View Full Version : Red patch on tonsil

19-02-20, 11:12
Hi everyone
Thank you for taking the time to read my thread

For the last 6 months I’ve had a ridiculous amount of tonsil stones in my left tonsil.

Just before Christmas I noticed that the bottom half of my tonsil is red and inflamed.

I tried to forget about it over the Christmas and just enjoy family time

In January I went to the drs 3 times , I feel that they didn’t look enough at the tonsil ..... just felt my neck and then dismissed it

The 3rd time I went I was put on antibiotics which made no difference,
I then went back , had a swab , nothing showed on the results

I went back last week and the dr said he’ll put me on antibiotics again

I asked every time I’ve been whether it could be tonsil cancer ( I’m petrified of getting cancer )
The drs have all said I show no signs but I really can’t understand why my tonsil is so red .

I’m not eating or sleeping and feel so anxious all the time

Thank you for reading and letting me vent ,

20-02-20, 09:10
Oh bless you....I’ve recently been through a tonsil cancer worry too!
I noticed a honeycomb pattern in white and brown on my tonsil, yet my tonsil wasn’t swollen! Cue weeks of panic and looking at other people’s tonsils on google. I finally went to my dentist. She told me it’s completely normal. Chatted to me about it loads, and even did an X-ray to reassure me.
I know I could continue to obsess, and hold a mirror to my mouth for several hours a day, but I figure she sees inside a lot of mouths every day, and knows a lot more about it than I do!
You need to try to do the same. Try to trust the professionals! They know what they’re doing much better than we do!
Are you due a dental check-up? They do check your soft tissues for signs of oral cancers as part of the checkup. So if you’ve been getting regular check ups, that’d be another reason to let it go!