View Full Version : Having a Hard Time

16-02-20, 02:53
I know I’ve been posting a lot this week, when I’m sick with a bug my health anxiety goes into overdrive. Still trying to work on it. I came down with something Monday night, it really hit me hard Tuesday, and I have the worst cough and after my phone appointment with a doctor he suspected bronchitis from the way I’m feeling. Tight airways, inflammation, gasping at times, dry coughing fits that leave my throat raw and sand paper like. He put me on Prednisone for five days at 40mg a day. I’ve taken it three times before in my life and I know I’m fine when I take it but I’m still anxious. I even had my husband double check with the pharmacist if I can take Robittusin and Allegra and she said yes it’s totally fine but I’m afraid to do it. I know I need to. Allergy season is starting to kick into gear here and I need my allergy pills daily to not be affected but mixing meds worries me. I’m also worried this feeling in my throat will never go away. Just here to vent and see if anyone has ever had the same thoughts. Thank you guys for always being kind and helpful. I really do appreciate it

16-02-20, 12:41
I absolutely always struggle with my HA when I come down with a bug that involves my airways. Doesn’t matter if it’s a simple cold, it will always end up in my chest and that’s the part that sends my HA into overdrive. I’ve had bronchitis almost every year since high school lol, so you’d think by now I’d be fully aware and comfortable with the symptoms. But it’s like my brain forgets once I’m well and the next time I go through all the same crap over again. So I totally understand what you’re going through.

I just got over the flu - B strain. I say “got over” but I still have that deep chesty cough that is sometimes productive and sometimes not. And it still stresses me out - I’m just trying to find other things to distract me from it. Best of luck and get well soon!