View Full Version : My Worries

03-02-20, 16:45
Hi guys, so here I am again, fearing something else is happening with me... I quit smoking in the beginning of January as a new years resolution, being successful so far, the thing is my breathing is a lot worse since, I've been coughing a lot and have been having this weird dark thick phlegm with the cough, I've seen the pneumologist about this as my whole family has asthma (dad, mom, and sister) and he referred me to have some tests done to see if I have asthma, he told me is normal to experience coughing after quitting smoking, the thing is when I breathe in I feel like I can't breathe in deeply, I feel like a chest tickle or discomfort in the middle that makes me cough... He gave me some expectorant and antibiotics, I've finished the antibiotics which worked cause my phlegm is no longer dark, but still taking the expectorant,... What is really bothering me is this breathing in thing... Has anybody else feel this? And any ex smokers out here?

03-02-20, 16:57
Also I'm 23, what I'm mostly worried about is lung emphysema, I'm terrified of this...

03-02-20, 21:15

03-02-20, 21:35
Hiyer, I have up smoking errrrrmmmmmm......20 years ago. I can still now remember how much I coughed in the months afterwards, as did my husband. We both, oddly, also developed a strep throat infection! Well, I think it was both of us, well it was certainly me LOL Congratulations on managing to quit - the lungs take months to clear and niggling tickly feelings are certainly what some people have and thick mucous. You are now under a specialist and I'm sure they will find out if you have asthma or not, but I think the important thing to remember is that you've done a very important thing regarding your future health.

bin tenn
04-02-20, 06:34
I agree with Carys. Also congrats on quitting, I should really do the same. The thick, dark phlegm I'd say is likely the lungs expelling all the junk that built up over time from the smoking. It doesn't take much at all for that crap to build up in there. Hope you feel well soon.

04-02-20, 17:44
Yeah I thought about it too, probably my lungs cleaning up and all this mucus are making me have this shortness of breath, is like, I can't take a deep breath I feel like coughing, and now it hurts from the cough, right in the middle of my chest...im currently worrying a bit about emphysema and lung c... I do feel some congestion in my lungs sometimes... It's so annoying, I really am trying to do better at dealing with this ha thing, I've bee suffering with it for years and my boyfriend is really losing his patience... Im scared I have some lung condition and nobody believes me...thanks for the congrats, other Than this I've been feeling better even though this feeling has left me really anxious and is really making me uncomfortable... Thanks for the reassurance though...

07-02-20, 02:21
I quit about 9 months ago and still am coughing crap up lol. It’s getting better tho! Stick with it and congrats on kicking the habit!!

Pea Tear Griffin
07-02-20, 14:34
Its normal your lungs are clearing themselves out.

11-02-20, 23:15
Hey guys, I've been really stressing about this one today, I've had this pain in my lower left side (flank) ghat radiates to my ribs for about two years now... It always gets worse during that time of the month...ive been to two doctors and they both told me its muscular...but I'm still so scared of it being the c word, I feel fine other than that, and I don't have any weight loss as I actually have been putting in some weight... My question is, if this pain was something worrisome, probably two years would make it much worse than what it is now right? Trying to be rational here as I am on the verge of a panic attack again

11-02-20, 23:29
Hey guys, I've been really stressing about this one today, I've had this pain in my lower left side (flank) ghat radiates to my ribs for about two years now... It always gets worse during that time of the month...ive been to two doctors and they both told me its muscular...but I'm still so scared of it being the c word, I feel fine other than that, and I don't have any weight loss as I actually have been putting in some weight... My question is, if this pain was something worrisome, probably two years would make it much worse than what it is now right? RIGHT! Trying to be rational here as I am on the verge of a panic attack again

Positive thoughts

12-02-20, 01:27
Dear Bruna, I have tenderness in the very same spot as you. Sometimes it really hurts, but I usually only notice it when I’m getting a massage. I’ve had it for over a decade. It cropped up during a time when my health anxiety was well-controlled so I don’t think I’ve ever even mentioned it to my doctor.

I figure if it’s gone on that long, it must Not be anything to worry about. I think the same thing is true for you. So, I agree with “rational” Bruno and Fishmanpa.

Best to you :hugs:

12-02-20, 10:52
Thank you for your replies, it really helped putting my mind at ease, I usually deal well with this one, but always during that time of the month the pain flares up a bit and I start worrying myself sick again... And I do have a big history of muscle knots on my back so I'm guessing it might be that, still have that little thought on the back of my head telling me it's something worse, it's like I can't control it

12-02-20, 16:57
That’s the crazy thing about health anxiety. So often there is a rational part part of you that is handling life and your body quirks, but this irrational part takes over and rules. I dislike it very much :mad:

Hang in there. I hope you get feeling better soon. :hugs:

13-02-20, 18:37
I have the exact same thing. It's right above my hip bone on the left side of my back. For the past 12 months or so it only flared up during the time of my month, but this month it hasn't gone away at all. Problem is, I recently moved and haven't had a chance to go to the dr yet. Am in so much pain at the moment, I will have to go soon.

15-02-20, 10:47
Mine is right under my ribs, around my waistline... Im really scared as I heard people can go years with pain as the cancer is spreading and then they ignore the pain and when they finally check it out is too late, I'm scared as the doctors didn't even tell me to check it or anything... Im falling down the rabbit hole again

18-02-20, 22:47
Hey guys, don't know if I'm the only one but everytime I hear about someone dying, especially celebrities I always get really anxious and usually it ruins my whole day... This only happens though when they are young or when it's heart related death, I get really anxious and start thinking the same is going to happen to me. Does anyone know how to deal with this?

18-02-20, 22:50
Stop reading the articles that cause the anxiety. It's really quite hard to hear or read about these things by mistake, so avoid the media outlets that supply you with these stories.

18-02-20, 22:54
Yap that's what I try to do, I don't even go to my social network anymore because of that, but there is always a friend or a family member that brings it up

19-02-20, 23:23
Hey guys, once again, has anybody here had a 24 Holter? I have been having regular palps, I do notice though that they are way worse when I'm more anxious, and there are days where I dont have any, I talked to a cardiologist who then told me to have some tests done. I had a 24 Holter monitor, and ekg, a stress test and a doppler scan... Nothing abnormal showed up apart for some low heart beats when I was sleeping and more relaxed and some tachycardia from when I felt anxious... It did pick up some of my palpitations, the doctor told me these were normal ones and the everyone has them, but on the day I did the Holter I didn't have any big ones like I do sometimes, can it have missed something? I just had this big one I even had to stand up for it to stop and now I'm panicking.

19-02-20, 23:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


20-02-20, 17:03
Is what accurate? What question are you asking?

24-02-20, 00:58
Hey, struggling here.

So I have been having this pain in my back just below my ribs on the left side for two years now, the doctors didn't want to run any tests on me, they only told me it was muscular, the thing is I always notice that the pain does get worse around my period and my ovulation, other than that I can get away with only feeling it when I move to the side or roll over in bed... My question is, do you ladies find that some painful ares or any other kinds of physical issues get worse during your period or ovulation time? I try to be rational and think that since it's an area relatively close to my uterus it does feel a bit of the inflammation that's going on during the time of the month... Is this possible?

24-02-20, 01:57
With hormones lots of things are possible. Having the pain for 2 years means that it's nothing seriously wrong, which is good. I'll leave it for others to comment as to what they think :)

24-02-20, 13:38

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


25-02-20, 03:11
Hey guys, I'm really struggling here, I convinced myself I have bone cancer, I started having this pain in my flanc just below my ribs about two years ago, two doctors told me it's muscular but didn't run any tests on me or anything, the thing is around a year ago the pain started radiating to my ribs once in a while and today it is more painful than before, it does get much worse with certain movements and some days it hurts more than others, but I'm really freaking out here as I heard of people having back pain for some time and later finding out its bone cancer

25-02-20, 04:05
Can't stop crying as I saw someone on the forum that said they knew this girl who had a backache and passed away due to sarcoma, I'm super nauseous right now and crying so much my chest hurts

I'm really convinced I have it, it's impossible that this pain s a muscle knot that has been here for 2 years

25-02-20, 08:04
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


27-02-20, 20:24
Hy guys, I started having this flank pain two years ago, trying to put it down as muscular because two doctors already told me it was muscular, but the thing is, my last rib on the left side feels tender and is hurting a bit, it really hurts when I press in it, it has been like this for around three months now and I'm starting to get scared as I'm afraid it has turned into cancer and now spreading to my ribs, I believe the flank pain is muscular now because I have a muscle knot there where it hurts, I can feel it right on my muscle, could the rib pain be related to that as it is right in top of the knot? The knot as caused the muscles on my back on my left side to be all tender around my ribcage and a little on my upper back so could the rib pain be due to that?

27-02-20, 20:40
I think you need to use some logic and common sense here especially in light of what the medical professionals have affirmed.

Positive thoughts

28-02-20, 23:16
I'm only scared because I haven't talked to them yet about this rib pain... I don't know if it is normal for muscle knots to cause referes pain especially in my ribs

02-03-20, 22:17
Hey guys, just wanted to know if I'm alone on this one. I had heart exams done about three months ago due to palps, everything was fine apart from some bradichardia while resting, and it wasn't even that bad alot of people I guess have it. The thing is, when I'm in the middle of a confrontation let's say with a really nasty costumer my heart starts racing alot, sometimes I even get palps and flutters on my chest, a week ago I had a huge fight with my boyfriend (which is not normal) and i actually felt a little bit of pain in the middle of my chest. I don't feel dizzy or anything, just shaky and this fast heart rate and palps, the most concerning to me are the palps. Does anyone experience this or is this worrisome?

02-03-20, 23:11

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


03-03-20, 05:16
Yes, this has happened to me. I even went through a phase when dealing with awkward customers would sometimes trigger a visual migraine.

Our hearts are strong, and so are we. You'll be fine.

03-03-20, 10:10
It's completely normal. It's just the surge of adrenaline doing it.

03-03-20, 14:52
That reassures me, it almost feels like my heart is going to stop at any moment, but since I did all the tests and everything is fine I guess there is nothing wrong right?

03-03-20, 14:53
Exactly, yes. Nothing's wrong.

06-03-20, 21:18
Hey there, so I'm here to ask if anyone experienced this before, these last months have been rough on me when it comes to my feminine health, I have ovulation pain and spotting, and now very bad pms symptoms, last month I came down with a horrible headache the week prior my period and during my period, and along with that, I felt really depressed anxious and irritable, now this month, I've been experiencing waves of nausea and dizziness, along with much more anxiety, depression and again irritable, I feel like these symptoms could be due to hormones, I feel like mine have been all over the place lately, I don't take any kind of pill or anything, has anybody experience these symptoms before? I could really use the help right now

06-03-20, 21:25
Unfortunately yes, I get all of those with my cycles... which is why I take the pill for three months and only break for 4 days! I’m not dealing with the silly hormones!

I’d have a chat with your dr if you can, they can offer solutions to ease the symptoms. No point in suffering with it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-03-20, 07:27
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


07-03-20, 07:58
Yes, and the more stressed I am or my diet is bad then the worse it is. Maybe just keep that in mind.

09-03-20, 17:39
Hey guys, I see a lot of people here talking about rapid heartrate, but does anybody here experience the opposite? A slow hr? I had a 24 hour Holter monitor and while sleeping my hr went down to 40 bpm and awake a resting pulse in the 40's 50's while relaxed, not overly worried now, I used to be more worried before, just curious if anyone has this and is it normal?

09-03-20, 19:01
Mine are the same. No holter because the doc says I am perfectly healthy.

I go through a monthly hr rate cycle. From low 40s and sometimes at 60s as resting heart rate. Nothing to worry about. Bradycardia has symptoms. If you aren’t passing out randomly, you’re fine. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-03-20, 19:53
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


28-04-20, 23:16
Its anxiety, you are actually taking in too much air with panic breathing and it makes you feel as though you cant fill your lungs. breath into a paper bag for a few minutes and it will pass.