View Full Version : How long can a cough linger?

15-02-20, 14:38
Hello everyone,

Both my husband and I got bad viral cold about a month ago. Both he and I went to our doctors - he had chest x-ray, because of exceptionally bad cough, and my doctor listened to my lungs and said the lungs were totally clear. The problem is, I still have cough, off and on. It is also weird : I would not have it for, like , three days at all, and on the fourth day I would again have some dry cough. Sometimes even in the night. And then again, I would have none for 2 days. What the hell is it? I do not feel sick, or stuffed up, although I heard your nose does not have to be running to give you post-nasal drip. I should also say that my husband also still feels like one side is stuffed, and he coughs.

Needless to say, you know what started coming into my mind: lung c. I truly want to get rid of this horrible thought, because my doctor did listen carefully to my lungs! I just want you guys to tell me whether you would go to the doctor again or not? The unwanted thoughts keep coming back, but at the same time I do not want to go to the clinic again, sit in the waiting room among people with colds and all kinds of viruses... I just want to get rid of those thoughts.

Please help with a friendly thought or a piece of advice. Can cough after viral upper respiratory infection, last this long ( a month more or less)? I did not have bad cold or flu for several years before this winter. I do not smoke and do not have any other symptoms.

15-02-20, 15:10
Hi Lana

From what I've heard, coughs can persist for weeks, like 4 to 6 weeks in some cases. It's unlikely you both just developed lung cancer out of nowhere at the same time. As always, if you're concerned, see your GP. It is possible that you are suffering minor complications from the illness and it is also possible to go straight from one illness to another. This is cold and flu season after all.

15-02-20, 15:10
Coughs are the last thing to go away for me after I’ve had upper respiratory stuff. They literally last for weeks. The first couple three weeks are a productive cough (coughing crap up) then I have a dry lingering cough for at least a couple more weeks from there. I make sure to drink tons of water and run a humidifier to help keep airways moistened. And suck on cough lozenges to help. But yes it’s totally normal.

15-02-20, 15:12
Weeks and weeks, it can feel like forever.

The thing is, long after the bug is gone, the cough irritates your throat and makes you cough more.. it's a vicious selfsustaining cycle.

15-02-20, 16:15
Thank you guys, very much.

15-02-20, 17:51
Nearly 6 months in my experience, that was the longest one I had. NancyW is also right, the cough and resulting irritation can become it's own self sustaining cycle.

However, it would be a good idea to try and take a look at something here. You had a chest infection and a cough, and even though you know what it is, you're still worried about lung cancer. It would be a good idea to take a look at this reaction and see how ridiculous health anxiety can be.