View Full Version : Started waking up in the middle of the night to pee

17-02-20, 18:14

I’m a 34 year old male and in the last week or so I’ve started waking up around 4:30am needing to pee after going to sleep at midnight.

This is different for me, I’ve never really needed to go during the night before. I usually stop drinking juice around 9 or 10pm, go to the toilet before sleep and I still need to go.

I tried stopping drinks after dinner at 6pm the other night and I was able to go the whole night without needing to go but I still woke up about 2am and could have probably went but I chose to sleep through it.

Most nights I have started waking around 2am and needing to pee between 4-4:30am. I don’t think I have any other symptoms - I go a normal amount of times during the day, it feels like I am emptying my bladder also. I’m just really concerned something awful is wrong now that I’ve started this new routine.

Thank you in advance.

17-02-20, 18:29
How is this even remotely a concern? Welcome to aging.

Positive thoughts

17-02-20, 18:36
Thank you for your reassuring response, I was worried because that it just didn’t seem normal for me that it was something to worry about. Phew :)

17-02-20, 19:41
I almost always sleep through the night, that being said there are times when I will go through periods of having to use the bathroom in the night, usually around 4/5ish. My husband is the same with never usually needing to go but will have to on occasions also.

Positive vibes,


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20-02-20, 00:18
Same here. Welcome to aging.

21-02-20, 08:29
Thanks everyone, I have definitely calmed down a bit about it. I just couldn’t get my head around why it was a sudden change but I guess it is one of those things that can’t subtly change!

22-02-20, 12:34
Yeah, to use the Colonial Vernacular, :winks: "growing old sucks".