View Full Version : Going mad!

05-10-07, 09:59
It's breast cancer awareness month, there is to much information about the place that it is freaking me out...all the statistics and stories. I have to take deep breaths and relax, today is really bad and I am battling to cope for some reason, half of me wants to run to the doctor and order every test in the book. So I need to try and excersise self control and stop imagining all the pains. I can normally not stress about it because I am aware of it and examin regularly but lately I am sure i am imagining things.

Just wish I could come right now! it's just not cool getting stressed out over absolutely everything.

sorry just needed a bit of a rant. :blush: I think fear has been developing over the last couple of weeks I have an earlier post when it first kicked off.

05-10-07, 11:29
Hi Janieb,

I so understand where you are coming from. Breast cancer is one of the biggies for me.

Big hugs for you.:hugs:

Lisa x

05-10-07, 11:40
It's something that always worries me too. I can go along for a smear test, and although obviously I am concerned, the fear is different as I know a smear test picks up pre cancerous cells. However when I had to go for a mammogram a couple of weeks ago I was petrified of getting the results. Thankfully my results were normal, but I know that only means the mammogram picked up nothing and doesn't mean I can be complacent. I hate reading about how many people have breast cancer, the stories scare the heck out of me :mad:

05-10-07, 20:27
All this awareness stuff is horrible. It will maybe save a few lives. But for us anxiety sufferers you almost think it would be better to die in ignorance and happiness than spending your whole live petrified about something you may not even get.

I'm sure it's all this awareness stuff that tipped me over the edge in the first place, meningitus awareness, testicular cancer awareness, the sun could implode at any moment awareness.


06-10-07, 02:26
I can understand how these awareness themes increase our anxieties. I know I use the wrong approach but I try not to watch things I know will worry me or things I know I can't do anything about. I don't buy papers either because they always print bad news and love to scaremonger because they think it sells!

I know that there are very sad stories but I would like to say that my mother was diagnosed with this 20 years ago but because she noticed it early survived and is still here at over 80. Also my sister had this a few years ago and she's also doing ok.

I know this sort of things makes us very anxious but the earlier its found the better things turn out.

06-10-07, 14:42
Wow ...I'm not the only one who feels like this! I'd like to say thank goodness but I can't as I hate to think of anyone suffering this fear as I have

I had a mammogram and it scared the heck out of me but glad i did. I still worry though but only when my anxiety is high. I hate checking myself cause I have come to realise breast tissue is lumpy for some women like me and i worry over every lump or bump.

I keep telling myself I am healthy and well...body, mind and soul over and over

Really its just anxiety that makes us think there is something wrong with us. Its just that we cant find a reason for feeling anxious so our mind turns this onto thinking there is something wrong with us.

Hang in there...have a mammogram to put your mind at rest if you think that will help . you are not going mad!

keep in touch

08-10-07, 10:33
I'm sure it's all this awareness stuff that tipped me over the edge in the first place, meningitus awareness, testicular cancer awareness, the sun could implode at any moment awareness.


LOL I seriously liked that :) Thank you for your replies! and thank you Bill for your encouraging story it's nice to have something positive for a change amounst all this worrying.
