View Full Version : An antibiotic to treat anxiety?

18-02-20, 12:14
Guys! I was just watching This Morning where they were doing a phone-in about living with depression and anxiety.

A lady called in who suffers with health anxiety, and the psychiatrist in the studio discussed this with her. She said it is classed as “instrusive thoughts” which is part of the OCD spectrum.
The psychiatrist said this....

“There is a treatment available, and your GP may not know about it, but there is a drug called SEROMYCIN, which is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis.
Now what we think happens with that drug is, there is an area of the brain called the medulla - which gives you the fear response. For some reason, people who take that drug, it starts to minimise the fear response, so with psychotherapy or with therapy you start to get a physiological break in that fear experience. So I would definitely speak to your GP about that.
There is also a treatment called Transcranium Magnetics Simulation which sees fast results, but you will have to pay privately for it. However, it is NICE guidelines approved so you could push your GP about it and see what happens”

So yeah.... has anyone tried either of these treatments or heard about them? I’m always excited to hear about new options! SSRIs havnt really agreed with me up until now, so looking for other options!

18-02-20, 12:22
I saw this and will definitely ask my gp.
I've also started cbt
Glad you posted, because I couldn't remember the name of the antibiotic.

18-02-20, 12:36
I saw this and will definitely ask my gp.
I've also started cbt
Glad you posted, because I couldn't remember the name of the antibiotic.

I literally paused the TV and grabbed a pen!!!
Will you let me know what your GP says? I’m not seeing mine til March 2nd.

I’ve looked up some research articles on the drug, and it seems it’s good for “unlearning” fears when used alongside exposure therapy or similar.

18-02-20, 12:43
My appointment is also the 2nd March x

18-02-20, 17:49
You take such a strong antibiotic ( for Tuberculosis, no less), and pave the way for getting Clostridium Difficile Infection, which sometimes ( depending on a person), can be deadly. Great remedy for anxiety - NOT. Whoever would willingly take antibiotics when they are not absolutely needed, opens a gate for other health problems.

18-02-20, 21:52
You take such a strong antibiotic ( for Tuberculosis, no less), and pave the way for getting Clostridium Difficile Infection, which sometimes ( depending on a person), can be deadly. Great remedy for anxiety - NOT. Whoever would willingly take antibiotics when they are not absolutely needed, opens a gate for other health problems.
I’m with you on this one Lana! I’ve had C Diff three times and it is HORRIBLE! I’m not to take any antibiotics unless it’s an absolute must and/or a life and death situation. I am terrified of antibiotics and it’s been seven years since I’ve had C Diff. It gave me PTSD and although I’m better, I still tend to obsess over my bowel movements from time to time. I have IBS so if I get a bout of diarrhea, which is frequent some weeks, I still get a bit nervous. It’s crazy!

18-02-20, 23:31
I’m with you on this one Lana! I’ve had C Diff three times and it is HORRIBLE! I’m not to take any antibiotics unless it’s an absolute must and/or a life and death situation. I am terrified of antibiotics and it’s been seven years since I’ve had C Diff. It gave me PTSD and although I’m better, I still tend to obsess over my bowel movements from time to time. I have IBS so if I get a bout of diarrhea, which is frequent some weeks, I still get a bit nervous. It’s crazy!

I agree 100 % , only a person who did not experience C Diff , can take antibiotics nilly - willy. I also had C Diff , 4 years ago, and the same here: never got over the fear of that horrible, horrible infection. And yes, I too - and many, many people who had it- remain with pretty much severe PTSD. I was on the forum for C DIff, and it is almost across the board; eternal fear from it, and fear that one day, God forbid, they will have to take antibiotics. All the best to you StephA, and let's hope and pray we will never again have to take antibiotics.

19-02-20, 07:59
I don’t think the idea of taking antibiotics for severe health anxiety is taking them ‘Willy Nilly’
Thousands and thousands of people take them and do not get Cdif !
Surely a Doctor would be best to advise.
My dad had cdif so I know how horrible this is .

19-02-20, 14:19
I agree 100 % , only a person who did not experience C Diff , can take antibiotics nilly - willy. I also had C Diff , 4 years ago, and the same here: never got over the fear of that horrible, horrible infection. And yes, I too - and many, many people who had it- remain with pretty much severe PTSD. I was on the forum for C DIff, and it is almost across the board; eternal fear from it, and fear that one day, God forbid, they will have to take antibiotics. All the best to you StephA, and let's hope and pray we will never again have to take antibiotics.
All the best to you as well Lana!
pb, you can do as you choose, but C Diff isn’t the only issue that can stem from unnecessary use of antibiotics. Overuse, unnecessary use or whatever you want to call is poses bigger concerns as well. Why do you think superbugs are so common? I’ve spoken to all my doctor’s since they know my history, and they all say antibiotics are to never be used unless you have a bacterial infection. They’re way, way over prescribed, and that is the main reason there are many superbugs. Anxiety is NOT a bacterial infection. Not trying to jump all over you so please don’t take offense. Again you do what you choose and I wish you the best. Nobody understands C Diff unless they’ve been through it themselves. Not saying you’ll get it and I’m not trying to scare you or be an ass about it, but those of us who have had it and talked to doctors about it know that it’s becoming way more common than you think. My own doctor who is well versed in C Diff, with many years of experience and training even told me she wished they’d take a couple of antibiotics off the shelves and although some antibiotics are less likely to cause it, they ALL have the risk of causing C Diff. Just FYI though!

19-02-20, 14:24
Can I join in here? I genuinely think I'd rather live with the worst of my anxiety than contribute to the ever-growing antibiotic resistance problem. Severe health anxiety is hell, but it's a lot less likely to kill you than an untreatable infection, and those are going to get a lot more common in days to come.

19-02-20, 14:46
Surely people who run to the doctors demanding antibiotics for colds and flu are contributing to antibiotic resistance illness, not people who take them for health anxiety and are unable to take alternative medication.
By the way , I think the last time I took antibiotics was about 20 years ago.

19-02-20, 14:51
Same here, PB, with the exception of a couple of instances when I've used a topical ointment - once after facial surgery and once after an infected insect bite.

Except in the rarest of cases, though, while it's exceptionally distressing and often debilitating, health anxiety isn't dangerous. My personal take is that talking therapies should be more readily available - multiple varieties, not just CBT - but that antibiotics won't ever be the answer.

19-02-20, 14:53
The real question here is how does it work. Everything I've learned over the last 10 years points towards poor gut bacteria being one of the reasons for anxiety (there is much evidence for this), and a strong antibiotic basically wipes the slate clean. You kill everything, good and bad. Perhaps people feel relief from anxiety for a while (although antibiotics always ramp up my anxiety ten fold). But the real issue with this is when they re-stock their bad gut bacteria because they haven't changed anything else in their life.

Severe health anxiety is a habitual issue, not a medical one. You don't catch it and it's not genetic. It's a place you get to because of negative and destructive habitual thought patterns that are reinforced over time.

19-02-20, 14:57
I am currently having cbt to help me deal with my health anxiety.
No way are antibiotics a definitive treatment , I think they are a consideration for some people.

19-02-20, 15:02
If somebody has something like SIBO or another infection that cannot be treated another way AND is having an effect on their mental health, then sure.

19-02-20, 15:51
Oh wow, this became quite a debate! But that’s a good thing!
However, I have to disagree that severe HA is not life threatening. I’ve been suicidal over this relentless illness, and know others who have been too. When your desperation is so extreme, and the NHS has you on waiting lists of 12 months+ to get any form of help, hell yeah...I’d try antibiotics for some short term relief!
I agree that it isn’t a long term solution though, and from research Ive done on this drug, it seems it is to be taken alongside cognitive therapy as it boosts your ability to unlearn negative behaviours. Once therapy finishes, so does the drug.
I’d also imagine it would be a low dosage too. But I suppose that’s for the gp to decide.

I’ve worked as a nurse, and have seen the awful effects of C-Diff and MRSA. I know that risk needs to be factored in when deciding on the suitability of this drug. That’s a discussion to have with the GP I suppose. As with any drug, the benefits would have to outweigh the risks! But my need is such, that I’m not gonna rule it out as an option!

Also AnxietyJoe...I’m interested in that theory about poor gut bacteria. I need to look into that as I have another physiological illness that has been associated with poor gut bacteria too, so it could make sense for me!

19-02-20, 16:16
Can I join in here? I genuinely think I'd rather live with the worst of my anxiety than contribute to the ever-growing antibiotic resistance problem. Severe health anxiety is hell, but it's a lot less likely to kill you than an untreatable infection, and those are going to get a lot more common in days to come.

Me too, absolutely. By the way, I have realized , being for couple of years on that C DIff Forum I mentioned, that people who NEVER suffered from health anxiety before C DIff, developed severe health anxiety after the illness. Antibiotics, through C DIff, severely destroy your gut flora, directly - in my opinion based on experience - affecting the way your brain works. My anxiety and especially health anxiety is a thousand times worse after C Diff. I am now not only scared of usual suspects - cancer, neurological decline and similar - but also of food. Food people!!! Whether it is properly washed, cooked, handled and so on. I have not been eating out for four years now, and when we sometimes go out, I always order almost burnt cheese pizza. I wash my hands tens of times a day, and I am scared to death when I have to use public bathroom. So - there.

19-02-20, 16:23
Ow, Lana, I'm sorry. I gave myself salmonella over the holidays by making a mistake with food prep, but luckily it didn't trigger my HA, although I'm definitely more cautious now.

19-02-20, 19:00
Ow, Lana, I'm sorry. I gave myself salmonella over the holidays by making a mistake with food prep, but luckily it didn't trigger my HA, although I'm definitely more cautious now.


02-03-20, 10:29
PB, did you see your GP today about this? I wimped out of mentioning it and have ended up with Prozac!

02-03-20, 20:29
I cancelled appointment due to work and have rebooked for next week.
I will definitely let you know if I ask.