View Full Version : Amazed at the power of anxiety

14-02-20, 15:09
I cant actually believe I've been suffering from what I thought was heart disease or lung cancer as I have been having chest and back pain for 3 weeks. It got particularly bad last night so I went to a&e fully expecting them to give me bad news. Turns out I'm fine and you know what my pain has magically disappeared.. crazy what the mind can do to us

14-02-20, 16:53
I wish many many many people here would read this short statement - I've said it before , there are people out there in wheelchairs who have nothing physically wrong with them! The brain, once convinced, makes it seems incredibly real. I know,I've been there and done it myself some decades ago, with total conviction of a whole host of things wrong with me - none of them actually real. I've said this before too - I was unable to move the left side of my body and walk for a number of days, such was my conviction, and my misery was that 'nobody believed me'. I am glad that you did at least get reassurance from the medics, take that on board and remember what this condition can do to you !

14-02-20, 20:55
This is a turning point for me honestly, I was so sure I was dying! I'm shocked at myself, I know that's anxiety but to be able to create such pains and symptoms with your brain is crazy. I need to remember what happened yesterday every time I think there is something wrong and I hope others will take something from this!

14-02-20, 21:51
This is a turning point for me honestly, I was so sure I was dying!

I am really pleased to hear this. The important part is that you suddenly became aware of your part/your anxiety's part in creating physical symptoms. Many people here don't get to that point - many would come away and think that the doctors were wrong, the tests were wrong, that it was something physical but it wasn't picked up or stopped at the time of testing.....etc etc etc. They would keep doubting and keep searching for reasons that are physiological. I know myself how powerful the mind can be, and to be able to get to the point where you realise the 'harm' it can do, and how real things can feel, is a very important step. Good for you.

The trouble is here, you will get very few people even accepting that their anxiety can and would cause their physical 'symptoms' and so even if they read this they will discard it as 'their situation is real/different' and nothing like your situation. :winks:

14-02-20, 22:46
I suppose people can only see this on their own. I have suffered all sorts of "illnesses" , I'm talking lots to be fair and nothing has ever turned out to be anything serious. Thank you for your input it only spurs me on to move on from this stage in my life

15-02-20, 03:17
Glad to hear you're ok, it's crazy though isn't it?

18-02-20, 17:20
I know in the past I have thought that I had illnesses and developed all the symptoms, only for them to disappear after tests.
I just can't seem to shake off my heart worries , I wish my gp had sent me for an egg.

18-02-20, 22:09
The hospital will do a ecg if you are really worried. I had one when I went to a&e

19-02-20, 08:23
Yep. Anxiety is crazy powerful! Even when you know it’s the anxiety causing symptoms it can still mess you up.

I call it my “gremlin”. It manifests itself in different ways - often as pains or twitches or other symptoms that won’t go away. Sometimes it manifests as a new phobia. It moves around my body like whack a mole. Unfortunately I’m never free of it for very long before it finds a new way to strike fear in me. Still trying to outsmart it for good, but Celexa has been giving me the mental strength to do so.

19-02-20, 17:32
Yes! I have pretty severe emetophobia right now, and I can't tell you how many times I've rushed to the bathroom with all signs pointing to throwing up (churning stomach, shakes, heart rate increase, that awful watering feeling you get in the back of your throat). I lean over the toilet to vomit and wait...and wait...and wait :). Funny how this only happens when I am "in my head" and not distracted by anything!

20-02-20, 00:15
I too understand how anxiety takes over. Amazing once I can get my brain to a better place and all the aches and pains go away. I start with health anxiety after my father died 7 years ago. Every year anxiety manifest differently. One year chest pains. one year stomach issues etc.

20-02-20, 08:52
It’s terrible isn’t it.
Ive spent years and years jumping from one illness to another, convinced that each one is real this time.
Im having cbt, but not sure this will help.