View Full Version : Burning rubber smell

18-02-20, 09:52
So last night out of nowhere at home I thought I could smell burning rubber, and asked someone in the room with me and they said they couldn’t smell it. I just thought it was someone who had been cooking so left it. Then today I was at a completely different place and smelt a similar smell (also where a kitchen was nearby...)... I’m panicking now I have a brain tumour or something! I’m only 23 and really scared now :(

18-02-20, 13:14
Anyone !? :(

18-02-20, 14:56
i’m panicking now i have a brain tumour or something!

stop googling.

18-02-20, 22:40
stop googling.

I haven’t googled. I have studied physiology and I know that phantom smells can indicate a brain tumour. Do you think i should be worried or just try and let it go? Has anybody else experience this before and it hasn’t been something sinister?

18-02-20, 23:18
I haven’t googled. I have studied physiology and I know that phantom smells can indicate a brain tumour. Do you think i should be worried or just try and let it go? Has anybody else experience this before and it hasn’t been something sinister?

Yeah but brain tumors are rare man. Have you been to the doctor to get your sinus checked out?

19-02-20, 21:13
When brain tumours cause “phantom smells” (olfactory seizures) the smell is overwhelming. It will completely ensnare you for about 2 to 3 minutes. Covering your nose won’t make the smell go away, as it’s your brain causing the smell, not the nose.

If you had experienced an olfactory seizure, you would also have had accompanying symptoms.

This was not a seizure. Fear not.

Good luck

09-04-20, 17:05
When brain tumours cause “phantom smells” (olfactory seizures) the smell is overwhelming. It will completely ensnare you for about 2 to 3 minutes. Covering your nose won’t make the smell go away, as it’s your brain causing the smell, not the nose.

If you had experienced an olfactory seizure, you would also have had accompanying symptoms.

This was not a seizure. Fear not.

Good luck

I get this overwhelming smell - particularly in the mornings and it's definitely inside my nose... it really scares me. I also get pressure at bridge of my nose and dizziness. I had an MRI on my head because of a seizure I had but they found absolutely nothing wrong. They think it was exhaustion and dehydration. It's freaking me out though. I still get the smell in the mornings and when I blow my nose and the pressure on bridge of nose. Terrified.