View Full Version : Pain in Armpit

05-10-07, 10:47

I'm a bit worried this morning, well i have been for about 4 days, I have this pain in my right armpit , it feels muscular the way i move it and uncomfortable. It's not sore when im sitting still, ive checked myself (about a million times) and cant find any lumps or bumps well at least i dont think i can. I'm getting a bit freaked in case its the start of breast cancer as its so prevalent nowadays, i am trying to keep calm but its hard , any idea what this could be...................??:blush:

shirley xx

05-10-07, 11:02
Hi Shirley,

I remember posting about this symptom not long after I joined nmp hun. I had it for a long long time along with the lump in my throat. My doctor sent me for a mammogram and I remember going into the room crying with fear only to reasured by a lovely nurse who told me that with breast cancer pain is very very rare. My mammogram was ok and I very rarely have that pain now and if I do get a twinge I ignore it and its gone(wish it was like that with my other pains lol) My advise to you would be to try and ignore the pain I used to go for a run or play tennis anything to occupy my mind and 90% of the time by the time I remembered I had the pain it wasn't there anymore. Hope this helps to reassure you a wee bit Shirley hun :hugs: xxx

05-10-07, 12:51
Hi Kitty,

i reguarly get pain under my armpit, i find its either related to PMS or i'm sure i tense that area causing myself the pain. If you've been 'checking' a lot believe me it will make it ache.
CBT thought - just because its in the news/all over our magazines it doesn't mean you'll have it.
October is breast cancer awareness month which is obvioulsy great, but with ha its really hard to cope with. I remember october last year there being loads of similar posts.
hth, love anx xx

05-10-07, 13:42
I had this this morning.... how strange...... i find my self always checking for pains lumps and bumps. and the more i check the more i find things. im always worrying that im going to have cancer or something like that, so im always looking for it i guess. I know just how you feel, im sure its nothing hun. x

05-10-07, 14:44
I had a pain under my left armpit a few years ago and when I felt there I realised there was a soft lump around the size of a 50p piece there and I was really scared about what it could be.

When I went to see my GP I mentioned that I had been stung on my left hand by a wasp a few days before and it turned out that the lump was a swollen lymph node from the wasp sting. I had to keep going back to the GP for her to check the lump and it took about 6wks for it to go down.

I am guessing from my experience that there are many other reasons why a lymph node would swell up like that and as we all have some lymph notes right under the armpit it's easy to jump to the wrong conclusion about the cause of them.

05-10-07, 17:15
Thanks for your replies ,

it does help to get a different perspective on it, ive took an ibuprofen and its settled a bit, i still get really freaked out with this Health anxiety if it doesn't get better i'll see my doctor ( my nice ones back after a years maternity leave thank god!!)l
At least i'm managing not to google and ive not been to my doctor for about 3mths this time so slowly i am getting there, thanks again guys.


miss motown
05-10-07, 23:32
hi kitty i posted about this only last week and i still have the pain in my left armpit i went to my gp as i to was thinking cancer she examined me for lumps but reasures me its muscular and whenever im feeling anxious i seem to tense my shoulders i have noticed i do seem to tense up whenever im feeling abit anxious so maybe your doing the same without realising it but if your still worried maybe a trip to see your gp will put your mind at ease