View Full Version : Cold or Flu...Spiraling

12-02-20, 13:59
So I posted a day or two ago about how worried I have been about the Coronavirus. Well yesterday I started coming down with something. By the end of the night I started getting all over body aches, so bad, my throat is so sore, and I feel like absolute garbage. My cough isn’t too bad like it was the first day but these body aches are so bad. I took my temp and it’s 99.0 so, after hours of convincing, my husband has narrowed it down to cold or flu. But he’s guessing flu because of how bad I feel. I can’t even sit still because my body hurts so bad. My anxiety is so high. I’ve never felt this sick before. All the what if’s are playing in my head and I can’t relax. Someone please give me some logical facts. I can’t handle it right now.

12-02-20, 14:11
Hi there! First off - don't think about what if's. Think about what you can do right now and make sure it's a firm, tangible action. If there is nothing you can do, then you need to release the worry (i know it's easier said than done).

Are you nervous that this is corona virus? I can assure you that it is not. Have you been to Wuhan? Out of the 13 cases in America, most were in the Wuhan province. It is flu season. Take care of yourself - rest, watch netflix etc. You'll be looking back at this next week with different eyes!


12-02-20, 15:49
There are 13 cases of the Coronavirus in the US, in a country of 327 million. The mortality rate of the Coronavirus is 1%.

Please stop watching the news, and switch Netflix on instead while you recover from your cold/flu.

12-02-20, 16:08
Sounds like what I have - I’m on day 6 and getting better! Lots of rest and fluids!