View Full Version : Face sensation

17-02-20, 21:04
Hi can anybody help me I have this like buzzing numb feeling above my lip it’s not completely numb I can feel it still it’s just an odd sensation the more I focus on it it makes it worse .. I have attached a picture can anybody relate I’m trying not to doctor google :( thanks for reading

17-02-20, 23:49
Hi can anybody help me I have this like buzzing numb feeling above my lip it’s not completely numb I can feel it still it’s just an odd sensation the more I focus on it it makes it worse .. I have attached a picture can anybody relate I’m trying not to doctor google :( thanks for reading

Hiya, I've had this from time to time, I also get it around my ear. With me, its a bit of peripheral neuropathy, which is benign but can last for several weeks or months. I have CFS so it's also a part of that. You can have this partial numbness for no reason at all. Stress can make it worse.

19-02-20, 21:14
Had this many times myself. No idea what causes it, but I’m still alive and well

19-02-20, 21:35
I now have an eye twitch same side and am convinced I have some horrible neuro disease I hate this

19-02-20, 21:52
If focusing on it makes it worse, it stands to reason that getting on with life and ignoring it will probably make it go away.

Try it for a few days.