So those are the big things that are contributing to my anxiety but I still feel like I'm a failure honestly.

Health-wise I'm in a bit of a tricky situation.
2 weeks ago I came down with what I thought (and still think) was a bout of the Flu. I was really sick and couldn't get out of bed for the best part of a week.
I had a cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, body aches and diarrhoea (sorry for that last one) and my friend/colleague had exactly the same thing.
I went to the doctors because I was concerned about this Coronavirus (I know, I know) so my doctor tested the saliva from my throat to put my mind at rest.

Well I returned to work after a week and around mid-day I receive a phone call to book a routine appointment with my doctor. I asked to speak to the nurse (bad idea, my doctor knows me and the nurse doesn't really) and she proceeds to tell me that the throat swab came back as 'Reactive to antibiotics' which means it's Bacterial?
At first I ignored it, but the fear of Strep Throat and complications (rheumatic fever mainly) have grown stronger ever since and today I can't handle it

My tonsils are still pretty large, but not as big as last year when I kept getting tonsillitis, I have some pain when swallowing (feels muscular, it's not sore) and a bit of a hoarse voice. Other than that the redness, soreness and everything else has pretty much subsided but this lingering fear that the Bacterial infection remains.

In theory it's an easy solution, and I get that, go to the doctors and potentially get some antibiotics.
There are 2 main issues though, I've had to go to another appointment urgently this week (dental not doctor) so am afraid to ask to go to another appointment.
The other issue is my biggest fear. I'm scared of antibiotics.. more specifically having a reaction to antibiotics.

Apologies for the long post

Gary A
11-02-20, 12:49
To be honest, it kind of sounds like your body has already fought off whichever bacteria was present in your throat. Most of the time, with common throat infections, antibiotics will only tend to speed up recovery by a day or two, so it can be a bit of a waste of time, and money, for a doctor to prescribe them.

I would call your doctor and tell them that your symptoms appear to be subsiding and take it from there. I would wager that they’ll tell you that you no longer need an appointment if that’s the case.