View Full Version : Skin cancer worries

12-02-20, 03:59
Hi all
I am new to this forum but not new to health anxiety. I am now in my 40s, but my health anxiety started when I was 26. Since then, I believe I suffered from numerous cancers and terminal diseases. I subjected myself to various tests, which were of course all clear or benign.

My newest worry is skin cancer. I am olive skinned and never really worried about skin cancer until now, even though I have many many moles on my body. This last weekend I went camping with my family, and as I was applying sun lotion to my skin I noticed a weird, reddish/ brownish mole on my shoulder which I had not noticed before. I downloaded the SkinVision app which, to my surprise, came up with 'high risk'. So... of course now I am freaking out. I have since used the app on a few other moles and another one came up as 'high risk' and one as 'moderate'.

I've made an appointment to see a dermatologist this Friday. But through my research on Dr Google, I have now convinced myself that SkinVision is right and I have melanoma. I know of course that only a doctor can diagnose me with this, and that apps are not diagnostic tools, and that I should just wait until Friday before panicking but it is hard. I also know that even if it is melanoma, the likelihood is that it has been caught early - but my mind then asks "but what if it hasn't?".

Anyway... just after some common sense reassurance so I can survive until Friday.

12-02-20, 17:27
Hi Tui, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’m glad, though, that you were able to see your dermatologist rather quickly. I’ve had to wait for months before. The waiting can be super hard.

I am at high risk for melanoma. I have a lot of moles and many of them are very strange looking. I got most of the strangest looking ones removed when I was in my 40s. They were all okay.

I bet your app just looks for irregular borders and other things like that. If so, I still have many moles that would qualify as high risk. I just went to my dermatologist yesterday, though, and got the all clear.

I’ll be 60 this year. The best thing I ever did for my moles was to get them mapped. I went to our local cancer clinic and they took pictures of all my moles. I had to stand in weird positions naked, but I survived. :scared15:

Now I go every six months and my doctor checks my moles against the pictures to see if any have changed. I used to go every year, but my husband died 14 months ago and he used to help me check my moles monthly. Now, I’m on my own and can’t see them all.

A few new moles have appeared since the mapping, but most of those haven’t been anything to worry about. One was pretty big by the time I noticed it. My doc thought it was okay, but I was worried about it, so he took it off. It was totally benign.

Going to a doctor who specializes in melanoma has really helped me. Before that my dermatologists would often get worried about a mole, and I’d end up getting it removed. Then I’d have to wait for the results and it wasn’t any fun at all! The only mole my specialist has removed was at my request.

In sum:

1. Lots of just fine moles look very strange.
2. We can grow moles at any age.
3. Your dermatologist might be worried about your moles, but that doesn’t mean they are melanoma.

I know lots of people who have actually had melanoma. The vast majority got it removed and are just fine years later.

Pamper yourself while you’re waiting for your appointment. It’ll help distract you.

Best wishes. :hugs:

12-02-20, 22:59
Hi Cptdebbie, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Just what I needed. And I guess, the crux of the matter is that, even if it is melanoma, I will likely be just fine. I'm actually getting a mole map done tomorrow so it's good to know I should expect to get into weird positions. :)

12-02-20, 23:37
I remember using this app a few years ago when I was obsessed with moles and one 'mole' in particular, I had it for years but become obsessed with it for some reason, I got this app and scanned it and it told me I was high risk and should get it checked immediately, went rushing to the doctors expecting the worst, turned out it wasn't even a mole, so I wouldn't take the app too serious.

Good luck for Friday, hopefully you can put your mind to rest after :)

12-02-20, 23:45
Good Luck Tui :hugs:

13-02-20, 00:32
Hi all
I am new to this forum but not new to health anxiety. I am now in my 40s, but my health anxiety started when I was 26. Since then, I believe I suffered from numerous cancers and terminal diseases. I subjected myself to various tests, which were of course all clear or benign.

My newest worry is skin cancer. I am olive skinned and never really worried about skin cancer until now, even though I have many many moles on my body. This last weekend I went camping with my family, and as I was applying sun lotion to my skin I noticed a weird, reddish/ brownish mole on my shoulder which I had not noticed before. I downloaded the SkinVision app which, to my surprise, came up with 'high risk'. So... of course now I am freaking out. I have since used the app on a few other moles and another one came up as 'high risk' and one as 'moderate'.

I've made an appointment to see a dermatologist this Friday. But through my research on Dr Google, I have now convinced myself that SkinVision is right and I have melanoma. I know of course that only a doctor can diagnose me with this, and that apps are not diagnostic tools, and that I should just wait until Friday before panicking but it is hard. I also know that even if it is melanoma, the likelihood is that it has been caught early - but my mind then asks "but what if it hasn't?".

Anyway... just after some common sense reassurance so I can survive until Friday.

Hi, I see you are from NZ as well and we do have one of the highest rates of skin cancer. My brother had a melanoma on his back, it was quite large and he had it removed 10+ years ago now and is fine. I've had squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell which was treated and all good. The fortunate thing about living in NZ is that the specialists are top notch and ordinary Drs have great knowledge of SC's. I don't know about the apps but some people do get mole maps. My bother gets checks from his Dr every 3 months and I go yearly (unless I see something that needs attention during that time).

Most people living in NZ have some form of SC in their lifetime usually solar keratosis or basal cell which are easily treated.

Having olive skin certainly helps, but best to get a yearly check anyway especially as you age. Hope your appointment goes well, are you going to the Skin Institute?

13-02-20, 20:58
Hi WiseMonkey, yes I am from NZ and you're right about our appalling skin cancer rates. I am going to a skin clinic in Albany as the Skin Institute had quite a long waiting list. I'll let you know how my appointment today goes.

Although I have olive skin I also have a large number of moles on my body, so I don't think my risk is reduced.

14-02-20, 00:29
Hi WiseMonkey, yes I am from NZ and you're right about our appalling skin cancer rates. I am going to a skin clinic in Albany as the Skin Institute had quite a long waiting list. I'll let you know how my appointment today goes.

Although I have olive skin I also have a large number of moles on my body, so I don't think my risk is reduced.

Yeah I guess the Skin Institute would be pretty busy this time of year, I get my check in July. Albany is close to Greenhithe, where I live, small world! It's so dry and no rain on the horizon. :dry: If if you have the mole removed try not to worry as it's most likely benign.

14-02-20, 00:41
Ha! Yes small world indeed! It was supposed to rain next week, but now they've changed the forecast again... I suppose we shouldn't complain as cold and wet will hit soon enough! :) My appointment is in less than an hour so we'll see what happens!

14-02-20, 02:12
aaaand once again I've got the all clear! ... and once again I spent a whole week worrying myself sick and stressing...

Anyway, turns out that the lesion I was worried about is something called dermatofibroma, which is harmless. It's growing over a standard mole, which is why it looked weird to me. So I guess it's good I checked it out. Everything else looked fine too.

14-02-20, 06:15
aaaand once again I've got the all clear! ... and once again I spent a whole week worrying myself sick and stressing...

Anyway, turns out that the lesion I was worried about is something called dermatofibroma, which is harmless. It's growing over a standard mole, which is why it looked weird to me. So I guess it's good I checked it out. Everything else looked fine too.

Great news, did you get the specialist to do an all over check while you were there? :)

14-02-20, 19:50
I’m so glad Tui :bighug1:

16-02-20, 21:49
Great news, did you get the specialist to do an all over check while you were there? :)

Yes I did and everything else looked fine too.