View Full Version : Incredibly high anxiety

13-02-20, 23:09
I have been having cbt and been feeling better I stupidly thought I was going to fight this illness away but turns out a person can be very wrong. I’ve been in a very bad way tonigh so bad I’ve even thought about calling the out of hours mental health team. It started with this bug from China which has been frightening me a lot even deleted Twitter. Once I had calmed down over that I started to worry that my friend was going to bring it back from Vietnam which sent me in to a crazy couple of hours, stupidly panicking and googling (yes I know) then all of a sudden another thought crossed my mind not to do with the bug and that was it off like a rocket again. Anxiety crippled me to the point of where I don’t think I can carry on. I don’t want this monster in mu head anymore it gets worse and worse all the time even with cbt. I have amazing children who I keep going for but sometimes I wonder how much more I can take. Think I might need a reboot or a boot up the backside.